
NBA Live Needs the Dream

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Old 02-21-2010, 10:14 PM   #57
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LIVE has been crap for years and even Mike Wang couldn't save this insult to the NBA. Now Wang's back at 2k to make sure the King of B-ball games stays on top. LIVE HAS NO CHANCE EVER! 2k will beat it every year.
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Old 02-21-2010, 10:37 PM   #58
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Re: NBA Live Needs the Dream

Originally Posted by deepen03
LIVE has been crap for years and even Mike Wang couldn't save this insult to the NBA. Now Wang's back at 2k to make sure the King of B-ball games stays on top. LIVE HAS NO CHANCE EVER! 2k will beat it every year.
Based on what? u are making a statement based on nothing....

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Old 02-24-2010, 10:02 PM   #59
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Re: NBA Live Needs the Dream

I really have no idea why people think Live is in for doom and gloom because Mike Wang left.

Live 09 introduced DNA, DNA hot zones, quick strike driblbling, the current play calling system. Wang had nothing to do with any of that.

It would be silly to just all of a sudden think that EA is going to scrap it, or not tweak it further.

They created the dang features to begin with.

Heck Live 09, had signature animationsthat didnt make it into '10. I can only assume that dynamic season took those resources.
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Old 02-24-2010, 10:41 PM   #60
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Live team did a great job on 10 and I think 11 will shut up a lot of the ignorance and biased comments that continue to spit out of some people mouth's.

MW or not, more than one man made Live 10 and you have to give those individuals their credit. The game was leaps and bounds better than Live 09 in 10 months time. I can only see the series improving.
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Old 02-24-2010, 11:17 PM   #61
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Re: NBA Live Needs the Dream

Man stop it with this bias talk and how you guys dont understand

First of all EA has a history, thats reason #1 people dont trust EA

Second, Its the "new direction" comment that bothers people

Third Moving some of the devs who worked on this game elsewhere and one leaving is another thing that raised people's eyebrows.

At this point, EA doesnt have alot of leg room with the fans. Since this gen started its been disaster after disaster, and once something respectable comes out BOOM, new direction.

People are going to wait and see, not claiming doom and gloom. The marketing thing has worn out now, just the same as the limited animations the generic player likenesses/tendencies...

There are a number of things that bother people that shouldn't be ignored.
Like I said, people are going to wait and see
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Old 02-24-2010, 11:46 PM   #62
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Re: NBA Live Needs the Dream

Originally Posted by 23
You can't throw a decent alley opp unless the guy is 2 feet from the rim and even then he'll brick those for no reason

The CPU can take a guy like Dwight and bring the ball up the court on a fastbreak with crossovers but there are so many fundamental things you are not capable of after seeing that, that its disgusting.

I hate how I cant drive in for a dunk or layup without being bodied up or whatever but the CPU can do a quick drive and dunk and you can't even move because the game has your feet in quicksand to contest it, or in time for that matter.

Im not so sure the fifa thing works because again this game is far too imbalanced.
That's what I struggled with the most when I had Live. I love the fact that there is contact but I need to see variety in the animations taking into account who's involved in the "collision".

I fully understand how folks say Live is generic but I also see why people like Live.
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Old 02-24-2010, 11:48 PM   #63
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Re: NBA Live Needs the Dream

Originally Posted by 23
Man stop it with this bias talk and how you guys dont understand

First of all EA has a history, thats reason #1 people dont trust EA

Agreed EA has a history and it's always the suits that limit this game, we finally know that now from previous threads. But even with their interference Live 10 is still a great game.

Second, Its the "new direction" comment that bothers people

People are afraid of change, thats why other titles are the same rehash yearly. I commend Live series for at least trying to make it fresh, at the same time I hate when they remove features and things that weren't broken.

Third Moving some of the devs who worked on this game elsewhere and one leaving is another thing that raised people's eyebrows.

And they also added people as well, including the whole damn NCAA BB team, which is still angering me. But hey, who says the move won't be beneficial...

At this point, EA doesnt have alot of leg room with the fans. Since this gen started its been disaster after disaster, and once something respectable comes out BOOM, new direction.

People are going to wait and see, not claiming doom and gloom. The marketing thing has worn out now, just the same as the limited animations the generic player likenesses/tendencies...

People are saying it doomed still basing it off of Live 06, 07, and 08 which were all created by another development squad. Just the name Live is a bad taste in someones mouth. And majority of the people who continue to bash it completely are people who are playing it and trying to compare it off the competitions game. Now the player likeness comment I 110% agree with you, I think I typed about 4 to 5 post on the disgusting rookie models, especially my whole UNC Tarheels graduates who looked nothing like themselves.

There are a number of things that bother people that shouldn't be ignored.
Like I said, people are going to wait and see
Even in this thread people can't stop comparing this series to the competitions series.

1st off, they are two different companys, two different gameplay engines, two different graphics engines, two different everything.

The games are different, stop trying to compare them and stop expecting them to be a like, play alike or anything else. That's why this game is hated so much, because for years the competitions game plays so well, that even at the slightest of a difference, then it just plain sucks.

I agree with Dre' about a few things, I do agree with him that the team is still limiting this series, too many little things can be implemented into it and it would be an outstanding ball game.

On the court it's solid, options wise it's barebones. Even the online is great, just needs a better setup lobby. Leagues, and a few other things that will eliminate so much heart ache from even the loyals who've made it thus far.

Last edited by Behindshadows; 02-24-2010 at 11:51 PM.
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Old 02-24-2010, 11:58 PM   #64
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Re: NBA Live Needs the Dream

Firtsly I love Live 10, I know its not perfect but worth building on, cant put the damn game down. I PM'd Blackflash questioning the diffent direction the game is heading since the MW statement and his reply:

Regarding LIVE 11, the direction the game is taking is a good one. Pared said it best on OS when he said that NBA LIVE needs to have its own identity. If you look at LIVE 10, the game played a lot like NBA 2K and it didn't really differentiate itself from 2K. LIVE 11 will take that step to differentiating itself in an AWESOME way. I can't go into it exactly but you will like it when you hear more about it in the coming months.

It sounds like the game is just going in a "different" direction not a "new" one, but still sim.. Im hoping Live 11 is going to be a great game, will just have to wait and see.
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