
Official NBA 2k11 Bugs and Glitches Thread

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Old 10-02-2010, 03:16 PM   #1
(aka Alberto)
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Official NBA 2k11 Bugs and Glitches Thread

Here is how this is going to work this year.

I am going to post a "form" for you to use.

No discussion back and forth. Use the form exactly so we can get correct information to the developers.

SITUATION (This includes quarter/time left):
CUSTOMIZATION (Were you using specific sliders/roster edits):
DETAILS (Please be as detailed as possible in text):
VIDEO (if available):

Guys, using this form will be invaluable to getting the correct information to the developers, and possibly fixing any glitches you see if a patch comes out at some point.

Last edited by eDotd; 10-02-2010 at 03:38 PM.
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Old 10-02-2010, 03:49 PM   #2
Phreezy P's Arena
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Re: Official NBA 2k11 Bugs and Glitches Thread

DETAILS:The ps3 sock glitch where they are black and white for some reason

Video: I don't know how to embbed so here it is
Minnesota Timberwolves and Toronto Raptors

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Old 10-02-2010, 04:16 PM   #3
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Re: Official NBA 2k11 Bugs and Glitches Thread

GAME MODE: Jordan Challenge
SITUATION (This includes quarter/time left): Any time, any quarter. Locked onto Jordan (but can be locked onto any player)
CUSTOMIZATION (Were you using specific sliders/roster edits):NO
DETAILS (Please be as detailed as possible in text): While locked onto a player without the ball press pass button to force whoever has the ball to pass it to you. Press circle to force them to shoot. This has always been the case with lock (now called preferred position). If possible disabling this ability would make lock more meaningful, especially in the Jordan Challenge games.
VIDEO (if available):
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Old 10-02-2010, 04:18 PM   #4
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Re: Official NBA 2k11 Bugs and Glitches Thread

GAME MODE:Jordan Challenge
SITUATION (This includes quarter/time left):Any time, any quarter, all throughout the game.
CUSTOMIZATION (Were you using specific sliders/roster edits):No
DETAILS (Please be as detailed as possible in text):Players come fully into the front court, then return to the back court (one foot steps into the back court) without a violation called. It also seems to easy to force the CPU player to step back into the back court.
VIDEO (if available):
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Old 10-02-2010, 04:32 PM   #5
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Re: Official NBA 2k11 Bugs and Glitches Thread

SYstem: 360

game mode: online ranked

details: controller A does not have pass fake or sig gathers or hopsteps and the b button crossover does not work for crossovers or anything. This is for online and off.

details: similation sliders, some of them are just bogus, i thought simulation was going to fix how the game was played not how the sliders were adjusted. It just makes stupid things happen like your big man losing the ball in the paint when he by himself and not being able to shoot once your open from three and also inside. It temporarily disables the offense and give the defense time to catch up which gives the defense and advantage. Once people get this game there will be a backlash of everybody complaining.Id just like for some sliders to be tweaked a bit like from 3pt being 45 maybe they put it to 48 or 49 if they dont want it exactly at 50. And layups also bumped up, they should be higher then 45 maybe even a 52, steals are ok, that beats all of the lebron stealers out there hahaha.
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Old 10-02-2010, 05:59 PM   #6
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Re: Official NBA 2k11 Bugs and Glitches Thread

SYSTEM : 360
GAME MODE: on court
SITUATION (This includes quarter /time left ): all
CUSTOMIZATION (Were you using specific
sliders /roster edits ): no
DETAILS ( Please be as detailed as possible in
text ) : play art stays on court when you have it on off...this happens when you you put play calling to auto...i would love for the cpu to call the plays for me but having the play art show on the floor kills it for me...
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Old 10-02-2010, 07:02 PM   #7
ChaseB's Arena
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Re: Official NBA 2k11 Bugs and Glitches Thread

SYSTEM: Xbox 360

GAME MODE: Online, Unranked/Ranked, Quick Match

SITUATION (This includes quarter/time left): End of game

CUSTOMIZATION (Were you using specific sliders/roster edits):

DETAILS (Please be as detailed as possible in text): The Pressbook HUD is not showing up in these online games. You can "checkmark" pictures, but you can't actually see the upload icon to upload selected/entire Pressbook. It seems like the functionality of pausing the pictures, cycling through them, etc. is all fully functional, there just is no HUD. In fact, now that I check, the functionality of uploading is there as well, you just have to move the D-pad to the invisible upload icon. So basically, if you can go by the sound of your D-pad cycling through the options, you can upload the pictures.

VIDEO (if available):
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Last edited by ChaseB; 10-03-2010 at 03:26 AM.
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Old 10-03-2010, 02:31 AM   #8
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Re: Official NBA 2k11 Bugs and Glitches Thread

SYSTEM: Xbox 360
GAME MODE: My Player
SITUATION (This includes quarter/time left): No auto play calling in my player. No Play Vision Play art on the court
CUSTOMIZATION (Were you using specific sliders/roster edits):No
DETAILS (Please be as detailed as possible in text): If you play the my player mode at any other position except point guard, you will not see the play vision on the court. I'm playing as a small forward that got drafted by the heat. When the cpu calls a play, the play vision doesn't show up and not knowing where I should be on the court breaks the play and just turns into 1on1 basketball. In 2k10 I played the same position and the plays showed up. Now i'm playing 12min quarters and Wade and Lebron have a 20% fg rating and average about 15 ppg because they just jack up 3's and drive to the paint taking contested shots. If they put me at point guard and I call a play, the play vision shows up fine. Not seeing the play vision on the court really messes up the flow of the game.
VIDEO (if available): None

Last edited by lilblunt66; 10-06-2010 at 01:40 AM.
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