
So what's goin' on here...?

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Old 05-02-2011, 01:30 AM   #1
Murkurial's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Mar 2007
So what's goin' on here...?

Played a game today between the Griz and Thunder. I had the Grizzlies. My buddy, who often employs the "reach, reach, reach" mentality to play defense, was literally ripping up everyone on the team, whether it be Allen, Young, Conley, Vasquez, Mayo. Didn't matter. What's more, he was doing this with Russell Westbrook and KD exclusively.

Now, I'm not saying that they're defensive slouches, but they're certainly not defensive specialists and on more than one occasion, dribbling up the court, they were pickpocketing me like CP3.

THEN, Kendrick Perkins decided to injure both of my starting PGs. Now, that's whatever, I suppose that it can happen in a game, but it was odd that a TON of questionable things were happening. So Perkins eventually fouls out. And then a few minutes later, he's subbed back in.

Add to that the numerous time when I've gone up for a layup only to see some magical "mid-air collision" animation occur when the layup was previously uncontested (or so it seemed). And my players refusing to take the easy layup and instead opting to do some sort of crazy up and under (even though it's Gasol) and getting blocked.

I checked after the game to see if I had an old roster and it turns out that a roster update was added on April 30th? I know that 2K claim that rosters don't affect ratings, but there was some weird ish going on today.

EDIT: One more thing, when posting someone up (human v human), normally when they reach in the game automatically allows to spin off of them and make your way to the hoop. Any reason why a reach in on a backdown now effectively causes your player to just pick up his dribble? The moment I try to back someone down, he'll just tap steal and my player does a halfhearted spin, and picks his dribble up. I have no control over it.

Last edited by Murkurial; 05-02-2011 at 01:49 AM.
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:43 PM   #2
OVR: 10
Join Date: Aug 2009
Re: So what's goin' on here...?

Originally Posted by Murkurial
EDIT: One more thing, when posting someone up (human v human), normally when they reach in the game automatically allows to spin off of them and make your way to the hoop. Any reason why a reach in on a backdown now effectively causes your player to just pick up his dribble? The moment I try to back someone down, he'll just tap steal and my player does a halfhearted spin, and picks his dribble up. I have no control over it.
I hate that too. Just because the defense reaches shouldnt mean our offensive player automatically spins out of the post. Doing up and unders after a forced spin usually throws human defenders for a loop if they're tryng to make you spin out of the post.
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Old 05-03-2011, 09:25 AM   #3
OVR: 0
Join Date: May 2011
Re: So what's goin' on here...?

Originally Posted by Murkurial

EDIT: One more thing, when posting someone up (human v human), normally when they reach in the game automatically allows to spin off of them and make your way to the hoop. Any reason why a reach in on a backdown now effectively causes your player to just pick up his dribble? The moment I try to back someone down, he'll just tap steal and my player does a halfhearted spin, and picks his dribble up. I have no control over it.

I hate that too...ppl usually do that becuase the post can be unguardable if used with the right player.....they should definetly upgrade the post game...........as for you being stripped are you sure you werent playing on an easier difficulty than HoF
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