
How is NBA 2k13 running on your PC compared to NBA 2k12 (FPS at same settings)?

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Old 10-09-2012, 07:57 PM   #1
geisterhome's Arena
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Question How is NBA 2k13 running on your PC compared to NBA 2k12 (FPS at same settings)?

i got a difficult decision to make, which is if i shall get nba2k13 for pc or xbox. i always prefer the pc versions but this year the decisive factor is how my pc can run the game. itll be the same pc i played nba2k12 on. i was able to run it with all graphic settings at max and 1080p, 2xAA at about 50fps back then. so with other words my pc was very much at its limits, just changing to 4xAA would make it laggy and unplayable.. i dont really want to lower the settings too much after playing on max last year. i read that the official hardware requirements are the same but i never really trust them i have to say.

so to all of you who played nba2k12 and now are playing nba2k13 on the same pc or lap top, how is the performance at the same settings comparing the 2 games, how many fps did you get with last years version and how many now?
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Last edited by geisterhome; 10-09-2012 at 08:01 PM.
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Old 10-09-2012, 10:57 PM   #2
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Re: How is NBA 2k13 running on your PC compared to NBA 2k12 (FPS at same settings)?

Well the system requirements haven't changed too much. What gpu do you have? Either way you probably will still be able to get better graphics on PC. You do have access to mods with PC as well. I wouldn't imagine you having to sacrifice much from what you were able to do last year. There is a thread on here about some of the features that were left out of the pc version this year so you may want to take that into account if you were really excited about some of the newer modes. However for me not having to deal with VC and all that other crap has actually left us PC users with fewer bugs if you can believe that.
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Old 10-10-2012, 05:02 AM   #3
geisterhome's Arena
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Icon5 Re: How is NBA 2k13 running on your PC compared to NBA 2k12 (FPS at same settings)?

probably you are right man! think the pc version is still better and a lot of things they left out i dont even care abt.

but have you or anybody else played both nba2k12 and nba2k13 on the same computer and can give me somewhat specific data preferably in the form FPS comparing how both games run on similar settings.

Like nba2k12 with max settings, 1080p, 2AA: X fps and nba2k13 with max settings, 1080, 2AA: X fps.
thats just an example, settings and everything else can be different, just want to compare.
in nba2k12 you could do a performance test, maybe thats also possible in nba2k13? would be an easy way to find comparitive data.
would be very grateful if somebody here could provide me with that info! of course a subjective impression will help too!
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Old 10-10-2012, 05:10 AM   #4
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Re: How is NBA 2k13 running on your PC compared to NBA 2k12 (FPS at same settings)?

im getting around 120 fps but this is without mods, in nba 2k12 it was around 120+ with all the mods

i played the ps3 demo when it came out and cant stand the resolution of the game, gotta stick with pc
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Old 10-10-2012, 01:06 PM   #5
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Re: How is NBA 2k13 running on your PC compared to NBA 2k12 (FPS at same settings)?

How are you getting that high
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Old 10-10-2012, 04:09 PM   #6
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Re: How is NBA 2k13 running on your PC compared to NBA 2k12 (FPS at same settings)?

I'm getting very good FPS (Not sure the exact number) playing on the same 2 year old computer. I've got a Nvidia 260 GTX and I don't get too many problems. I'm running on max settings.
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Old 10-10-2012, 04:55 PM   #7
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Re: How is NBA 2k13 running on your PC compared to NBA 2k12 (FPS at same settings)?

Same FPS as last year for me. Maxed out on my desktop (GTS 250 + Quad Core)

My laptop can run it at 30 FPS on High (Crowd/AA/Vsync Off) and its specs are horrible.

Integrated Graphics.
Dual Core (2.1 Ghz)
3 Gb Ram.

I wouldn't worry much about it. Get it on PC.
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Old 10-10-2012, 06:14 PM   #8
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Re: How is NBA 2k13 running on your PC compared to NBA 2k12 (FPS at same settings)?

You can have 500 fps it will still be laggy. Console is so smooth. I dont get it.
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