
Six Days in Fallujah

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Old 03-23-2021, 05:53 PM   #1
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Six Days in Fallujah

Game looks pretty intense:

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Old 03-24-2021, 04:13 PM   #2
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Re: Six Days in Fallujah

def has potential "playable documentary" was an interesting description that they are going for.
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Old 03-24-2021, 11:53 PM   #3
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Re: Six Days in Fallujah

The narrative and description of the experiences are from our US military men and woman who were there in the front-lines. It's produced and published by Victura and developed by Highwire Games, which is led by many of the original Halo and Destiny leadership. I'll help support them and try it out when it comes out later this year.

This may help in the intrigue of the game by having "procedural architecture" as they call it for changing the map each time you die. I know its been done before but this takes this type of game to a different level. IMO

Procedural Architecture in Six Days in Fallujah

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Old 03-26-2021, 03:08 PM   #4
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Re: Six Days in Fallujah

This game is actually coming out?

I remember it being canceled way back when because of a lot of controversy about the story.

I'll definitely be checking it out.
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Old 03-26-2021, 11:16 PM   #5
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Re: Six Days in Fallujah

Originally Posted by PVarck31
This game is actually coming out?

I remember it being canceled way back when because of a lot of controversy about the story.
It still seems to be getting controversy from a lot of video game journalists.

I'm just happy that it's finally going to come out.
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Old 03-27-2021, 04:52 AM   #6
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Re: Six Days in Fallujah

Originally Posted by zello144
It still seems to be getting controversy from a lot of video game journalists.

I'm just happy that it's finally going to come out.
Of course it is. I hope they tune it out and still release the game. Maybe I'm a cold hearted *******. But I've had interest in this game since it was first announced years and years ago.
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Old 03-27-2021, 02:05 PM   #7
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Re: Six Days in Fallujah

Originally Posted by zello144
It still seems to be getting controversy from a lot of video game journalists.
The game is correctly receiving heavy criticism for misrepresenting the actual events of the Second Battle of Fallujah, which included the use of white phosphorus as an offensive weapon against insurgents, literally a violation of the Geneva Convention and a war crime. It doesn't at all address the motivations for the United States military and the coalition of the willing sending armed forces to Iraq, which turned out to be politically-motivated lies. It "others" innocent Iraqi citizens and Muslims by reducing them to procedurally-generated props. And all this for what, a Call Of Duty style quick-time-to-kill procedurally-generated first-person shooter?

I don't care if the game comes out or not, the developer is free to build and release whatever it wants, just as I'm free to never buy it. At the same time, let's call a spade a spade. At best, this game is leveraging history to lend authenticity to its gameplay but doesn't get the facts correct, which is irresponsible and the developer should have to answer tough questions about. At worst, this game is propaganda supporting the United States military and a deliberate white-washing of atrocities that our armed forces committed abroad.
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Old 03-28-2021, 08:19 PM   #8
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Re: Six Days in Fallujah

You practically just described every single piece of media about any war. They all bend the truth for a variety of purposes. There is a reason the saying "History is written by the victors" exists. I doubt there is a single historical record of anything that is 100% accurate as to what happened. Even events that have happened in our lifetimes are skewed when retold because people are always going to be biased whether intentional or not.

The game looks like it has plenty of potential and I am anxious to see how much replayability it actually has with the procedural tech they are using. I'm not interested in the game because I expected it to be 100% accurate to the events of the battle just like I never go into playing Call of Duty or any other shooter and think they are portraying their wars 100% accurately just like Saving Private Ryan isn't any worse of a movie to me because it has a plethora of inaccuracies throughout every scene just about.

We simply live in an era where everyone wants to find controversy in everything for whatever reason. If someone simply disagrees with someone or something they will go out of their way to find anything they can to try and bring that thing/person down a notch if they can.
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