
NBA 2K12 Patch 1.04 Details, Arrives Tomorrow

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Old 12-13-2011, 09:33 PM   #129
Mos1ted's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K12 Patch 1.04 Details, Arrives Tomorrow

Originally Posted by jersez
Okay so what were the patches for 2k11? If I'm wrong I'm wrong, it's not an issue to me. Like I said I feel as if your one of the few oser's that actually gives constructive criticism but I cannot recall you not saying anything positive about 2k or 2k12 not saying we have to suck up, but sometimes people here make the game sound like nba elite's brother. I haven't been on here regularly, so I cannot recall all your posts, just the ones I have seen. I'm glad that after 9 years here you can still find amusement here.
Don't get it twisted, I come here in spurts LOL. I'm usually active here around this time of year in anticipation for the basketball titles; then, I'm ghost until the summer when football games are about to come out. If I'm not feeling any of the football games, I usually just lurk. I may comment if I played the demo, but otherwise I'm quiet unless I bought a football game. But I've bought a basketball game every year, so I'm more vocal because I feel I have the right to express my opinions and concerns as a paying consumer.

As far as my negative comments go, I would also say don't get it twisted. I defend 2K just as often as I criticize their product. Like I've said repeatedly, I've owned 11 straight NBA 2K's and every College Hoops ever released, so if that's me being negative about the 2K brand, then I'd hate to see what your idea of being positive is. I've even defended 2K in this very thread.

I don't mind guys disagreeing with me. My beef is when guys make assumptions about my position based on a few posts. When I address a poster on here, I do two things: I glance at their join date, and I skim through their post history. This gives me an idea of their overall position; that way I'm not making generalizations about them like you did to me. I used to be a 2K fanboy, so much so that I nearly got banned a few years ago because I used to GO IN on EA in the Madden boards. Ironically, I was an EA fanboy during the 90's.

Nowadays, I call it like I see it. No game is immune to criticism or praise from me. I give credit where credit is due, but I also call out flaws when I see them. It's not like I'm nitpicking. I haven't pointed out a single flaw that the overwhelming majority hasn't pointed out either. At the very least, I tried to provide some thorough analysis on what 2K can do to improve that particular flaw.
According to my old marketing professor, satisfaction is when product performance meets or exceeds consumer expectation.

Last edited by Mos1ted; 12-13-2011 at 09:42 PM.
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Old 12-13-2011, 09:34 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by ClevelandinDistress
It's really disappointing to see how this forum has reacted to this game. I blame it all on how good NBA 2k11 was. For one 2k12 is not a bad game. No where near as bad as people on this forum would make you believe. Sure the game has issues. What game doesn't? But these problems are being way over blown. Sure rebounding could be tweaked it's not perfect. They added in the fast break dribble but the CPU catches up when you don't use it. Little things that don't break the game, but I can understand how you guys could feel annoyed by it.

With the issues in mind, I think the games problems really stand out because of how polished other aspects are. It's a very heavy contract affect.

To let everyone know, I play the game on default pro. And I've been playing since NBA 2k4. I don't do that because I'm scared of the CPU or suck at the game, I do it because I find it enjoyable.

On default pro there's a certain organic affect applied to the CPU making them more human like. You beat the teams you should and sometimes lose to the better teams. I don't get it when people say "cheap AI". I sometimes wish I had a pvr so I could show you the beauty of the CPU on default pro. They make mistakes, don't hit every cutter and don't always end up taking the best shot. Many of the frustrations people feel with the CPU could be resolved if people simply played on pro.

The biggest frustration I have with 2k12 is the overall polish of the product. NBA 2k website still doesn't work. Still getting network errors online. Having freezing issues with association. I attribute this to the big undertaking the 2k staff took in developing this game. Trying to improve on NBA 2k11 is no easy task and they broke things in the process of trying to one up it.

Now, let me state a couple things. There's nothing wrong with the passing. Sure the velocity of the ball could be increased but other than that I have no problems. Alot of the problems other users are having is more related to player movement and holding seals or getting open. Some of the passes I've pulled off have been beautiful and 2k12 is the first year I can say I really shook the d, dished off and didn't have the CPU recover to contest the shot.

There's so much right with NBA 2k12 that people forget about. The shooting has never been better with the amount of moves at our dispursal and the smooth animations. Contact in the paint has been improved with what looks like a collision system at times. Go back and try to play NBA 2k9. Good luck.

To end off, I really appreciate the game the 2k development team gave me. It's the first year I have had fun playing against the CPU. Seeing all of the negative responses on this forum made me realize that these developers are tasked with walking a fine line. There's only so much they can do on a yearly cycle and with the software and tools they are provided. Remember folks, this Is a videogame and if you aren't having fun playing it then why put your self through the pain? You have choices and no one is making you play the game.

I understand the frustration. Y'all are a passionate bunch, but for once look back at the past and see where we've come from and you won't judge the game so harshly.

Cleve out.
WOW....what you just said is like listening to Mozart conduct a beautiful masterpiece. You hit the nail on the head on all areas and aspects of this game. It all goes back to don't forget where you came from. Although I say 2k11 is the best basketball game ever. 2k12 is up there in my top 3 behind college hoops 2k8. Cleve well said brotha
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Old 12-13-2011, 09:36 PM   #131
ClevelandinDistress's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K12 Patch 1.04 Details, Arrives Tomorrow

Originally Posted by cream and crimson
WOW....what you just said is like listening to Mozart conduct a beautiful masterpiece. You hit the nail on the head on all areas and aspects of this game. It all goes back to don't forget where you came from. Although I say 2k11 is the best basketball game ever. 2k12 is up there in my top 3 behind college hoops 2k8. Cleve well said brotha
Thanks my man. Appreciate it. I agree as a whole NBA 2k11 was better. But the gameplay I gotta give it to NBA 2k12 cause they did improve on the formula.
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Old 12-13-2011, 09:40 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by ClevelandinDistress
Thanks my man. Appreciate it. I agree as a whole NBA 2k11 was better. But the gameplay I gotta give it to NBA 2k12 cause they did improve on the formula.
Like you said ppl forget where we came from and where we're going there's no where but up for 2k nba titles just takes time. I think they could work a little harder on the PR
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Old 12-13-2011, 09:42 PM   #133
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Re: NBA 2K12 Patch 1.04 Details, Arrives Tomorrow

Regarding this "Your team’s GM will now do a better job of acquiring one of your recommended players when he comes to you asking for potential trade targets."

Has anyone in Nba 2k12 my player mode been approached by a gm asking for potential trade targets? Im in my 2nd season and my team chemistry is 90% and i have never got the option to be asked who the team should go after... Just curious.
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Old 12-13-2011, 09:44 PM   #134
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Re: NBA 2K12 Patch 1.04 Details, Arrives Tomorrow

I just want to know one thing did they fix the online where everybody is just running to the free throw line and shooting jumpers? They go in way to much
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Old 12-13-2011, 09:44 PM   #135
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Re: NBA 2K12 Patch 1.04 Details, Arrives Tomorrow

Super lurker here who just signed up. Going to read this thread now -- but anyone know if 2K even knows of this bug ... sometimes in MyPlayer when you attempt to direct pass it does not allow you to pass at all. This happens to me about 10% of the time when trying to inbound the ball. As you can imagine, it's frustrating when you have to inbound the ball with 2.3 seconds left on the clock and a chance to win the NBA championship -- but you can't pass and the ref calls a 5 second violation against your team.

Anyway, I love O/S.
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Old 12-13-2011, 09:44 PM   #136
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Re: NBA 2K12 Patch 1.04 Details, Arrives Tomorrow

No minutes per game fix for Association, are we stuck having every starter playing 34?

Come on 2k, you are better than this.

Don't do what you did in 2K10 with the Shaq shooting three pointers bug you never fixed.
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