
Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

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Old 02-10-2009, 12:05 AM   #137
strong safety's Arena
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This sounds great. Reminds me of what I used to do with the NFL 2K5 editing! Larger gaps between the ratings of star players and scrub players.
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:15 AM   #138
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Re: Madden NFL 10 blog 2: Ratings philosophy by Donny Moore

Originally Posted by Donny_Moore
Yes, Larry Fitgerald is staring 99 JMP right in the face for Madden 10 and is saying "Hello"!!!!! Sorry, what else can we do there, the guy is sick.

I will let others speak to any perceived gameplay issues concerning the JMP rating, I can only speak to rating related issues.

Let me also throw a defensive bone as well here...Mr. 3 Name...Dominique Rodgers Cromartie will join Mr. Fitz at 99 JMP in Madden 10.
If Fitzgerald is a 99 at JMP, then Calvin Johnson needs to be a 109. As high as Fitzgerald gets, NOBODY(except for Moss circa 1999) can go up and get a ball like Johnson as far a pure jumping ability.

That's why I think numerical ratings need to go. They're so mundane and ugly to me. Whose faster between Peterson and Chris Johnson? Who knows? They're both have world class speed at the RB position and that's all that matters. I would venture to say that Leon Washington is probaly faster than them both anyways.
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:31 AM   #139
cedwebb's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

This is really another great piece of info that we are getting. The way I see it, any way we can individualize and differentiate players is a good thing. The one thing that I can't stand in Madden is when in your franchise mode you can just go and sign all these 70 rated CB's with 90+ speed to cover top recievers. It just isn't going to happen. I don't care if a CB has 90+ speed because when he is going against a great WR with great route running ability he is still going to get dusted. Thats the way it should be in Madden.

My question to the guys is since the rating changes what kind of CB/WR interaction are you seeing that is different from last year? Has anyone put one of these average CBs with good speed up against Moss or Fitz to see what happens? Just curious!

I am really pumped to hear Ian say that you don't need a 90+ speed guy to break a big run..In the NFL speed is important but there is so much more that a running back must posses in order to break the big one. Any back in the NFL can take it to the house with a clear path to the endzone, especially if he gets behind the secondary, but the real work is done before he hits the line of scrimmage and into the second level. I like that IF a back with 80 speed gets loose he can take it all the way. I am real excited to see what ADRIAN PETERSON is going to play like? If Chris Johnson is dangerous what does that make AP?
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:41 AM   #140
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Re: Madden NFL 10 blog 2: Ratings philosophy by Donny Moore


That's all I have to say, but I'll say more anyway.

It's always bothered me greatly that so little of the ratings scale was actually in use. It never made sense to use only 10-20% of the scale, when doubling, or even tripling it would make the game so much better. This alone should make Madden 10 a game worth buying, and this is coming from someone who was as much anti-EA/Madden, pro-2K as you can get.

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Old 02-10-2009, 12:42 AM   #141
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Icon7 Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Ratings - A New Philosophy, A New Era

If you can implement an effective fatique effect on the players, for example after running 40 yards down the field his speed should be dropping every 5 yards down the field. So a free safety sitting back 30 yards gets would be running less, so their fore could catch him in the open field. Also after a couple of plays his speed could be down to say 80 from 95. You can make his catch and route ratings drop, this would prevent teams from constantly use the same player.
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Old 02-10-2009, 01:12 AM   #142
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Would there be a way to improve the passing trajectory on this game. It just seems as though its hit or miss when you need to throw a touch pass. All Jay Cutler can seem to throw are low trajectory bullet passes, or lobs which air it out there, both of which are intercepted very easily. I don't know if its plausible or not, but I was just thinking it would be pretty sweet if on the 360 you could use the left trigger to affect the arc of your throw. For example: all the way down would be a bullet pass, slightly down would be a touch pass, with varying degrees in-between of course.
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Old 02-10-2009, 01:20 AM   #143
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Re: Madden NFL 10 blog 2: Ratings philosophy by Donny Moore

Originally Posted by Rocky
If Fitzgerald is a 99 at JMP, then Calvin Johnson needs to be a 109. As high as Fitzgerald gets, NOBODY(except for Moss circa 1999) can go up and get a ball like Johnson as far a pure jumping ability.
Too bad its not called NFL Combine '10.

Fitz >>>> Calvin at the jump ball. 109 my foot.
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Old 02-10-2009, 01:29 AM   #144
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Re: Madden NFL 10 blog 2: Ratings philosophy by Donny Moore

Originally Posted by Donny_Moore
Yes, Larry Fitgerald is staring 99 JMP right in the face for Madden 10 and is saying "Hello"!!!!! Sorry, what else can we do there, the guy is sick.

I will let others speak to any perceived gameplay issues concerning the JMP rating, I can only speak to rating related issues.

Let me also throw a defensive bone as well here...Mr. 3 Name...Dominique Rodgers Cromartie will join Mr. Fitz at 99 JMP in Madden 10.
well we knew he was gonna get a 99 jumping lol are they gonna be any special animations for players really high in certain areas like will there be more jumping catches for guys like fitz?
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