
MXGP Review (PC)

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Old 04-09-2014, 06:03 PM   #9
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Re: MXGP Review (PC)

I finished my first offline season today. The more I play this game the more I like it.
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Old 04-10-2014, 04:00 AM   #10
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Re: MXGP Review (PC)

I wish the OS team would post my take on MXGP as an official counter-point review that goes to the masses and on their web site. Reviews like the OS one, based on his opinion, which is valid, as all opinions are, hurts games more than you know as a lot of people, myself included, look to OS for good, unbiased reviews.

I, and almost everyone else playing, MXGP just happens to disagree with this reviewer's take and overall score.

It is, overall, the best MX game to date. IMO.
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Old 04-13-2014, 06:48 AM   #11
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Re: MXGP Review (PC)

Ok I played a full mx2 season on medium 3 laps basically to get used to the game and the tracks. Then I moved up to mx1 on hard this was more of a challenge but I still won the championship with two races left in the season. Now I've started my second mx1 season on realistic , 10 lap races and this game really shines. I'm having some very nice battles with the A.I. , 4 races in I'm leading by 4 points.

My only real complaint is how quickly you get back up after a crash. There needs to be a realistic setting for the amount of time it takes to get going again based on the severity of the crash. I know the 3 lap arcade crowd would not go for this , but guys like me that run longer races enjoy the challenge of fighting back through the pack after a crash. So for the short race guys keep it as is, for me I want a setting to delay the time to get back on the bike. I've actually started waiting a bit before I start back up, allowing some bikes to pass me before resuming the race.

I now give this game a 9.3 out of 10

I hope next year they release the next version of this game for the PS4.
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Old 04-13-2014, 04:50 PM   #12
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Re: MXGP Review (PC)

Great review, man. Yeah, it really is THE best MX game we have ever seen thus far. I stand firm on that, despite OS lackluster review.

Read my MXGP tips thread below. I talk about waiting 4-8 seconds before starting again. An average tip over costs someone about 8 seconds to get up, pick bike up, remount and start again, barring any major issues. So wait 4- 8.

Have you got it on manual transmission as well? I've got tips for that as well!

If someone says they are on Pro, Realistic AI, Manual Transmission and if they tip over allow 8 seconds to get started again and they are STILL killing the AI....well I call BS.

No way. These elements make the game quite a challenge and very realistic feeling.

BEST MX game to date!!
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Old 04-13-2014, 08:57 PM   #13
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Re: MXGP Review (PC)

You guys are killing me

I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive...lol

I've been playing the heck out of the demo though.
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Old 04-13-2014, 09:36 PM   #14
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Re: MXGP Review (PC)

Originally Posted by Richzilla
You guys are killing me

I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive...lol

I've been playing the heck out of the demo though.
That sucks - can't wait to see what you're thoughts on the retail version. I will readily admit that I am a novice to the sport, but I really am enjoying this game.
Twitch - bluengold34_os
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Old 04-14-2014, 06:27 AM   #15
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Re: MXGP Review (PC)

Rich knows I live and breat Motocross and Motocross games!

This game is amazing. Not perfect, but the best MX game yet. So much content, so much authenticity. Bravo, Milestone!!

If you disagree with the OS review please check out my MXGP tips, thoughts and review. Totally different take on this brilliant game!
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Old 04-14-2014, 10:23 AM   #16
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Re: MXGP Review (PC)

Hrudey, I would say that I have it on Pro, Realistic AI, manual transmission, and wait for 6 seconds (tough to say, but I sit there a while) and definitely still kill the AI. I wouldn't be too quick to call BS. The " wait for 6 seconds " thing doesn't hurt me too bad, because about the only time I usually wreck is at the start or when somebody comes up on me that I don't see and puts a wheel into mine.

The manual tranny doesn't really kill it too much (I loved the tip about L stick and R stick for shifting, thanks!), as I'm so used to crazy shifting in a ton of racing games, so it wasn't adding much as far as difficulty for me. In addition, the total lack of a clutch makes it seem overly simplified as it's just a button press and once I could nail down the fact that it's a 2nd gear hard right, get my 4th gear rhythm sections down, etc., it really didn't add a ton of difficulty IMO.

I'm not trying to make one of those "I'm so good!!!!" posts at all--but I wouldn't call BS on any claim of beating the AI routinely, because I only run 3 lap races and frequently win by 10+ seconds, even with Pro Physics, Realistic AI, Manual Shifting, First Person Camera, and waiting when I occasionally dump the bike (maybe once per race, usually).

I also really enjoy your posts about the game, and I trust your opinion about all things Motocross more than damn near any official review, because I see you pimping most MX games on here and DSP over the years, and you're very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about them. It's also a slippery slope for the site to be on to request your review to be a "second take", as it then questions the reviewer's thoughts and sets a dangerous precedent for a site based on reviews. It seems ages ago, but I hated a game on XBox that everybody loved and gave it a poor score here. I think it was Rallisport or something, and the scores were overwhelmingly positive everywhere. I took a pretty good beating for my review on that one, but reviews are always highly subjective. I just don't think it's a good path to take to start having reader reviews as official, even though I TOTALLY see where you're coming from.

Just the "other side of the fence" on this issue. I am firmly in your camp, though. I think it's amazing, and the MX game that I've waited years to play. Especially in first person, they even made it incredibly well-done as I can see when the bike is wobbling, when the front tire is coming off the ground, and they really made it a highly rideable camera. It's a little tough since you can't look around and guys can take you out, but their very "safe" AI renders that a moot point most of the time. If I know guys are around and I don't do any outside/inside cut maneuvers, it's usually pretty easy to race them that way.

Absolutely LOVE the game, agree with most of what you say, but I also respect Jayson's thoughts on it, and see how some of the things he says are definitely valid. It's all a matter of perspective, IMO. For a guy like you (and me, to a lesser extent), it hits every checkbox we needed it to hit for an awesome MX game. For somebody else, it may be an average game with not a lot of challenge, I have no idea.

Last edited by TCrouch; 04-14-2014 at 10:30 AM.
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