
Controller disconnecting - 2K16 - Help??

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Old 09-19-2016, 10:53 PM   #1
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Controller disconnecting - 2K16 - Help??

Hey y'all. Long time 2K player, but recently moved to PC with 2K16. Love the game, haven't played in awhile and just fired it up recently again. For some reason, my Xbox 360 wireless controller disconnects during the middle of some online Play Now matches vs. other people. It really blows because not only do I take an L because I have to exit the game with the keyboard, but I just want to play the game! Once it disconnects, even if the controller comes back on, the controller will no longer work in the game, so I have to exit. Big time bummer and I'm wondering if anyone here knows some sort of workaround or patch or something? Batteries are fresh and there is nothing obstructing the wireless adapter, etc.

Also, if anyone wants to play, hit me up! I play "simulation style" but that doesn't mean I walk the ball up every time. I will take advantage of anything I can, but in a realistic, non-exploit way. And who knows, if you play me you may learn a neat trick or two (or vice versa!)
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Old 09-21-2016, 01:13 AM   #2
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Re: Controller disconnecting - 2K16 - Help??

4 games in a row it happened now. Each time I was winning. Fell from the Development league back down to College because of it. Using the 6ers exclusively and beating Tier 1 teams by double digits, only to have my controller disconnect. Must have had at *least* 15 losses over the course of last year to this year because of it.

Anyone know if this is fixed in 2K17???
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Old 09-21-2016, 03:01 AM   #3
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Re: Controller disconnecting - 2K16 - Help??

I only get disconnects with two diff same controllers if my batteries die.

Def no problem with controller? USB issue? The port?
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Old 09-21-2016, 03:49 AM   #4
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Re: Controller disconnecting - 2K16 - Help??

Hey. Thanks for the comment. This is the only game it's ever happened in. It's not really batteries or port, because the batteries are new and the other games I've played seem to work fine. Also, the controller does seem to reconnect in a second or two, but it won't work again unless I close the game and reopen. Also, others have reported this issue in the past but I never saw a resolution for it.

I wouldn't mind if it happened and I didn't take an L because of it. I'd like to rank up just to see if there's fun competition in the higher ranks, but I must have slipped ranks several times just because of this issue, and that is the frustrating part.
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Old 09-21-2016, 05:38 PM   #5
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Re: Controller disconnecting - 2K16 - Help??

Originally Posted by fluent2332
Hey. Thanks for the comment. This is the only game it's ever happened in. It's not really batteries or port, because the batteries are new and the other games I've played seem to work fine. Also, the controller does seem to reconnect in a second or two, but it won't work again unless I close the game and reopen.
Yeah, if there is a disconnect, I think the universal ramification of that is that you cannot get control back for any online game.

But there is no reason why you should get the brief disconnect and then reconnect, if there is no battery or USB issue.

If you know the batteries are fine, the USB port/controller is fine, and that the controller itself is fine, then I'm afraid I'm at a total loss as to why you're experiencing this.

I've been playing with the same XB 360 wireless controller I used for 2K16 and have not had any issues except for the known battery-died-disconnect or the same problem occurring because I forgot to have my controller on when I launched the game.
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Old 09-21-2016, 06:47 PM   #6
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Re: Controller disconnecting - 2K16 - Help??

Originally Posted by harryl
Yeah, if there is a disconnect, I think the universal ramification of that is that you cannot get control back for any online game.

But there is no reason why you should get the brief disconnect and then reconnect, if there is no battery or USB issue.

If you know the batteries are fine, the USB port/controller is fine, and that the controller itself is fine, then I'm afraid I'm at a total loss as to why you're experiencing this.

I've been playing with the same XB 360 wireless controller I used for 2K16 and have not had any issues except for the known battery-died-disconnect or the same problem occurring because I forgot to have my controller on when I launched the game.
Well, I'm not 100% sure the controller is fine, but like I said, the batteries are new, tried several different USB ports, made sure the USB ports were always powered, and the controller seems to work fine for every other game I've played.

I thought it was just some strange bug in 2K16, but who knows at this point. All I know is it has gotten to the point where I can't finish a single game now.
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Old 09-21-2016, 07:53 PM   #7
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Re: Controller disconnecting - 2K16 - Help??

Originally Posted by fluent2332
Well, I'm not 100% sure the controller is fine, but like I said, the batteries are new, tried several different USB ports, made sure the USB ports were always powered, and the controller seems to work fine for every other game I've played.

I thought it was just some strange bug in 2K16, but who knows at this point. All I know is it has gotten to the point where I can't finish a single game now.
Yeah, you need to trouble-shoot and isolate variables. It may be hard to do so if other games you play are ones for which, for whatever reason, you wouldn't notice a very brief, momentary drop in the controller connection.
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Old 09-22-2016, 05:15 PM   #8
Bunselpower32's Arena
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Re: Controller disconnecting - 2K16 - Help??

Check out a thread by dyslexicphish if you haven’t already. It’s apparently a thing with several people.

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