
Your gruesome injury stories..

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Old 07-20-2010, 12:39 PM   #1
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Your gruesome injury stories..

So last Friday (the one over a week ago) I was walking into my bedroom in the dark, reaching up for the light over my bed on the ceiling fan, and I stubbed my toe. It hurt pretty bad but imagine my surprise when the light was turned on and my entire freaking toenail had come off! You want to talk pain? This was serious pain. And the next day it only got worse. It's been 11 days now and only yesterday was I able to go through the day without intense, burning pain in the toe. If you've ever cut your toenail too close then imagine that over your whole toe.

This was not as bad as my knee dislocating though. I dislocated my right knee 7 times before I finally got surgery at OSU Medical hospital and since then it's been ok (knock on wood). If you've ever dislocated something before you have to know how painful and messed up of a feeling it is. If you've not, then thank your lucky stars!

So do share with us all your gruesome injury stories...I'd like to hear some others as we all know, misery loves company..
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Old 07-20-2010, 12:45 PM   #2
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Re: Your gruesome injury stories..

The worst I've had was a badly sprained ankle. I've been injury free most of my life.

Taking BJJ classes now, though, I'm not so sure it'll stay that way.
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Old 07-20-2010, 12:47 PM   #3
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Re: Your gruesome injury stories..

It's funny because with all my exercising i've gotten into in the last couple of years I always figured that's how I'd hurt myself, not trying to turn on the stupid light and stubbing my toe.
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Old 07-20-2010, 01:04 PM   #4
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Re: Your gruesome injury stories..

No bones exposed, nothing dislocated but. . .

Playing basketball, I eluded my defender on the right wing and seriously thought I was about to dunk on a 6'8'' Eastern Michigan lineman who was standing between me and the basket. As I rose I was shoved in the back by the defender I had already blown by. Further, I never had any chance of clearing a fellow standing almost seven feet off the ground, so my legs clipped his shoulder and I took a nice face-first tumble to the floor.

Bitter at being pushed from behind I quickly checked the ball up before noticing a little hitch in how I caught the check back. My pinky was permanently curled into a ball. I figured it was dislocated so I tried to force the finger straight, which was temporarily successful until I let go, at which point it'd just curl back down, shriveled.

As it may be already apparent, I'd ruptured a tendon in my hand. In one sense it was embarrassing to admit I was casted up for what was essentially a pinky injury. On the other hand, I took pride in the fact that my surgeon told me my tendon had more or less exploded and was the worst he'd ever worked on.

The most gruesome aspect, aside from my finger shriveling up like it died, was the fact that part of the rehabilitative process involved jamming a rod into my finger that was physically sticking out of my skin and exposed to the world. It felt really primitive and unscientific but I guess that's how we roll. Further, I thought there would have been a lot more to removing the rod - painkillers, exacting precision - rather than the "snag a pair of pliers and yank" approach they used. It worked though, and my hand is now awesome again.

Last edited by VDusen04; 07-20-2010 at 01:06 PM.
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Old 07-20-2010, 01:06 PM   #5
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Re: Your gruesome injury stories..

I've never had a serious injury. I've scraped my knees/elbows up and sprained my ankle before, but I've never broke anything. I guess I'm pretty lucky in that regard.

I almost broke my arm on the Eiffel Tower last week when I slipped on the steps going down (it had been raining) and I landed smack down on my forearm, which caused a lot of bleeding. Fortunately, nothing was broken. Now if I was 50 years old, that may not have been the case...
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Old 07-20-2010, 01:08 PM   #6
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Re: Your gruesome injury stories..

I busted my chin on a jet ski once when I was about 17. They were an earlier model then what I was used to riding, I was doing the usual fish tailing and stuff. Out of nowhere it just caught the water wrong and the g-force of it pulled my entire body down that I busted my chin on the side of the jetskit. Had to get stitches in my chin and lip.
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Old 07-20-2010, 01:12 PM   #7
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Re: Your gruesome injury stories..

I was 13 and while at the YMCA, I was on a treadmill and stopped moving. I fell on to the conveyor belt, dislocating four fingers. I could have easily been mistaken for a gang member that day.
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Old 07-20-2010, 01:28 PM   #8
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Re: Your gruesome injury stories..

The most gruesome injury I had was when I was in the 5th grade. Our class went skating out the end of the school year. We was getting ready to leave the skating ring. I was about to go and take off my skates. And all of a sudden one of my skates rolled out from under me and I fellon my behind and that leg that rolled out from under me went under my butt. Then I fell on that ankle and broke it just from the force of the fall I had when I went to the floor. It hurt so freaking bad.
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