
Playbooks are limited but could be limitless

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Old 09-16-2013, 12:05 AM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Playbooks are limited but could be limitless

First: I highly enjoy this game, especially the new run blocking but...

Scenario: I'm utah's OC and our base formation is Pistol Trips with a TE opposite. We are playing USC I come out the first play and run a Dive to see how they are going to line up to the formation. Ok, sweet they are going to overload the TE side; know what would be perfect Read Option Left....Oh wait my playbook only has it to the Right. No problem, I'll just flip it at the line of scrimmage....Oh wait, can't do that either. Ok, I'll motion across the formation to get the numbers where I want them when I have to run Read Option Right....Nope, the motion totally confuses the CPU and when I hit snap, my WR motions back across the formation to his original spot.

Alright, forget that mess. I'll just run Toss Sweep...can't I don't have it in this formation, gotta go dig through 12 formations to the one that has Toss Sweep (to which the defense now aligns differently to). Toss Sweep isn't looking so good.

Every playbook should have every play that can be run left or right. Now I understand that some plays might not work being ran both ways; however, good offensive coordinators would figure out how to run the play both ways. Example Triple Option pitching to the HB on the Right or running the bubble to WR on the Left.

I feel the reason a majority of people cheese is because they have limited options. I mean some playbooks only have 7 plays in them.

I understand that EA might have to make new animations for each "new" play; however they might give the linemen rules like in real life. That would allow the linemen to run the same play verse different fronts, different directions, and different formations.

Idk, maybe the PS7 can handle that.
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Old 04-23-2016, 08:39 AM   #2
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Re: Playbooks are limited but could be limitless

I HATE THE CURRENT PLAY SYSTEM. There, I said it. My idea would be to completely revamp the play system. There is no reason for certain plays to be limited to one or two formations, and not having enough plays to make a complete offense.

I'd like to be able to create a playbook from scratch. That's right, make my own formations and blocking schemes and everything. But this is hard to implement without being taken advantage of by the cheesers that ruined it for the rest of us.

So the next best thing is to include MORE formations and plays. Every shotgun formation with at least 1 running back should have an inside zone, an outside zone (off tackle), a power (base), a counter, a draw, a read option, a speed option, a buck sweep, an inverted veer, a trap (like the 01 trap play), motion zone triple option (if there is a slot receiver), you get the idea. Include all of these plays and more in every formation, because you can run more than just the spread option or air raid out of shotgun. The trick is you shouldn't choose to run each and every one of these runs because you'll fill up your playbook too quickly. Choose 5 or 6 concepts to attack the parts of the defense you want, you'll make them work by switching formations to move around defenders.

Same for passes. For the formations that could run them, include levels, smash, stick, spot, etc. This way you can make an offense with the schemes you like the most, and keep out the ones you don't, and have them in every one of your formations that work with that scheme. YOU KNOW, LIKE HOW REAL PLAYBOOKS WORK. You'd also see some diversity rather than the same offenses ran by everyone.

It should go without saying that defense should work this way too, though it already is to an extent.

And lastly, just a rant about formations. We don't have enough. And we have too many. Lots of formations are unnecessary because they are basically copies of each other. And we don't have enough in some categories. Only wishbone formations in 14, only two split back formations, (none which run the veer properly). Here's how you do it EA, making I formations for examply. You have a two options; personnel and alignment. For 12 personnel (1 tight end, 2 backs, fullback and halfback) you have a can put both receivers on one side or one with the tight end and one on the backside. Then you can put your fullback behind, to the left, or the right of the formation. Then the same for two tight ends, and 3 receivers. There, now we're covered, that's it. You have every formation with each group of personnel. Do this for everything, that way nothing is left out. I don't want there to be 7 different kinds of shotgun spread. Give me one with an offset back and one with an even back. Now I pick from the 50+ plays available in that formation to choose the schemes I want as mentioned before.

I hope someone agrees because I really hate the way the play system is currently and fear it will never change.
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