
Hinkleyy's Universe Mode: WWE 2k18 (A New ERA has Begun)

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Old 02-03-2018, 11:31 AM   #1
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Hinkleyy's Universe Mode: WWE 2k18 (A New ERA has Begun)

So, I’m going to start my Universe Mode with results from WrestleMania 34. After these results I will be having Raw and this week will be Draft week where all superstars can be drafted to either brand via a random lottery and you earn a pick if your brand wins the match. Though for NXT superstars each brand will have 1 pick from there which guaranteed superstar from there but in the other pick NXT superstars will be eligible to be drafted. More news about the UM I will not be doing the Women’s division as I do enjoy watching the wrestling they do, I feel as if I don’t know where to take the storylines so for at least now the Women’s division will be no existent. More news about the State of the Smackdown Live Commissioner and where will Daniel Bryan wrestle.

Cruiserweight Championship: Hideo Itami © defeats Cedric Alexander
A historic match as after this all Cruiserweights will now fight strictly on Smackdown Live along with the title going there, with 205 Live having its last show last Tuesday.

Andre the Giant Battle Royal: Johnny Gargano wins by tossing over Dolph Ziggler
Gargano in his main roster debut would pick up a huge win by tossing over Ziggler and being able to be called the Andre the Giant Battle Royal winner this year.

8- Man Ladder Match for the United States Championship Match: Bobby Roode © defeated Baron Corbin, Jinder Mahal, Rusev, Zack Ryder, Rich Swann, Mojo Rawley and Mike Kanellis
A match with spots all around including many different former champions of titles. Roode would be able to retain his title, after he’d knock down Rawley from the top of the ladder and retrieve his title.

Intercontinental Championship match: The Miz © w/ Miztourage defeats Samoa Joe
The Miz looks to keep his run as champion going as he takes on Samoa Joe. Though the Miz would retain as even though the Miztourage would be taken out he’d still be able to retain being the top champion he is.

4 Way Ladder Match for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship: Bludgeon Brothers defeat The Uso’s, The New Day and Gable & Benjamin ©
A match made by champions Gabe & Benjamin it welcomes The Uso’s, New Day (Kofi, Big E) and the Bludgeon Brothers. The two big Brothers though would capture their first titles since reappearing after a time of absence, after Gable would become angry at Benjamin and turn on him allowing Harper to climb and grab the titles.

Raw Tag Team Championship: Balor Club © defeats Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose
After a seed was planted the Raw after the Rumble the Club as shown that they are gunning after the Shield in Rollins and Ambrose. Gallows and Anderson were able to keep their titles after Jason Jordan who was forced to drop half of the tag titles after getting them back with Rollins because of injury. He would return and cost the two their chance at the title as he’d help Anderson with hitting Ambrose with the titles and allow a Magic-killer to be and pin. After the match Balor,

Last Man Standing Match for the Universal Championship: Braun Strowman defeats Brock Lesnar © w/Paul Heyman
After winning the Elimination Chamber to get the chance Strowman wouldn’t let the chance slip as he’d capture his first WWE championship and it being the Universal Championship against the beast incarnate Brock Lesnar. Braun though would win by having to leave Lesnar motionless on the ground as the ref would count to a 10 count as Strowman would get it and become new champion.

Finn Balor defeats John Cena
After the Royal Rumble these two men would non-stop going at each other but Balor always getting the upper hand. In this match these two men would put everything on the line as even at the Elimination Chamber Cena eliminated Balor who would then go at Cena and allow Strowman to pin and win the Chamber. Though Balor after a long and hard-fought battle would finally be able to get the pin on Cena and get the win.

Control of Smackdown Live & Bryan’s Career: Team Bryan (Bryan, Owens, Zayn) defeat Team McMahon (Shane, Triple H, Big Cass)
After months of controversy the feud between Shane and Bryan ends. As Bryan makes his in-ring debut but if his team loses they all three will be fired but, if they win Bryan will be allowed to wrestle again in the WWE and Shane will no longer be in charge of Smackdown Live. This feud took off after Bryan found that Shane was hiding from him that he was cleared by WWE to return to the ring. Zayn and Owens who have been together with Bryan against Shane team up with him. While Shane brought in his Brother-in-Law and the newly returned beast in Big Cass. Though Bryan’s team would come victorious as Triple H would have Bryan set up for a Pedigree while Shane watched on but instead he’d turn to Shane and hit him with it and allow Bryan to pin Shane and win. After the match Hunter would tell Shane “hey, it’s what’s best for business.”

WWE Championship Match: Shinsuke Nakamura defeats AJ Styles ©
After winning the Rumble Nakamura set his eyes on Styles and his WWE Championship. Styles being the more aggressive one as we’ve come to see during the buildup to WrestleMania. Nakamura though will look to capture his first WWE title at the grandest stage of them all against possibly WWE’s best superstar at the moment. In a great match Nakamura would hit another Kinshasa and finally pin the phenomenal one AJ Styles.

Last edited by Hinkleyy; 02-03-2018 at 09:04 PM.
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Old 02-03-2018, 11:39 AM   #2
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Re: Hinkleyy's Universe Mode: WWE 2k18 (A New ERA has Begun)





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Old 02-03-2018, 11:40 AM   #3
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Re: Hinkleyy's Universe Mode: WWE 2k18 (A New ERA has Begun)

Championship History



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Old 02-03-2018, 11:45 AM   #4
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Re: Hinkleyy's Universe Mode: WWE 2k18 (A New ERA has Begun)

Since the news of 205 being ended the Superstars of the show have had to find a new home and Smackdown Live was appointed the place for them. Smackdown Live has agreed to contracts with:
The Brian Kendrick
Cedric Alexander
Drew Gulak
Gentleman Jack Gallagher
Hideo Itami
Mustafi Ali
Tony Nese
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Old 02-03-2018, 06:08 PM   #5
wiscowilz's Arena
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Re: Hinkleyy's Universe Mode: WWE 2k18 (A New ERA has Begun)

Originally Posted by Hinkleyy

Control of Smackdown Live & Bryan’s Career: Team McMahon (Shane, Triple H, Big Cass) defeat Team Bryan (Bryan, Owens, Zayn)
After months of controversy the feud between Shane and Bryan ends. As Bryan makes his in-ring debut but if his team loses they all three will be fired but, if they win Bryan will be allowed to wrestle again in the WWE and Shane will no longer be in charge of Smackdown Live. This feud took off after Bryan found that Shane was hiding from him that he was cleared by WWE to return to the ring. Zayn and Owens who have been together with Bryan against Shane team up with him. While Shane brought in his Brother-in-Law and the newly returned beast in Big Cass. Though Bryan’s team would come victorious as Triple H would have Bryan set up for a Pedigree while Shane watched on but instead he’d turn to Shane and hit him with it and allow Bryan to pin Shane and win. After the match Hunter would tell Shane “hey, it’s what’s best for business.”
A little confused here...it says Team McMahon wins but in the write up it says Bryan wins.
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Old 02-03-2018, 08:43 PM   #6
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Re: Hinkleyy's Universe Mode: WWE 2k18 (A New ERA has Begun)

Originally Posted by wiscowilz
A little confused here...it says Team McMahon wins but in the write up it says Bryan wins.
Oh whoops must a been a miss type gonna fix it now. Team Bryan won, when typing it up I think I just didn't change the spot. Thanks for catching that !
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Old 02-05-2018, 11:05 PM   #7
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Re: Hinkleyy's Universe Mode: WWE 2k18 (A New ERA has Begun)

Stephanie Comes out to the ring to start the show:
“Hello everyone and welcome to Monday night Raw! After a fantastic night last, we are looking forward to a great night. As you all know my brother Shane last night was defeated by Team Daniel Bryan! So, from order of Hunter I’m glad to announce that the General Manager of Smackdown Live will be the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, as Triple H will now be the Commissioner of the brand. (Shawn makes his way down to the ring).
Shawn: “Whose everyone doing tonight? I do have to say it feels weird finally being the one in charge after so many years of fighting against authority, especially with Hunter. Though I’m glad to be here on the night after WrestleMania.”
Stephanie: We’ll Shawn as everyone know tonight the lottery draft returns and I’ll explain to everyone tonight how its going to work. So, each match will have superstars from each brand and the winner of that match will earn a draft lottery pick!”
Shawn: “As well as all superstars are eligible to be drafted, including NXT superstars. Finally, each brand will get a minimum 1 NXT superstar.”
Stephanie: “So, let’s get this night going!”

Cesaro (RAW) vs Jinder Mahal (SMD)
His first real chance to show Angle and Steph what he can do ever since breaking apart from Sheamus after his injury, he takes on a former WWE Champion. Cesaro would in all make quick work of Mahal and get the former champ to tap out to the sharpshooter.

After the match
we’d go to the top of the ramp where we’d see to stands one for Michaels and another for Angle along with a chair full of balls filled with names. Both managers come out to the ramp and go to their respective sides. As Angle’s Raw would be the first brand to get a pick.
Angle: “Well, I mean I can’t complain about this pick. The first superstar to come to Raw will be someone who knows about love and that is Mike Kanellis!”

We go Backstage and see Roode and the Miztourage run into each other
Miz: “Excuse me, when you walk by me you don’t walk through my guys.”
Roode: “What? Are you serious? I’m the Glorious Bobby Roode! So Miz, if you see me coming you better get out of the way. See you in the ring.”

Bobby Roode (SMD) vs The Miz w/ Miztourage (RAW)
A very good match with the two champions going back and forth in the match. Dallas and Axel would of course get involved almost causing the Miz the match early but Miz would kick out at two after a Glorious DDT. Miz would be able to gain some momentum back thought but again Axel and Dallas would try to help Miz but only hurt him as Roode would move before Dallas could hit him as he’d instead strike Miz causing him to be stunned and allow another Glorious DDT and the pin for Roode.

Michaels and Angle again come out and Michaels would grab a ball.
Michaels: “Well I know Hunter said NXT superstars are available but I didn’t think I’d get one in my first pick. So Smackdown’s Live first pick is Johnny Gargano!”

The Revival (RAW) vs Rusev Day (SMD)
English and Wilder would start the match exchanging shots. Wilder would keep working on him in the corner with quick tags in and out. Though English would fight back and get Rusev in the ring but the Revival would stop any momentum and finish off Rusev and get the pin.

Angle this time comes out alone to the stage and grabs a ball from the cage:
Angle: “After Raw’s second victory of the night we are glad to announce that (open the capsule) our newest superstar is Tye Dillinger!”

After Commercial Elias is in the ring:
“Hello, who here is ready to walk with Elias? This year will be new, oh how this is true, no matter who comes to me I will keep… just walking through. So, if you are here let me know if you indeed will… (The New Day’s music hits)”

Big E: “Hey Kofi, Hey Woods, who is this guy? Who? Who? Who?” (Elias tries to talk)
Kofi: “Oh see Big E, this guy is another one of those guys that tries to come out here talk all up butttttt can’t back it up.”
Xavier: “But guys, I still don’t understand who this guy is?”
Elias: “My name is Elias and unless you want to walk with Elias I’d suggest turning around and walking away."
Kofi: “You know what Elias, I’ll walk with you but let’s do it in the ring.”

Elias (RAW) vs Kofi Kingston w/New Day (SMD)
Elias and Kofi would meet for the first time in this match but Kingston wouldn’t last long as Elias would bring a vicious side that we have been seen recently and within minutes puts down Kofi and picks up the roll up pin.

Again, Angle comes out but Micheals joins him:
Michaels: “Kurt just hurry I’m already hurting that you’ve taken two other superstars from me.”
Angle: (grabs capsule and opens) “We’ll you don’t have to worry Shawn as we have gotten No Way Jose!”

Hideo Itami (SMD) vs Bray Wyatt (RAW)
The cruiserweight champion Itami takes on the Eater of the Worlds Wyatt in this match. Itami would start the match with his quick offense but Wyatt would slow the match down and use his strength and body to slow down Itami. Mid match though Cedric Alexander would come to the ring and try to distract Itami but instead he’d only do so to Wyatt. As Wyatt would then get hit with a GTS and Itami would pick up the win.

Angle and Micheals would come out and draws a ball:
Micheals: “Well let’s hope we have a good pick here. (opens capsule) We’ll I guess I can’t say this is a bad pick but… this may be kind of awkward for you Kurt. As Smackdowns newest member is Jason Jordan!”
Angle: “Wait hold on, you can’t be serious. Shawn, we can surely work something out about this.”
Michaels: “Well Kurt, I don’t know. It seems like this was meant to be so unless you have some great deal for myself and Smackdown then he’s gone from you. Again.”

After commercial we see Stephanie backstage with Shawn and Hunter:
Hunter: “So I know how you two are excited to get this year going so what I’ve decided to do is in our Main event Stephanie Braun will face an opponent of Shawn’s picking and on Smackdown Live Stephanie you’ll pick a superstar to face new WWE Champion Shinsuke Nakamura. Oh Steph, tell Braun to be ready cause that match is next.”

Braun Strowman (RAW) vs Randy Orton (SMD)
This match starts with the two men exchanging heavy shot but Braun would get the better to start. The match would continue until Orton would start to get some momentum and the over aggressive Braun would charge for a spear but Orton would slide out of the way and he’d go in the post. This allows Orton to start to working on Braun’s knees to bring him down. After more offense from Orton, Braun would finally bounce back but only for Samoa Joe’s music to hit and him walk down to the ring. Then Braun would turn into an RKO and Orton’s 4th of the match and get the surprising pin on Braun.

After the match:
Joe would jump in and start to attack Braun but other superstars and officials would come down the ring and pull Joe off Braun. Michaels and Angle would also come down to the ring and help the fight calm down. Finally, the two would go to the ramp and Michaels would grab the finally pick of the night.

Michaels: “We’ll I’m going to be honest this may be the best pick of the draft!”
Angle: “Who is it Shawn? It can’t be worse then my son going to Smackdown!”
Michaels: “Well, let me tell someone something, Joe don’t leave yet because you better get ready for tomorrow as you are now a member of the Smackdown Live roster!”
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Old 02-06-2018, 07:09 PM   #8
wiscowilz's Arena
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Re: Hinkleyy's Universe Mode: WWE 2k18 (A New ERA has Begun)

Nice show, I'm not sure if you realized this or not, but you kind of spoiled the results because all of the winners were written first.
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