I don't understand why this is such a big deal. Everyone before GTA V was release for weeks on weeks was talking about how current gen for upcoming pre-order games were on the decline and that sales for games weren't that good. Everyone was saying that people are waiting for the new systems to come out to get games. Then GTA comes out and it shatters it and everyone is saying now that current gen isn't dead.
Now we get people getting upset over a demo not being release. I would understand if it was Live, 989 Sports, or another new basketball game coming onto the market, but its not. Everyone has seen the video's and while most of us haven't played it yet it doesn't look like earth shattering difference. Plus they been making the game for over a decade. There are subtle differences. Honestly if there was no next gen coming out a month and a half later most people would think this was a great upgrade (defense block shots, my crew back, subtle tweaks to modes).
As of next gen a demo would be cool, but isn't the game suppose to come out at launch (not exactly sure). That's like people saying OMG I can't believe EA isn't giving a Battlefield 4 demo out for next gen, or for other games that are coming out around launch. And as most people say the demo is mostly an early build anyways so it's not the best guideline to go on to "I am going to buy this now." or "Nope I am going to spend it somewhere else." I doubt people are sitting there going "hmm most next gens are having demo's for day one releases for the next gen systems. I better just get the game on current gen since I know what exactly is given."
I wonder how many of these people on here complaining about the demo are still scorned by the Madden game that was the released for launch on the 360/ps3?