
NBA 2K12 Developer Insight - Legends Showcase DLC, Release Date Nov. 29

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Old 11-22-2011, 01:13 PM   #9
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Re: NBA 2K12 Legends Showcase DLC Dev Insight Release

Originally Posted by DukeC
I really wish they would have pointed out that the cell-shading could be turned off in the Insight. They're getting killed on Facebook
It can ? where did you hear this ? I got catching up to do
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:13 PM   #10
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Re: NBA 2K12 Legends Showcase DLC Dev Insight Release

Can we play with our my players online in the DLC?
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:15 PM   #11
DukeC's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K12 Legends Showcase DLC Dev Insight Release

Originally Posted by ratedmoney
It can ? where did you hear this ? I got catching up to do
Ronnie pointed it out on Twitter (Or was it Facebook?) a while back.

There was even a screen or video with it off if I recall correctly.
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:26 PM   #12
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Re: NBA 2K12 Legends Showcase DLC Dev Insight Release

Originally Posted by 2k;Facebook
from art and presentation to animations and AI,... all of these players have the uniforms that go along with the team they were a part of in the peak year we assigned for them (see the full roster below).

So you’ll see a ton of new uniforms (both home and away) in Legends Showcase,... completely new overlays, wipes, and replays...NBA’s Greatest mode become unlocked for use in NBA: Creating a Legend mode..., players are grouped by era, with two teams of 3 players from each decade of the NBA represented (1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s)...

1-on-1 up to 5-on-5 with the ability to choose what you want for things like Difficulty, Game Style (Casual or Simulation), Winning Score (5-50), Clear Ball (On or Off), Win By 2 (On or Off), and Winners Outs (On or Off... it’s still a simulation at heart. While we captured some fancier passes, dribble moves, and dunks to make the Legends stand out differentiate the gameplay, it’s all still grounded in reality. Think of it as a sort of a street simulation. We even made sure to spend a significant amount of time honing the AI for this type of game...

Additionally, you’ll also have full roster control over all those NBA’s Greatest teams so you can bring them into Association mode or trade them to other teams...

That’s right, you can import your My Player (as Ronnie2K has done here) and see if you can compete with the best of the best..
Keep an eye out for the Legends Showcase on the Xbox Live Marketplace and PSN Store early next week – it’ll be available on 11/29.

To sum...

Take my MONEY 2k lol...

Last edited by Rockie_Fresh88; 11-22-2011 at 01:32 PM.
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:34 PM   #13
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Re: NBA 2K12 Legends Showcase DLC Dev Insight Release

so...what about the pc version of this?
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:48 PM   #14
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Re: NBA 2K12 Legends Showcase DLC Dev Insight Release

Ok, so if I am understanding correctly:

Beating the 2v2 mode unlocks the players from the NBA Greatest(already on disk not the DLC legends) for the Creating a Legend Mode.

Beating the 3v3 lets you take current NBA players(on the disk not on the DLC) into the Legends Showcase DLC and use them in all the modes.

HORSE, 21, and Pick-up games don't unlock anything.

However, it is mentioned that "Additionally, you’ll also have full roster control over all those NBA’s Greatest teams so you can bring them into Association mode or trade them to other teams."

It appears to me that simply purchasing the DLC is all that's required to "unlock" NBA Greatest teams rosters for trades and such.

What I am wondering is if I can get current players already on the disk into the Legends Showcase by beating the 3v3 , is there a way to get the players from the Legends Showcase into the regular game? The article does not state this specifically so I'm assuming that the answer is "no", but I am not sure why this option would be left out.

From what I gather from the 360 guys the Legends Showcase players are "hidden" on the disk(like the rookies with black arms or whatever). If this is the case I can't see why moving the Legends Showcase players onto the regular roster is not an option.

If purchasing the DLC allows the 360 roster/hex editors to use the Legends Showcase players minus the black arms thing I will be very upset(I'm a PS3 owner I'm you hadn't picked that up). This not an attack on the 360 editors or anything but if hex editing allows them access to 150 more players then it puts PS3 users at a disadvantage almost to point that the games can't be considered equal since there is no way to hex edit PS3.

I realize that not being able to hex edit for PS3 is a Sony issue and not something 2k can do anything about, however is something they have to be aware of. I can deal with not being able to hex edit everything for classic rosters(i.e. Jerseys) it is the price I choose to pay for going with the PS3. But 360 owners (possibly)getting access to an extra 150 players while paying the same price that I do is upsetting. The simple solution would be to let everyone have access to the Legends Showcase players in the main game, I can't why this would not be possible and I believe would boost the sales of this DLC which may be below 2k's expected #'s.

One last thing for those who may think that "causal fans" will eat up the DLC with the cell-shading and streetball feel take a minute to read the comments on the facebook page. Not a lot of positive feedback.
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:50 PM   #15
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Re: NBA 2K12 Legends Showcase DLC Dev Insight Release

So with the Classic Quick Match are we stuck with only playing on that Timesquare court or can we use the classic courts with the Greatest teams online???
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:51 PM   #16
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Re: NBA 2K12 Legends Showcase DLC Dev Insight Release

So where is the full roster?
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