
NBA 2K14 Features New Blocking System, Includes the Ability to Block Dunks

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Old 08-11-2013, 04:56 AM   #177
Jrocc23's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features New Blocking System, Includes the Ability to Block Dunks

Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
Such as who?
This idea is silly. You basically telling me it's impossible for a "Posterizer" to get blocked by someone in the NBA not labeled a "Eraser"? Like its a someone should have a 0% chance?

Man, it's so many ways I can go w/ this. Say 2K keeps the limit to 5 SS's. Lets look at LeBron. He doesn't have "Eraser", you telling me every person in the NBA should just posterize LeBron because he don't have that SS? It's other players that don't have that SS that could easily have it.

Ok, videos even though I shouldn't need it because its common sense.

Turiaf blocking Kobe's dunk. Knowing the 2K insider, in 2009, could have made Kobe a "Posterizer". So in 2K this definitely shouldn't happen.

Hickson blocking the poster boy himself, Blake Griffin. Hickson isn't a "Eraser".

Okafor blocks Stoudemires dunk. Okafor isn't an "Eraser" in 2K13 and Stoudemire is a "Posterizer".

Bledsoe blocking JR Smith. You telling me this cannot possibly happen to a "Posterizer"? I believe JR Smith could be labeled a "Posterizer" by the 2K insider. Even though he isn't, JR Smith is close to that and is getting blocked by a 6'1" PG

Faried blocking Westbrook. Faried currently doesn't have "Eraser" (which he should imo), cannot block a "Posterizers" dunk because he doesn't have the SS? Westbrook is one of the most athletic players in the NBA, he could put you on a poster easily but he doesn't have, just like LeBron doesn't but we both know they are.

Tim Duncan blocks Blake Griffin. Timmy currently isn't labeled an "Eraser".

Haslem blocks Kobe. In 2008, Kobe could've gotten the "Posterizer" but Haslem blocked his dunk and never been an "Eraser".

Just look for yourself and I am sure many more happened over NBA history. Saying it should be impossible is asinine.

Like he said:


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Last edited by Jrocc23; 08-11-2013 at 11:21 AM.
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Old 08-11-2013, 05:35 AM   #178
yungsta404's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features New Blocking System, Includes the Ability to Block Dunks

eraser is just a type of shot blocker that tries to spike the ball as hard as possible and send it to the 5th row instead of keeping it inbounds. Guys like javale mcgee and deandre jordan are notorious for doing that.

They are not necessarily better blockers than non eraser shot blockers like a tim duncan or a bill russell who block shots and try to keep it inbounds and tip it to a teammate. They are just flashier.

Eraser to shot blocking is the equivalent of highlight reel to dunking so it doesnt make sense to only give erasers the ability to block posterizers.
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Old 08-11-2013, 06:11 AM   #179
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features New Blocking System, Includes the Ability to Block Dunks

Lets look at LeBron. He doesn't have "Eraser", you telling me every person in the NBA should just posterize LeBron because he don't have that SS?

Since when are the only two options here "Block dunk" and "Get posterized"? FOH.

Turiaf blocking Kobe's dunk. Knowing the 2K insider, in 2009, could have made Kobe a "Posterizer". So in 2K this definitely shouldn't happen.

Stop. Just stop. Kobe was never a posterizer.

Faried blocking Westbrook. Faried currently doesn't have "Eraser" (which he should imo), cannot block a "Posterizers" dunk because he doesn't have the SS? Westbrook is one of the most athletic players in the NBA, he could put you on a poster easily but he doesn't have, just like LeBron doesn't but we both know they are.

Westbrook is definitely not a posterizer. There are only a few in the league-- Blake Griffin, Kevin Durant, maybe Dwight Howard if he returns to form, and that's pretty much it. There's no way you can argue anybody else except maybe healthy Derrick Rose.

Bledsoe blocking JR Smith. You telling me this cannot possibly happen to a "Posterizer"? I believe JR Smith could be labeled a "Posterizer" by the 2K insider. Even though he isn't, JR Smith is close to that and is getting blocked by a 6'1" PG

You're just playin yourself now. JR Smith is not an amazing in-game dunker. He only dunked period 30 times in 80 games last year. I'll be damned if he's a posterizer.

In 2008, Kobe could've gotten the "Posterizer"

Stop. He's not Vince Carter. He's not even LeBron James, who I don't think should have Posterizer, since he doesn't look to dunk over people consistently. He finishes layups through contact.

Tim Duncan blocks Blake Griffin. Timmy currently is labeled an "Eraser".

Then what's your point?

Okafor blocks Stoudemires dunk. Okafor isn't an "Eraser" in 2K13 and Stoudemire is a "Posterizer".

Too bad that footage ain't from 2013.

Hickson blocking the poster boy himself, Blake Griffin. Hickson isn't a "Eraser".

Congratulations. You found one anomaly. Anyone who knows logic would realize that a single outlier doesn't make a formula completely inaccurate.

Just look for yourself and I am sure many more happened over NBA history. Saying it should be impossible is asinine.

Know what else is impossible? Knocking a player down by setting a screen if you don't have "Brick Wall." smfh 2K. jrocc says step ya game up and stop wit that "impossible" ish.

They are not necessarily better blockers than non eraser shot blockers like a tim duncan or a bill russell who block shots and try to keep it inbounds and tip it to a teammate. They are just flashier.

It's pretty hard to be a "flashy" shot-blocker. Eraser is more about giving the shot-blocker's team momentum and taking momentum from the other team by making emphatic blocks that send a message, which Russell and Duncan did very often. I'd give both of them Eraser in a heartbeat.
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Old 08-11-2013, 06:12 AM   #180
alabamarob's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features New Blocking System, Includes the Ability to Block Dunks

The other half of blocking dunks is calling fouls and recognizing in air contact. If the new game can register a player hacking another mid air and allowing that hack to prevent a dunk or layup animation from playing out as if no contact has occured the the new blocking system will be great. When you swing for a block it should either be a whif if the defender touches nothing, a block if the defender only gets ball, and a hack animation if the defender hits the arms/head/ body of the offensive player. One of 2ks legacy issues is the lack of fouls an inability to register the defenders arm and hand contacting the offensive players body. That is why 2k has limited fouls and to many dunks. The dunks, lack of fouls, and high pip all revolve around this legacy issue.
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Old 08-11-2013, 06:24 AM   #181
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features New Blocking System, Includes the Ability to Block Dunks

Originally Posted by yungsta404
eraser is just a type of shot blocker that tries to spike the ball as hard as possible and send it to the 5th row instead of keeping it inbounds. Guys like javale mcgee and deandre jordan are notorious for doing that.
It's not even that. The eraser skill only has an effect after a block. It decreases the attributes of the guy who got rejected. The same with posterizer, which boosts the ratings of teammates after the dunk. So I don't see why we need some eraser/posterizer thing in 2k14. Don't we have enough attributes to account for that already? If a player has high defensive awarenes, blocking, and maybe vertical and strength, he should be an "eraser" by definition. No need for these childish gimmicks imo.
The same with dunks.
If you have dunk/vertical maxed out in addition to flashy dunk packages, this will make you "posterize" defenders quite often. So what do we even need those sig skills for if the rating system works as it should?
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Old 08-11-2013, 07:58 AM   #182
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Making a Posterizer's dunk unblockable even if they're trying to dunk on a 7 footer with high block rating, good timing and position but no sig skill is dumb

Increasing the likelihood of an eraser blocking a dunk is good.

Decreasing the likelihood of a Posterizer getting their dunk blocked is good.

Binary in off impossible to block sig skills are dumb.

Last edited by Sundown; 08-11-2013 at 08:01 AM.
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Old 08-11-2013, 08:08 AM   #183
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features New Blocking System, Includes the Ability to Block Dunks

Originally Posted by Sundown
Making a Posterizer's dunk unblockable even if they're trying to dunk on a 7 footer with high block rating, good timing and position but no sig skill is dumb

Increasing the likelihood of an eraser blocking a dunk is good.

Decreasing the likelihood of a Posterizer getting their dunk blocked is good.

Binary in off impossible to block sig skills are dumb.
But there are dunk and block ratings already in the game. So why would you need these sig skills at all? Is there anything this would add to the game we can't reproduce with already existing ratings and animation packages?
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Old 08-11-2013, 08:47 AM   #184
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Originally Posted by mango_prom
But there are dunk and block ratings already in the game. So why would you need these sig skills at all? Is there anything this would add to the game we can't reproduce with already existing ratings and animation packages?
You would miss the teammate/stamina boosts that you get when the special skill guy does his thing.

Also for things like chasedown the boosts are situational. So that a guy doesnt have boosted speed and block ratings all game only when and where its nexessary to have a higher % chance of actually seeing tha chasedown.

I know you were referring to that particilar one but it was the best example I could think of to answer your question of if this could be accomplished without abilities.
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