In Live 10 those size ups were canned animations.. I know a little behind the dribbling system there and believe me, that game had issues. Mike Wang just got creative and that team did some crafty things. Other than that it was so flawed that they couldnt do anything more.
What people here don't care for is talking about dribbling again. Why, because there was never anything wrong with it. Nobody ever asked for it to be changed, yet its still in the forefront, and again this company has had time to do many things. Im not saying we shouldn't wait because trust me people are, im just telling you that EA has put themselves in this position and they need to show and do much more before opinions change. Its not that peoples minds are made up, they made up people's minds with all of the lies and not delivering a thing in the midst of it all.
Its not irrational here Tuss... EA hasn't done anything yet have they? Again man, dribbling was never a negative point. NEVER.
Lets hope the buzzword bounce tek is not as lame as other buzzwords and broken features like Pro Tak and real time physics.
5 on 5 you say? That's basically what evreryone else is saying they want to see because we've done this show one guy dribble in the lone WIP screen.
StephensonMC was the community guy here during Live 09. HE took alot of abuse from posters because Live had been so messed up for so long. He actually established some trust through that year and the next when he became apart of the dev team the next year and he stuck with the guys, took the criticisms, took the metacritic score to heart and was realistic and was dedicated to the game. Live 10 wasnt a failure, but it was a great 1st year base... 09 was headed there, but 10 took it to the point where you still see guys tweaking and playing it.
Guys from here were invited to EA... I can tell you one of them here actually implemented those fantastic plays in the game which has changed basketball games in short without getting into background stuff, yes guys here do influence some things. They were way more involved than you know and on top of that their fans and customers as well.
So see 2k is also working on a new engine right? If they have a ton of stuff, what is EAs excuse again? Because its basically excuse after excuse.
Nobody wanted them to take pieces of a failed game in E-Lite and add it because it was a disaster, envisioned by a freaking hockey guy. I don't want that and you don't either
Waiting on the real gameplay videos. If they do well they will hear it. If they don't they will hear it..but at the same time they should listen to the fans and improve on it instead of ignoring them, or they'll end up in the same situation again.