
Super Mega Baseball is a Throwback of the Good Kind (PS4 Review)

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Old 12-22-2014, 06:05 PM   #113
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Re: Super Mega Baseball is a Throwback of the Good Kind (PS4 Review)

Originally Posted by Blzer
^ So are you suggesting to always use them as a default?
No, I'm not telling anyone else how to play because I don't know how everyone else wants to play. It works for me because I feel like it creates more variety in the gameplay, and it allows me to have more control.

I can play at a higher Ego level while using X button controls, but I feel like the game is kind of playing itself. Especially with pitching - with X I find it very easy to hit my target or close to it even at 80+Ego. But when I control the quality of the pitch with the square button pitching, I get a a variety of results. If I hit "Great" (something above 80 I think). I get a lot of CPU swings and misses on breaking stuff outside the zone. But when I miss my mark or timing and get something from 0 - 20, the pitch can go anywhere - and it usually likes to hang over the plate for a long ball. More midrange numbers are a mixed bag - they're usually close to where I initially aimed but not right on it, and this is how I usually get my walks because I often aim at the corners.

This type of control just feels right for a game like this, given its arcade style. But the stats and scores can still end up looking surprisingly realistic when you find a good ego setting.

Edit: I read that back...sorry I was a bit too aggressive there. Reading the 2k forum all day will do that to you.

Last edited by bcruise; 12-22-2014 at 06:18 PM.
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Old 12-22-2014, 06:22 PM   #114
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Re: Super Mega Baseball is a Throwback of the Good Kind (PS4 Review)

Also: This needs to come to the Vita SO badly. I'd be playing it constantly over this holiday if that existed.
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Old 12-22-2014, 06:35 PM   #115
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Re: Super Mega Baseball is a Throwback of the Good Kind (PS4 Review)

Yeah, the first time I popped in this game I thought I was doing something wrong, I couldn't pitch to save my life. I lost maybe 18-2 on Vita Remote Play. I was on 30 ego.

Then the next game I tried on my downstairs PS3 (at 15 ego), which is on my plasma that lags a little bit. I finally recognized that not pointing the R-stick in any direction for pitch selection is not a fastball, but a meatball. Still had a bit of trouble pitching, won 10-7.

The third game I played (at 40 ego), I was on my PS4 upstairs on my main plasma with very little lag (where I normally game). I chose the pitching specialty team and had no problem, won 5-3.

I'm going to try Remote Play again in a bit, see if after recognizing my faults I'll be better. The problem with Vita though will be the nubby sticks, I think it will still be very hard to pitch, lag or not. At least I won't be throwing as many meatballs this time.

By the way, I agree with you on having more control with things. I just wondered if that caused fatigue issues while pitching, by the way.
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Old 12-23-2014, 02:58 AM   #116
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Re: Super Mega Baseball is a Throwback of the Good Kind (PS4 Review)

So I just tried to put ego up to 99 and fired up an inning... that was a mistake.

One thing I do wish this game had though was independent "ego" settings for everything. For example, I enjoyed the added challenge of the pitch speed (in a way) alongside the speed of lining up the cursor with my pitching without the absurdity of how the AI hit. I thought that was a nice added difficulty setting.

Going to find my good setting soon then start a season. Still trying to decide if I want to customize anything though.
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Old 12-23-2014, 07:07 AM   #117
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Re: Super Mega Baseball is a Throwback of the Good Kind (PS4 Review)

Right now most (read: all) of my runs come via the home run. I like that you can hit then with x normal swing too.

Also finally lost my first game 5-4 in extras playing at 50 ego.

I can see where I can improve and destroy the AI on 50 but it's nice to know there's 49 more ticks of difficulty to go.

This game has killed all urges to play my AAA games.

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Old 12-23-2014, 07:49 AM   #118
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Re: Super Mega Baseball is a Throwback of the Good Kind (PS4 Review)

I am so tempted to buy this game but without a demo I'm just not sure. I am a bit concerned I may not be as interested given the cartoonish look and completely made-up players. Everything I hear is great but I can buy a some older AAA title for $20 or just a bit more.

Really want to try this first.
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Old 12-23-2014, 07:49 AM   #119
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Re: Super Mega Baseball is a Throwback of the Good Kind (PS4 Review)

I tried editing a couple of teams rosters last night by switching them from "default" to "new" and it let me edit them. I was trying was going to try to make all-decade teams. I am sure you can't use them all in season mode, but I think you can play exhibition games with them.
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Old 12-23-2014, 09:16 AM   #120
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Re: Super Mega Baseball is a Throwback of the Good Kind (PS4 Review)

These guys are very crafty with the names, many are flat out dirty! lol
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