10-09-2020, 12:34 PM
Shot in the Dark: Offline Teambuilder Teams for NCAA '12 PS3
I realize this isn't the TB thread, but that place is dead and hasn't seen a post since 2019. But it is "somewhat" roster related, so I thought I'd ask here well.
I recently had to format my drive because it failed. Been a long time NCAA '12 player, but I lost all of my team builder teams that I had downloaded for it. At any rate, I noticed that on '14, the game/system saves each of these as individual teams/files. I was wondering if anyone had some of these teams on their systems, and if they could somehow post these off-line for me. Not even sure if this sort of thing would work or not, but I figured it's worth a try.
P.S. Already tried to do a drive recover on my old drive, didn't work.
P.S.S. Not to be a choosing beggar, but I'm mainly looking for the prominent new teams (mainly Sun Belt) such as App State, Texas State, Georgia Southern, Coastal, USA, and Liberty. I don't care about the rosters, it's mostly just about the teams/uniforms themselves.