
NBA Live 16: Freestyle Control and Player Movement

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Old 07-20-2015, 04:00 PM   #65
swac07's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 16: Freestyle Control and Player Movement

Originally Posted by seanhazz1
I will have to agree to disagree. I can show you how to "separate" from your defender easily. Keep in mind in LIVE 15 you need to have the right guy on offense and the favorable defense matchup to do so, especially if I can do it with Isaiah Canaan or Tony Wroten from Philly. I am not even one of the best I've seen doing the dribble moves and tying them together, but personally I have close to 600hrs (easily verified) of game time in it, on both PSN and XBONE platforms combined, so I am well "practiced" in dribbling myself free with the right stick and exploding by a defender without spamming it up. I'm not trying to be condescending, but I can create a video for you if you'd like, of that and many other things people claim is not possible, many of which have been improved even more since launch. It may not be to the standard you wish, but its in there, and to say it isn't possible is not a totally true statement.

As The 24th Letter suggested, "it felt more like a game of getting the 'defense's off balance' animation to trigger...", and he is correct, as that is EXACTLY how it happens in the NBA (ex. Iverson crossing Jordan, Curry repeatedly crossing Paul). You will only get it to trigger with the right matchup and ratings difference, and not the universal turbo zig-zag method many bring from playing many hours of 2k, JRC, or the Park, expecting to be as successful. Think of how Jordan rocked Bryan Russell for that famous finals winning shot (minus the push off). Put Kyrie or Wall on Canaan and its all day dribbles right by the defender just like that, the reverse matchup?,... well not so much.

If its troublesome, I suggest trying hesitation pull-ups (tap right stick towards ball hand and shoot in rhythm), as a basic shot to practice, the space is there and better shooters (Harden, Curry, Ray Allen) kill it with just that simple move alone, from everywhere now, and with minimal space needed after patches. Throw in a hesitation cross with a step back and you can see Curry-like movement. Hesitation cross to a spin fade-away, and you are doing Kobe-like moves. Some players just can't dribble (Korver) and get free just like in real life, but still will still stick the shot if the spacing allows.

I'm not saying its all easy or perfect for everyone, but I practiced it a lot, no i'm not the best or perfect by far, but it IS in there which is my stance, as well as where each game has been focusing its gameplay improvements annually, as I previously stated.

ON THE FLOOR is where almost all of the game of basketball is played, not in the air, and its why I preferred LIVE this year (online association fiasco aside), because they are taking care of on the floor options, interactions and controls over aerial options and controls. IMO, this helps to teach users a truer version of the game we think we see on TV, leading to "SIM" styles, while the other inherently promotes NBA JAM style play, focusing on dunk package options and an aerial assault. Just my observation and opinion. In Live's case, many people hang their hat for what the game isn't instead of what it is, and that's because they actually want LIVE to fill in the obvious gaps that 2K has left open for them, without openly saying so. Why else come to a moderated LIVE forum?. In the end I too just want a good game of great basketball, hopefully we get two games, that offer differing styles but produce the same results,... tight controls, fun game play, and a similarity to a real NBA game as seen in real TV broadcasts.
Lol man...sorry i still dont agree...our experiences with 15 DEFINITELY differ..if i had never played the game for myself for countless of hours I wouldve definitely believed what you are saying.....but nah fam.. .hopefully live 16 gets it right

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Last edited by swac07; 07-20-2015 at 04:10 PM.
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Old 07-20-2015, 06:46 PM   #66
ThaLiveKing's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 16: Freestyle Control and Player Movement

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Breaking down a defender off the dribble has never felt great to me in he Live series....it felt more like a game of getting the "defense is off balance" animation to trigger...

This look's to be changing in Live '16 from what little I've seen in the videos...all about those angles...I think thing's are going to open up a lot more this year..
I did some crazy ankle breaker, then stepped back J to end the defender's life in 2K with George Hill that I could never pull off in Live, any of them!!! There's just a lot more variety in that context. But the dribble moves really looked revamped in 16 from the short video they released, but I doubt it's too that extent that 2K has of right now in 2k15
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Old 07-20-2015, 08:19 PM   #67
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Re: NBA Live 16: Freestyle Control and Player Movement

I agree that Live doesn't have as many moves as 2k does but to say you can't break defenders down is wrong.



Last edited by Jay Jay; 07-20-2015 at 08:48 PM.
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Old 07-21-2015, 12:19 AM   #68
The 24th Letter's Arena
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NBA Live 16: Freestyle Control and Player Movement

That definitely would be a wrong statement (that's why no one said it) It's especially possible against a human like the first video showed who don't have that same ability the CPU does to hold you in place......

It is what it is, and that's how it's been for a while. Like I said though, looks to be changing for the better...

Last edited by The 24th Letter; 07-21-2015 at 12:57 AM.
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