
Official Gran Turismo 6 | Impresssions and Discussion Thread

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Old 12-06-2013, 01:43 PM   #1
RunN1st's Arena
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Official Gran Turismo 6 | Impresssions and Discussion Thread

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Ok, Gents... Let's post those impressions. Here's what I'm curious about.

1. Visuals - Smooth frame rate? Jaggies? Lighting?

2. Driving Model - Sense of control and speed?

3. Single Player - Licensing and Challenges, thoughts?

4. Multiplayer - Laggy or smooth? Options heavy or light?

5. Garage and customizing - Realistic Parts and paint capabilities?

6. Tracks - Any thoughts?

7. What's your favorite car to drive?

8. List any bugs you may have encountered.
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Last edited by RunN1st; 12-26-2013 at 03:43 PM.
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Old 12-06-2013, 05:30 PM   #2
shon's Arena
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Re: Official Gran Turismo 6 | Impresssions and Discussion Thread

I bought the Download version and the install took about 4 hours.

I have a CSR Elite Wheel and it works/feels perfect, you can really feel the differences between the cars. I started playing in Cockpit view and the sense of speed wasn't there, of course you do start off with slow cars so it could just be that, but when I switched to the hood or road camera it did seem to be faster.

I'm playing on a PC monitor at 1080P and it's not as sharp as a PC race game but it isn't that bad. I have noticed a couple of road textures that aren't sharp before the race and some of the cockpits aren't hi-def but overall it looks great. I haven't noticed any screen tearing which I read on other forums. There are some jagged and flickering edges from time to time, but it hasn't been distracting. The replays look good.

The single player campaign is fun they mix things up with different events like hitting cones and other challenges that aren't just races so it make things interesting. They do force you to pick your first car from a selection of 1, I didn't like that. I don't think I've opened up multi-player yet but hopefully I'll get a chance tonight. The AI isn't fantastic, but they have given me a little challenge on some races but there isn't a way to increase the difficulty during the campaign just the arcade mode.

I was really worried about the loading times because of GT5 and I almost bought an SSD but with a normal hard drive they are minimal maybe 5-10 seconds, which is awesome. I hate the loading times on Forza 5, plus my wheel isn't compatible, that's another discussion.

I've completed about 25 races and I've liked all the tracks so far, each one feels different and has their own challenges. The races occur at different times of day and some of the effects look great, racing at dusk is awesome.

Overall I'm having a blast and the initial impression is so much better than GT5. I like the looks of the menu's and they are quick and easy to navigate.

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Old 12-06-2013, 05:53 PM   #3
TCrouch's Arena
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Re: Official Gran Turismo 6 | Impresssions and Discussion Thread

Got it at lunch, and after downloading a 1207MB update, installing, and trying to configure my CSR Elite...mine DIDN'T work perfectly. I tried turning it off and back on and calibrating it, but nothing worked except the D-pad and buttons.

I've got a Thrustmaster T500RS on another wheel stand that I'll try after work, but my first experience was just installing, updating, control issues, restarting, still control issues, etc.
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Old 12-06-2013, 06:56 PM   #4
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Re: Official Gran Turismo 6 | Impresssions and Discussion Thread

Graphics on my display at least are incredibly meh, tons of jaggies all over. Shadows are odd just like in GT5. Quality of the cars that are not premiums is much better, although some are better than others. Sounds are still underwhelming. The driving however, is sublime. Cars feel like they are alive from the accelerating and braking to the handling. Better than Forza in my opinion and on par with some PC sims.

The car lineup is just insane, not many cars that I can think of that are missing (although I'm sure people will find some). Menus and loading times are definitely better.
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Old 12-07-2013, 08:01 AM   #5
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Re: Official Gran Turismo 6 | Impresssions and Discussion Thread

The Game looks great, some tracks / environments look better than others. Game feels great as well , very smooth , cars handle nice. I'm a few races into my career and so far I only have a couple complaints:
1. The sound of the tires squealing is very annoying, we should be able to turn this down or off.
2. We should also be able to adjust what we want to see on screen HUD wise individually. I want to know what place I'm in and what lap I'm on but I don't want the driver names obstructing my view in my rear view mirror. It appears to be everything off or on.

EDIT: I now only have one complaint because I just discovered under the Global setting I can turn the driver names and speedometer off.

Last edited by JMD; 12-07-2013 at 11:11 AM.
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Old 12-07-2013, 11:57 AM   #6
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Re: Official Gran Turismo 6 | Impresssions and Discussion Thread

Just a heads up about buying cars from the dealership. Personally I only want premium cars with the good cockpit view. When buying a car if it can not be viewed in the "View Gallery" it is a standard car and will have a blacked out cockpit.
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Old 12-07-2013, 04:12 PM   #7
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Re: Official Gran Turismo 6 | Impresssions and Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by JMD
Just a heads up about buying cars from the dealership. Personally I only want premium cars with the good cockpit view. When buying a car if it can not be viewed in the "View Gallery" it is a standard car and will have a blacked out cockpit.
This was my policy in GT5, only race Premiums. However, given how awesome the handling is and how some "standards" have been improved greatly I have completely broken this rule for this game. So many awesome cars to try that don't have interiors.

Also, be aware that all(not 100% sure) "special edition" version of cars cannot be visually upgraded. Meaning, you can't change the wheels or customize with aero parts.

Last edited by demencia_total; 12-07-2013 at 04:18 PM.
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Old 12-07-2013, 07:27 PM   #8
RunN1st's Arena
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Re: Official Gran Turismo 6 | Impresssions and Discussion Thread

Got my copy today but probably won't get to play until tomorrow. Been watching some Twitch feeds and other forum postings... Most indications say it's awesome!
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