I was wondering about if you've noticed or been looking into what I can only describe as CPU Hyperspeed Phenomenon. It first happened in the year 2 playoffs.
I'd tried to include a link to a previous post on with a better description. I apologize in advance for the tone of the post. It had just happened and it really left me frustrated.
Now I finished the playoffs, simmed, then got to week 2 of the regular season. Then it happened again against the Patriots. Now, I know the patriots are good, so I was going into it for anything from a hard game to totally getting crushed. Getting beat wasn't the problem. It was the way in which it happened. This time, from the start of the game I could tell something was off. All the CPU players were moving at what had to be at least 2x-4x the speed of mine. Linebackers that were a good 10+ yards off the line were beating my HB to handoffs. Their DT were chasing down speedy WR. If I was lucky enough to get a pass off, every player on the CPU would be with converging on the unfortunate WR in an instant. On offense, it was even more noticeable. The CPU WR, would move so fast none of my defenders would be near them... ever. Brady was 53-57 passing because nobody could ever be covered. One of the match ups I saw the most was their slot guy and Urlacher. I check out their depth cart and saw he had 86 Speed, 88 acc, 84 agility and 64 route running. So, he and Urlacher should have been a pretty fair match up. But if he'd make a cut in by the right hash, in an instant he'd be by the left side numbers while Urlacher was still by the right hash.
It wasn't just the speed they moved at, but also how. Even while just standing there and reading the defense, Brady was bouncing up and down like he was speed. The only thing I could compare it to would be if you ever watched a replay on Madden or NCAA in Fast forward, you know, how it's still look like the game, but with the choppy and unnatural movement from being in fast forward.
Outside of the actual on the field issues, and of course the known bugs you've been fixing, I really love the game. I know when it comes to the game play, the criticism can't be directed 100% to you guys, since you really were only able to lipstick the pig that was madden 08. Even if there isn't a way to fix it, if you could even just figure out causes it to slip into the CPU Hyperspeed and maybe how to avoid it, I'd really appreciate it. This game so close to the game that I've been hoping for since I first played FOF as a kid. It's so close to being perfect. I guess that's why it seems people get frustrated when these odd things happen. So, don't feel like any criticism you get is not appreciating your work or the game. Perhaps, we're appreciating too much. So take it as a complement that so many people care about what you've the created.