
Major League Baseball 2K8 Review

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Old 03-11-2008, 05:06 AM   #33
OVR: 4
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What a company lol I used to love 2k but how can anybody continue to make excuses for 2k.
I cant wait till EA buys them !
PS How do you go backwards graphically 2k7 to mlb 2k8 ?
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Old 03-11-2008, 05:27 AM   #34
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K8 Review

Originally Posted by Slizeezyc
So we talked about a re-review type deal post-patch Brophog, but I actually think that's a bad idea and I don't think we'll do something like that. I'll explain my thought process on that though:

In the same way it's shaky ground to criticize a game for something it's not, it's also shaky ground to praise a game for what it could be. That's my general philosophy at least, and I think since the game comes boxed one way, that means some people won't be able to get a patch etc.

Now all that being said, I do agree it would make sense to take a second look once patches and all that come out, and I think we certainly will. But I just don't think it will be under the guise of a re-review.
I wouldn't re-evaluate the game at all, not even take a second look. If past history serves as any indication, we'll have to wait months for a patch. And even if they patch it up quickly, they still shipped out a flawed game. It seems these days that companies think "don't worry about the problem, we'll just let everyone know we plan on patching it, and then we can fix it whenever we get around to it." There is no way they didn't know about the frame-rate issue, just as the Madden crew definitely knew about the turnover glitch. And the supposed Madden patch that would fix this issue? Never happened, as the turnovers still happen post patch. Game companies shouldn't be rewarded unless their patch comes out quickly and fully addresses the issue. Waiting months for a patch to fix something that never should have been a problem in the first place is outrageous, especially when people plunked down $60 on the game. We bought the hype hook, line, and sinker. They said they "were tired of playing second fiddle to the show," promised smooth frame-rate...I could go on for ages, but then this post would be novel-length. I can't wait to see a sports game released that doesn't need to patched, but I won't hold my breath for one. At least with games like NBA 2k8 the game wasn't flawed and in drastic need of a fix.

The 6 rating is perfect, and to me it will remain a 6 unless a patch comes out A.S.A.P. If I've had to play with terrible frame-rate for months, sorry, but no ratings increase.
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Old 03-11-2008, 05:29 AM   #35
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K8 Review

Originally Posted by abcd
What a company lol I used to love 2k but how can anybody continue to make excuses for 2k.
I cant wait till EA buys them !
PS How do you go backwards graphically 2k7 to mlb 2k8 ?
Like I said in my post earlier... I understand losing detail, but to completely dumb down the lighting intensity (and change it all for the worse) and make all of the colors very saturated to a gross extent is just totally inexcusable. It doesn't even make sense.

But again, the loss of detail was optimizing for the 60 FPS and anti-aliasing, which I would take over more detail any day of the week and twice on Sunday. But they really need to step up as much as they can, especially if the "other game" can do this stuff so well without suffice in detail.
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Old 03-11-2008, 05:44 AM   #36
larma's Arena
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Good review, nailed my thoughts exactly.
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Old 03-11-2008, 06:17 AM   #37
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K8 Review

Originally Posted by Slizeezyc
So we talked about a re-review type deal post-patch Brophog, but I actually think that's a bad idea and I don't think we'll do something like that. I'll explain my thought process on that though:

In the same way it's shaky ground to criticize a game for something it's not, it's also shaky ground to praise a game for what it could be. That's my general philosophy at least, and I think since the game comes boxed one way, that means some people won't be able to get a patch etc.

Now all that being said, I do agree it would make sense to take a second look once patches and all that come out, and I think we certainly will. But I just don't think it will be under the guise of a re-review.
Thank you for a great review and holding developers feet to the fire. There are too many reviewers that would have given this game a 7 or 8 but a 6 is a wake up call for the MLB 2k series. Frame rate issues should never be acceptable in any video games and patches are becoming a crutch for too many developers. Developers believe we can get the game out on time and deliver a patch 2 months from now that in itself should be unacceptable.

Too many sport games have skated too long and it is good to see OS reviews pulling their cards.

OS reviews are heading in the right direction.

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Old 03-11-2008, 06:22 AM   #38
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K8 Review

Originally Posted by rsnomar05
I wouldn't re-evaluate the game at all, not even take a second look. If past history serves as any indication, we'll have to wait months for a patch. And even if they patch it up quickly, they still shipped out a flawed game. It seems these days that companies think "don't worry about the problem, we'll just let everyone know we plan on patching it, and then we can fix it whenever we get around to it." There is no way they didn't know about the frame-rate issue, just as the Madden crew definitely knew about the turnover glitch. And the supposed Madden patch that would fix this issue? Never happened, as the turnovers still happen post patch. Game companies shouldn't be rewarded unless their patch comes out quickly and fully addresses the issue. Waiting months for a patch to fix something that never should have been a problem in the first place is outrageous, especially when people plunked down $60 on the game. We bought the hype hook, line, and sinker. They said they "were tired of playing second fiddle to the show," promised smooth frame-rate...I could go on for ages, but then this post would be novel-length. I can't wait to see a sports game released that doesn't need to patched, but I won't hold my breath for one. At least with games like NBA 2k8 the game wasn't flawed and in drastic need of a fix.

The 6 rating is perfect, and to me it will remain a 6 unless a patch comes out A.S.A.P. If I've had to play with terrible frame-rate for months, sorry, but no ratings increase.
Great post. Gamers are getting tired of this mess. 60 dollars just cant be thrown away on an incomplete product. I am waiting 2 weeks before I buy any sport games because the level of quality in the sport video game genre is getting worst every year.
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Old 03-11-2008, 07:02 AM   #39
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Spot on review. Man this is just the latest bummer in a year that 2k Sports really lost ground. All Pro flopped, NHL2k was a buggy mess, NBA2k lost a lot of graphical polish and College Hoops got canned. I've been a 2k fan ever since NFL2k5( I bought my Xbox just for it) but I'm really starting to lose faith. Other than CHoops (which wasn't really earth-shattering save 2k Share) the other titles have all been "meh" this year. I thought that Ben could save MLB but this game is just another Bargin Bin effort out of a year of poorly-executed half games. NBA was probably the second best game, but I couldn't take how the graphics degraded from last year. (fluidity of animations) All-Pro was too targeted for the online crowd (no franchise) NHL2k was a lesser game than its EA competitor. (realism, old control scheme)
Man I never thought I'd say this but maybe EA should win this war. Games like Fifa08 and NHL08 are clearly games that are headed in the right direction. NBA Live/MM and Madden/NCAA not so much. Well maybe Top Spin will be a winner. If,IF it is I'll drop the 60 bucks. But I can't continue to support games that are inferior. And that does include Madden/NCAA
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:52 AM   #40
OVR: 11
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Good review!!, I gave it a 5, but close enough. Your comment of:

" It really has to make you wonder what happened over the course of 12 months?"

I think a lot of us feel the same about that!!

Last edited by NEWYORICAN; 03-11-2008 at 09:11 AM.
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