
Project CARS Review (Xbox One/Playstation 4)

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Old 05-18-2015, 12:12 AM   #17
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Re: Project CARS Review (Xbox One/Playstation 4)

We really need to start racing together. I'm getting so pissed off with these idiots online. I'm always getting smashed into when I corner and on straights. So frustrating when you're holding a podium position and get knocked off the track by some moron who tries to take you inside where there's absolutely no track available....

I let off quite a few f-bombs during my last session. Just downright frustrating. Oh also getting bumped off the starting grid too. I'm already 15 seconds behind and I haven't even crossed the start line yet....

Last edited by SinisterAlex; 05-18-2015 at 12:15 AM.
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Old 05-18-2015, 12:17 AM   #18
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Re: Project CARS Review (Xbox One/Playstation 4)

Originally Posted by RunN1st
One more thing worth mentioning, this is a simulation racing game. You can't just get in and gas/break mash or drift around. You have to learn how feather the gas/break inputs, while taking care of your tires, and avoiding contact with other cars and surroundings.

Quick tips:
1. Find a controller setting that works well for you. See controller setting post in the racing section. Trust us, the default is junky and will frustrate you quickly.

2. Keep most driving aids on and gradually remove them as you get comfortable. However, don't use the acceleration and brake aids, this will only serve to build bad habits. And for crying out loud, use the automatic gearing.

3. Learn each track by watching the A.I. turn laps while keeping the telemetry visual
aid on. Focus on the entry braking and corner exit acceleration points.

4. Try the different camera views and stick with one. Constantly changing the cameras will make you inconsistent and it will definitely show in your lap times.

5. Focus on being consistent vs. fast (hot lapping)... This may not sound like a good idea but if you drive the car on the edge you will most likely bake your tires, make costly mistakes which will nullify any gains you made have made while hot lapping.

6. Learn the passing sections for each track. This is huge especially when racing online. (This will make sense the first time you get stuck behind someone slower.)

7. The driving line is your best friend but only use it for a lap or two. Instead, use the track landmarks to help you identify braking and acceleration marks.

8. Rumble strips - some are forgiving and some are extremely dangerous. Test the limits of each in your practice sessions.

Most importantly... Don't expect to be fast right away... I use a 50 lap rule for each track... Turn 50 laps (minimum) of practice without going off track and work from there.
Great list.

You have convinced me to go with automatic transmission.
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Old 05-18-2015, 12:26 AM   #19
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Re: Project CARS Review (Xbox One/Playstation 4)

Originally Posted by OhioCub
Simple question that I didn't see mentioned in the review and it's a must if I'm going to buy, does it support local multiplayer or online only?
Only online multiplayer... Can't imagine the PS4, PCs or XB1 being able to run this game on two screen due to the resources.

Originally Posted by SinisterAlex
We really need to start racing together. I'm getting so pissed off with these idiots online. I'm always getting smashed into when I corner and on straights. So frustrating when you're holding a podium position and get knocked off the track by some moron who tries to take you inside where there's absolutely no track available....

I let off quite a few f-bombs during my last session. Just downright frustrating. Oh also getting bumped off the starting grid too. I'm already 15 seconds behind and I haven't even crossed the start line yet....
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Last edited by RunN1st; 05-18-2015 at 12:30 AM.
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Old 05-18-2015, 12:51 AM   #20
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Re: Project CARS Review (Xbox One/Playstation 4)

Originally Posted by RunN1st
bluengold34 (Bob) has been hosting some fun rooms online with a bunch of OS guys.
I need to get into those! These randoms are just killing me.
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Old 05-18-2015, 02:27 AM   #21
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If U want REALLY good racing simulator with nextgen physics and car handling buy Assetto Corsa on PC.

Im a fan of both games, but AC the way to go.

Its like comparing Saints Row and GTA, if U know what I mean

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Old 05-18-2015, 05:37 AM   #22
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Re: Project CARS Review (Xbox One/Playstation 4)

Originally Posted by RunN1st
Only online multiplayer... Can't imagine the PS4, PCs or XB1 being able to run this game on two screen due to the resources.
Thanks, looks like I won't be buying. Wasted money on driveclub already assuming it had local multi-player. Not that it's a bad game but the funnest aspect of a racing game is competing with family and friends.
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Old 05-18-2015, 06:28 AM   #23
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Re: Project CARS Review (Xbox One/Playstation 4)

I'm reading a lot of complaints about tge A.I. And frankly I'm not seeing what the some of you are. I have them set at 60 while I learn the tracks I haven't raced before and I'm having great races with them. Ive had races in the stock car where myself and two A.I. were side by side for an intire lap with no contact. I've been bumped a few times if I brake to soon , but never rammed or knocked off the track. Also I don't use the racing line, this could be your problem. If you follow the line instead of being aware of where your opponents are you may run into trouble.
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Old 05-18-2015, 07:55 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by JMD
I'm reading a lot of complaints about tge A.I. And frankly I'm not seeing what the some of you are. I have them set at 60 while I learn the tracks I haven't raced before and I'm having great races with them. Ive had races in the stock car where myself and two A.I. were side by side for an intire lap with no contact. I've been bumped a few times if I brake to soon , but never rammed or knocked off the track. Also I don't use the racing line, this could be your problem. If you follow the line instead of being aware of where your opponents are you may run into trouble.
I'm not seeing any issues with the AI either. Got bumped around a bit in the karts, but I did the same to them so it's all good. The racing line is good to learn the tracks, but I prefer to just get out there and find my own lines anyway. If you can find multiple ways to get through corners at a good pace, you'll be better equipped to deal with traffic and overtaking during the races. You're not going to be able to use that ideal racing line that the game taught you very often with 30+ other drivers out there.
As for how the game is, I'm very happy with it. If you like collecting cars and you own a set of fuzzy dice in real life, stick with GT or Forza. If you like racing, you should love this
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