
2022 Fitness Adventure

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Old 01-07-2022, 12:09 PM   #1
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2022 Fitness Adventure

7 days in seems like a good time to start the thread for the new year.

So, lets share our fitness journey's for 2022.

Goal - Lose 15lb by the end of the year.

I'm 1 day away (today) from finishing week 7 in Beach Body's T-25 program. I've lost 3-4 lbs from where I started 2 months ago. I haven't been following the program diet, but I have taken more care about what I'm eating.

The program is going pretty well (minus now hating Fridays because double workouts are assigned for them). My only complaint is that it seems to be wearing my body down a bit. Every workout (including Upper Body Focus) has at least some leg components, and for the last few weeks I have really been struggling with squats and lunges because of it. I'm sure that my legs are stronger overall, but it almost seems like they get tired faster than when I started.

I'm considering pausing my time with T-25 to try out the Tour de Zwift (Zwift biking app) that is going on this month. I'll need to work in some kind of weight training so that I don't lose my total body gains though, since I'll just be biking.
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Old 01-07-2022, 09:06 PM   #2
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Re: 2022 Fitness Adventure

Finally did 3.3MPH today and with 12 minutes left on my workout...felt a pop on the inner (left) part of my right knee, of course. Obviously panicked, but I actually did not stop, is like my life flashed before my eyes

"Just 12 minutes left, fight through it!" "This is the beginning of the end, you stop now and you might never get on this treadmill again"

I actually kept going, favoring my left leg and taking a bit of weight from my right leg (I know, no good). All at the same speed and finishing in the time intended.

Of course by not stopping because I feared a setback I risked a much bigger setback.

Whatever it was, it wasn't bad enough to make me stop and I feel "fine".

If writing an injury report I would describe myself as "day-to-day" and depending how I feel tomorrow and on Sunday (next workout day) I would say I'm a "gametime decision" :P
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Old 01-07-2022, 09:33 PM   #3
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Re: 2022 Fitness Adventure

Decided to take a second (third?) look at my diet tonight and, while it is still trash, according to my calorie intake I might be under eating?

Took a look at the nutritional facts on the websites for the fast food chains (or brands) I most frequent (Wendy's, Popeye's and Digiorno). According to my age, height, weight, activity level and goals I should be eating anything from 2,000 calories to 2,900 calories per day. This according to a myriad of "calories calculators" available on the internet.

Yet with my awesome (read: not awesome, totally unscientific and most certainly unhealthy) "1 meal a day" thing I got going on I'm eating about 2,200 calories per day but some days only 1,500.

For example some days I only eat one of these.

And to think some days I felt bad when I added some snacks with that pizza

Anyways, now that I'm (relatively) firmly on the exercise train I need to take things more seriously and stop winging my diet.
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Old 01-12-2022, 09:14 PM   #4
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Re: 2022 Fitness Adventure

Originally Posted by Master Live 013
Decided to take a second (third?) look at my diet tonight and, while it is still trash, according to my calorie intake I might be under eating?

Took a look at the nutritional facts on the websites for the fast food chains (or brands) I most frequent (Wendy's, Popeye's and Digiorno). According to my age, height, weight, activity level and goals I should be eating anything from 2,000 calories to 2,900 calories per day. This according to a myriad of "calories calculators" available on the internet.

Yet with my awesome (read: not awesome, totally unscientific and most certainly unhealthy) "1 meal a day" thing I got going on I'm eating about 2,200 calories per day but some days only 1,500.

For example some days I only eat one of these.

And to think some days I felt bad when I added some snacks with that pizza

Anyways, now that I'm (relatively) firmly on the exercise train I need to take things more seriously and stop winging my diet.
If you're only eating one meal a day then I wouldn't recommend the pizza. You're going to be missing out on most of your daily nutritional needs.

I'm not a big of diets, especially crash diets and if you starve yourself then you'll workouts will suffer as will the results. I'd recommend just starting with the mindset of "more good days than bad days" when it come to food. Fill up on veggies. They'll help you satisfy your appetite as it starts growing with more exercise. Leaner meats (lean beef, chicken, fish), cut out sugary drinks and fried food, a lot of water, and a lot of patience. Drastic weight loss due to strict diets IMO are tougher to maintain long-term.

Also, weight training and listening to your body. If your body is telling you to rest, just do it. Pushing through your knee problem could set you back further if you injure it further. Riding the stationary bike or riding outside when the weather is nice is great. You burn good calories and keep weight off your joints.

Patience brother and keep us updated!
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Last edited by KG; 01-12-2022 at 09:18 PM.
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Old 01-17-2022, 12:19 PM   #5
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Re: 2022 Fitness Adventure

Any recommendations on weight loss programs (workouts of 30 minutes or less)

I finished 8 weeks of T-25, and I really don't feel like I've gained that much in results. I'm sure that diet has played a role, and I've definitely lost some weight. Im thinking that I need more weight training to though to really see the fat loss I'm looking for.
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Old 01-17-2022, 04:12 PM   #6
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Re: 2022 Fitness Adventure

2021 me in the 2021 thread: I'm gonna die in a few years if I don't get my **** together this year.

Also 2021 me: Do absolutely nothing to change it and be worse at the end than at the beginning.

I just don't care. I have no motivation at all. I need the motivation. I love working out. I just don't care.

Here's to hopefully surviving 2022!

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Old 01-17-2022, 06:04 PM   #7
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Re: 2022 Fitness Adventure

Originally Posted by bigbob
2021 me in the 2021 thread: I'm gonna die in a few years if I don't get my **** together this year.

Also 2021 me: Do absolutely nothing to change it and be worse at the end than at the beginning.

I just don't care. I have no motivation at all. I need the motivation. I love working out. I just don't care.

Here's to hopefully surviving 2022!

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I'm not going to pretend that I have an answer for you. The 8 weeks that I've been on this program is by far the longest that I've ever stuck with a consistent program. So, I am not a great example.

What worked for me though was:
1 - Minor health scare back in November. I needed to go on blood pressure medication, but I adamantly did not want to be on it long term. This gave me the proper motivation to work on my lifestyle habits.

2 - Found a workout program that was only 25 minutes long, a length that doesn't completely disrupt my day. It's also only 5 days a week so I can have my weekends free.

To be honest, even with both of these factors, I have had a few days where I just really did not want to do it. I just forced myself to do it because I know if I skip a day then I'll probably skip another.

Definitely don't wait until you have that health scare like I did. Good luck!
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Old 01-21-2022, 04:22 AM   #8
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Re: 2022 Fitness Adventure

I been doing kettle bell workouts and it’s been great. Not much stress on the joints and I’m getting cardio and lifting done at the same time with a short amount of time. I have to really watch what type of workouts or my joints flare up, like jogging will flare up my feet. So far haven’t had any issues with kettle bells so far.

I’ll be just watching a game and doing some dip swings.

I like how it connects to your whole body to do a movement so your improving the balance of the body as well.

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