
Why I Don't Play 'Be a Player' Modes

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Old 03-03-2011, 11:05 PM   #17
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I woulod love a no holds bars sports RPG...but I remember reading that couldnt do certain things i.e. players getting in trouble, for legal reasons
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Old 03-03-2011, 11:40 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by dave731
One of the things NBA 2K11 and MLB The Show should do is take a page from the EASHL and form their own version of that with the My Player/RTTS. I know 2K11 has team up and my team but if they worked it out to where teams could get in and run seasons complete with trades, messages boards for smack talking among players and a virtual GM/Owner behind the scenes pulling the trigger on some of the deals, it would take on a life of its own. Rivalries would develop among individual players and owners while storylines would create themselves.

You enter the league as a young player who signs with a young owner of an NBDL team looking for talent. This process could also have different aspects to it with owners promising playing time, attribute boosts, etc. etc. Playing nets experience and boosted attributes allowing you to move up to the next level where a league exists with retiring veterans and young stars already developing. Someone could work out all the specifics in a one hour brainstorming session.
agree with this,
Man in a perfect world you could have an entire online sim world outside of the game, and all your actions in that world could effect what happens in your my player association.
folks on here mentioned the game The SIms alot. imagine taking your player into thatw orld and interacting with all sorts of people.
Based on all these mergers going in the gaming industr, the merging of titles is inevitable. Living your my player"second life" in a total different environment all together.
I see this slowly happening. but it willhappen.

great topic/article. Youve started a topic that could take gaming to another level. great follow up posts by everyone also.
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Old 03-03-2011, 11:46 PM   #19
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I wonder if it would be a good idea to do a sports game RPG version with online functionality be-it baseball, football,hockey or soccer (American sports only maybe??) where you would create your own player and have the cpu be the owner (or something along those lines). And you compete with other online users...I'm not into the player mode stuff myself but an online only function would solve the problem with the AI making dumb moves. maybe that would be too much lol but imagine that you create a guy along with say 25 other guys (baseball example) you build your player the same way you would on road to the show the owner offers you a contract based off the scouts report on your guy as well as the other created guys. The CPU controls the scouts, Gm, and The Manager etc...but bottom line you eliminate the head ache of the AI messing up instead you do have human error which would make it more realistic if you like the be a player mode. #winning
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Old 03-03-2011, 11:49 PM   #20
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Re: Why I Don't Play 'Be a Player' Modes

Create-A-Superstar in Madden is pretty fun if your a WR/TE or a CB/SS/FS because you always get to chase the ball =D
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Old 03-04-2011, 12:24 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by TheRealHST
I woulod love a no holds bars sports RPG...but I remember reading that couldnt do certain things i.e. players getting in trouble, for legal reasons
Yeah, as great as a more true to life setup for my player would be, a lot of things won't make it, because the leagues and unions would never allow a game to make light of a players off field failings. Look at how quickly the NCAA Football games removed player behavior. It was in one year, I believe, before it was removed. I didn't follow the scene as closely as I do now, but I have to imagine the NCAA didn't like a game where your star player could be in trouble for taking improper benefits and you had to suspend him, no matter how realistic it is.

The closest thing I've seen for a career based game (and I know this isn't technically a sport) is Grey Dog Software's Wrestling Spirit. It's not perfect, but like KM said, the ability to form relationships that last in the games AI would be a huge step forward.
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Old 03-04-2011, 01:02 AM   #22
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Re: Why I Don't Play 'Be a Player' Modes

Originally Posted by RUFFNREADY
ps. @Kelvin Mak; Please tell me, you don't hang out at the "Drake" Hotel on Queen st? Or frequent the Brass Rail? LOL
Haha, nah man, The Drake is wayyyyy too hipster for me. And I've been to the Brass Rail once with a few buddies, too rich for my blood.

But I was a Ryerson guy, so I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Zanzibar. Especially during lunch time. Man, I saw a lot of things, warts and all. (Pardon the cheap pun)
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Old 03-04-2011, 01:14 AM   #23
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Re: Why I Don't Play 'Be a Player' Modes

I would like to see a deep straight RPG style sports game that let you create a player and live out his career in an online world against real players. Like a MMO-sports RPG.
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Old 03-04-2011, 08:27 AM   #24
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One person already mentioned it. MLB Power Pros.
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