05-24-2015, 05:07 AM
OVR: 2
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Australia
It was discussed here on Reddit:http://www.reddit.com/r/pcars/comments/36favh/logitechwheel_support_coming_to_project_cars_on/
but it looks like the link to the original post on the PCars forum isn't working now. It was basically the head of SMS replying to a question about Logitech support by saying "keep calm and check back here for news soon".
There's also this:
From what I heard previously, the reason that Logitech wheels didn't work on PS4 was that as Logitech no longer made wheels, they didn't want to pay the new licensing fee for PS4. If they are now making a new wheel, you'd hope that whatever they have agreed with Sony would cover existing wheels rather than just the new one.
Can only wait and see I guess.