08-25-2014, 08:31 PM
Seeking 2007-2014 Community Rosters for Data Analysis (Offline)
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to perform some multivariate analysis of college football player recruitment, and it occurred to me that one potentially good (subjective, but broadly collaborative and thus low-bias) source of player improvement data would be their rankings in community-corrected NCAA Football rosters over time.
To that end, I know I'm fishing here BUT does anyone out there have community-corrected roster data for the past few years? They would need to be final rosters from the same roster producer/community (OS Official, Fairdale Kings, etc.) and I'd be interested in data as far back as 2006-7. Ideally I'd love to see something in a data-analysis-friendly format (csv, xls, etc.) but console roster files will probably work too as long as I can hack them on my PC.
If anyone can help me out with this, post the files here, then PM me with an email address and I'll be sure to share my results and compiled data files with you when I'm done.
Thank you!