
Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

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Old 02-11-2009, 09:51 AM   #265
youALREADYknow's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

Originally Posted by Avii
I would like a feat system implemented.

Like a WR with a "Sideline catch" feat will more likely keep his toes in when stretching to catch it on the sideline. Not all the guys who can catch the ball when its thrown to them (massive catch ratings) can do this.
"Catch in DT" feat, "Shake-n-Bake" feat, "Bulldozer" feat, "brick Wall" feat etc, when added to players can create much more realistic player variations than ratings alone can convey.
Why do they need to add gimmicky and corny labels to achieve this? All we're talking about here is triggering a different animation package for different skill sets, so the game already has the data to figure this out.

If my WR has above 90 JMP and SPC and exceeds a certain height, then he should have access to all of the tall player jump ball spectacular catch animations.

My 5'9" WR with 70 JMP and SPC shouldn't be able to use that same animation package.
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Old 02-11-2009, 10:21 AM   #266
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

Originally Posted by Donny_Moore
Calvin Johnson should be fun at least.

You are talking about an 0-16 team, first of it's kind. I believe the expectation (and rightfully so IMO) from most people who care to dabble in this kind of thing, I think that expectation for the Lions in Madden 10 the video game is for them to be the very worst of all 32 teams in the league. I'm talking clear-cut, 32 of 32.

And on paper, aside from Megatron as mention above, the Lions will be pretty bad. Kevin Smith will get a nice bump, he shows signs which is OK, but then you have first round pick Gosder Cherilus....he had a Joe Average year, so he's not much to build around. Ernie Sims is the one nice thing on defense, not much else to get excited about. Name the Lions Corners. See what I mean...

Your turn, now you tell me. If you had two average, evenly matched All-Pro Mode players playing against each other....And they went heads up Steelers vs Lions....each getting to be the Steelers 5 times...what would you EXPECT/WANT the Madden 10 results to be?

Would you want a 50/50 (5-5) Detroit/Pittsburgh split? A 10-0 Steelers sweep?

I have a very strong opinion on this one (as you may or may not tell from this post). Would love to hear where everyone stands on this!
I think, personally, that any given team can beat any other. One of the best things about NFL, you never know whats going to happen. No one had Atlanta or Miami winning 11 games this year.
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Old 02-11-2009, 10:31 AM   #267
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

Originally Posted by Donny_Moore
We are very much taking all the ratings into consideration. I have not done this to one single rating or one single position (blanket, across the board lowering of ratings). So while I do go in and have the intent to lower a particular rating, for a particular position...I do so by hand, for each guy and each rating.

Painful yes, but it really needs that level of attention IMO. Every single NFL player is unique and has his own set of strengths and weaknesses. You can't just go in and say Minus 10 for every player. Doesn't work like that - if you want to do it right of course!

Dev Henderson is a great example...He is super fast (95+) but his CTH and ROUTES are completely average to below average. He might be able to get deep every once in awhile, but this guy is going to falter if you try and make him your #1 and give him 10+ targets a game. He is simply not going to perform with 55 rated hands and 50 rated routes (not sure off top of my head what Devery is, but that is close).

Roy Williams the Safety is another great example...He has Linebacker quality run stopping abilities....Block Shedding, Tackle, Hit Power..But his Pass Coverage skills are very poor in Man Coverage and Zone Coverage.

That is the one thing I ALWAYS look for when creating a player for the first time, creating their ratings. I want to know, what is this guy best at and what is he worst at.
I definitely agree that Henderson's Route Running needs some work, but I don't think he has the worst hands in the league or anything. He is the Saints 'big play' receiver, because of the speed and agility.

Devery Henderson -2008
Targeted: 57
Catches: 32
Drops: 2

The top of my head, when it comes to WR's, I think straight to Terrell Owens, who is usually the perennial leader on Dropped passes. But since he's such a physical specimen, he's a beast.

Last edited by bgizle; 02-11-2009 at 10:33 AM.
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Old 02-11-2009, 10:33 AM   #268
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

[quote=youALREADYknow;2039174442] Do you really think there are only 100 variations of speed between all football players, let alone 5?


There's about 15 different speed variations in the nfl 4.2 to 5.7. The hundredths place in the 40 yd dash is basically insignificant. For speed, the numbers aren't the problem, the problem is that there is too much of a differential between slower players and faster ones. Wide receivers don't cover20 yds in the same time it takes a dt to cover 10, but this is what is happening in the game when the dt speed rating is 45 and the wr's rating is 90
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Old 02-11-2009, 11:06 AM   #269
youALREADYknow's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

Originally Posted by shttymcgee
For speed, the numbers aren't the problem, the problem is that there is too much of a differential between slower players and faster ones. Wide receivers don't cover20 yds in the same time it takes a dt to cover 10, but this is what is happening in the game when the dt speed rating is 45 and the wr's rating is 90
I agree, but that is because of the way ratings are converted into game speed (the speed curve). It is not due to the scale of the ratings. Also, variations in speed aren't determined by 40 times. The 40yd dash is mostly acceleration and a few yards of true top speed. You would need to take a split segment of the 100yd dash, for example, to get some better measurement of speed and then you would see huge gaps between elite and average speed.

In an actual football game, players rarely reach their top speed and the in-game speed is mostly agility, acceleration, lateral quickness, and quick decision making. In my opinion, the speed rating is used far too often in EA football games to determine player movement. The idea that a HB's "speed" matters in the backfield like it does in this game is simply absurd to me.

Ray Lewis can gain ground on Chris Johnson in the backfield or between the tackles or on a sweep play, but he's not going to catch him in the open field in a foot race from behind.

Last edited by youALREADYknow; 02-11-2009 at 11:08 AM.
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Old 02-11-2009, 11:44 AM   #270
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

Originally Posted by youALREADYknow
No matter what garbage they choose to show you in game menus, there will ALWAYS be numbers that define a player's performance in video games. These are computers we're talking about people.

Will people please stop asking for numeric ratings to end.

I've even seen people foolishly ask for a "star" rating system in place of the 1-100 scale. What makes someone think that a 5 point scale will be more accurate than a 100 point scale? Do you really think there are only 100 variations of speed between all football players, let alone 5?

Just stop the rating system bashing.
No, thank you, I will not stop asking for the end of numerical ratings. There are very valid points to bring up. Nice try in an attempt to shut me up.

The point that I'm trying to highlight in the imperfections of assigning a numerical OVR value to player is what really separates the 99 players across positions? A 99 QB, WR, LB, RB. Is it speed, catching, throwing? I just think it would be better to highlight that specific player's abilities and throw in their weakness as well. I know behind the scenes numbers are in play. We are dealing with 0's and 1's.
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Old 02-11-2009, 11:45 AM   #271
Dynamite's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

Originally Posted by Jon22
There needs to be acceleration.
Well said, but there more or less needs to be realistic expectations on the O-Line. These are 5 yard burst type of guys, meaning that they need to be swift in a 5 yard box all around them, whereas a running back needs end-line speed, with quick top speed. Hometown Buffet isn't going to beat anyone in a track meet, but you better believe that he's gonna be on you in a second when that ball snaps.
Our purchasing power is being eroded. So especially now, the goods must be held to a standard. We end up happier as consumers, and the companies get a clear message: "We won't tolerate sub-par goods." It's a shame, no one cares to speak with their wallet.
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Old 02-11-2009, 11:54 AM   #272
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

Originally Posted by youALREADYknow
I agree, but that is because of the way ratings are converted into game speed (the speed curve). It is not due to the scale of the ratings. Also, variations in speed aren't determined by 40 times. The 40yd dash is mostly acceleration and a few yards of true top speed. You would need to take a split segment of the 100yd dash, for example, to get some better measurement of speed and then you would see huge gaps between elite and average speed.

In an actual football game, players rarely reach their top speed and the in-game speed is mostly agility, acceleration, lateral quickness, and quick decision making. In my opinion, the speed rating is used far too often in EA football games to determine player movement. The idea that a HB's "speed" matters in the backfield like it does in this game is simply absurd to me.

Ray Lewis can gain ground on Chris Johnson in the backfield or between the tackles or on a sweep play, but he's not going to catch him in the open field in a foot race from behind.
Agreed, my complaint is about how quickly skill position players pull away from DL and LB's, although I question what you mean by huge gaps.
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