
For those who use 30-Team control, how do you play it? Do you like it?

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Old 06-25-2010, 12:24 PM   #1
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For those who use 30-Team control, how do you play it? Do you like it?

I have recently been intrigued with the 30 team control, but i was wondering if it was worth all my time, and if it was enjoyable
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Old 06-26-2010, 04:30 AM   #2
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Re: For those who use 30-Team control, how do you play it? Do you like it?

I was hesitant to do a 30 team association at first because it seemed like a big hassle but the idiotic A.I. made me switch and I'm actually having a good time with it. It was neat sending out contracts to the big FA class and finding out where they would end up. Since I'm not really competing against the CPU to make the best team I've been playing whatever games the NBA Today advertises during timeouts and stuff which might be kinda odd but I like the randomness of who I play with and plus its like playing the actual broadcasted games.
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Old 06-26-2010, 08:39 AM   #3
TajDeni's Arena
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Re: For those who use 30-Team control, how do you play it? Do you like it?

i control all 30 teams and this is basically how i go about it....

i have chemistry and player roles off..as they dont work properly...

I only play as 1 team and set the comp to handle most things but i handle what i feel the comp is incapable of handling....for ex. i set rotations, line-ups, and who's gonna be the starters, 6th man, etc for all 30 teams..now if someone gets hurt then the cpu will adjust the roster as needed(this is something cpu can handle)

now i have injuries set to 25, this means that you'll usually only see injuries that last for 2-4wks...but occasionally you'll see season ending injuries. about once every 2wks...i go thru all the teams and make any adjustments to the rosters, like rotation mins, that i deem needed...

i have it where the cpu can offer trades...but i turn trades off until february when the msg will pop up that says you have 2wks left until the trading deadline, then i turn trades on.....play for about a wk then i goto the trading block page and see if they're are in realistic trades available...

for ex, the bucks were offering M.Redd for Orlando's R.Lewis. Since Orlando was way over the cap and M.Redd was entering into the last yr of his contract i felt that would be a good move for the magic, but was it a good move 4 the bucks...just so happens that the bucks had more than enuf cap space to take on R.Lewis's 3yrs at $40mil that was left on his contract so thats a trade that went thru...

i personally never make a trade that doesnt come from the trading block because you controll all 30 teams so techically you can make any trades you want...its just how will you know your being fair to all 30 teams, so its only trading thru trading block for me...as of right now im controlling the wizards and im 5yrs in, if i wana trade someone i put them on the trading block and i see what comes thru..if its a good trade as far as the intrigity of my association then i make it if not then i dont.

right b4 offseason rolls around i look at who has a player option to opt out of their contract...i consider the team and if that player would consider opting out...like a great player stuck on a bad team...so i change those players contracts to put them in the last yr on their contracts so the cpu doesnt auto-resign them. also before the last game i turn everything that has to do with the offseason back to user controll for all 30 teams...then as i do what i feel i need to do i turn it back to the cpu to handle

i 4get what exactly comes 1st....but i draft the first rd for all 30teams based on need not best player available...so if a team needs a SF, but he's not the projected overall i typically wouldnt pick that player id pick the best SF avail that i have info on, (now if i do id force a trade to move the player already on the team at that position to a team that need him)...the cpu is set to scout 4 itself so whatever info i have avail to make the pick is what i use...if guy has high rating and low potential not my fualt the cpu shoulda scouted better..but i do make the attempt to get them the best player they need

now i will say this, i do use the mock draft as a reference and the list that ranks the players cause like i said sometimes the cpu doesnt scout as indepth as i need them to, so what im saying is use all the resources you have avail. i let the cpu draft RD 2 of the draft.

next i make all qualifing offering i think should be made and let players walk that i think should be let go...any players who's contract is up and doesnt wanna resign and wants to go2 free agency...i cut that player..i dont resign players, the cpu handles that i just put the cpu in th best possible position to do so...

4 ex, chris bosh is now in miami w/ d.wade, but i technically had nothing to do with it...all i did was went into FA and made sure that every team with a need for a PF and the cap space to go after Bosh offered him a contract....he coulda resigned w/ toronto(who could offer more money for more yrs...he coulda signed with cleveland, chicago, knicks, houston, the nets, etc...but for whatever reason he chose the heat....

i do this for every big name free agent (1 at a time, so bron went 1st and i advanced until he signs - stayed in cleveland btw, then wade and so) and i let the chips fall where they may..i have very little influence over it

after all the A-list players of that particular FA have signed..i left the cpu handle the rest of the period....the team i personally play with i build up thru any in-season trades via trading block or the draft. i resign any players on my team that i want and i fill in the remaining holes after the FA period ends...you'll be suprise how many solid players are still in FA because of asking price....i do it this way to avoid any FA abuse on my part

i dont do any in-season training for the players on any team mine included...only training i do is based off the points the teams earned from the regular season...so if the sixers earned 90pts, then i go into that team and spend the points where i think they are need to make them a better team....other than that its all honest progression

i sim the preseason....set rotation and lineups and do it all over again....on Dec 1st, i send any rookies i can that are not getting any burn down to the d-league.....

also if you download the draft classes id suggest you lower every rookies potential by 10pts....why? well when game first dropped lebron only had a 90 potential rating...so he the template...100-90=10. also the highest SOD and SIT ratings were 85, so i make that adjustment as well....the highest fatigue rating was 91...so i make that adjustment as well....

just so you know these ratings will go up on their own (lebron now has a 93potention rating) but for the longevity to our association these are necessary changes i think...if you are starting with new roster, i guess you can leave everyone alone if you want...as lebron has 99 potential then.

also your prolly gonna need to change the positions of the rookies...2 many 6-2 180lbs sgs...etc...they need to be pgs 1st then sg if you want them to be....same 4 other positions as well.....

theres prolly some things im leaving out but that is about the jist of it,

it might sound like alot but these rules have gotten me a pretty fantastic association dynasty....so much so that im trying to convince myself that i dont need 2k11...i can just wait to 2k12.

mainly the key is letting the cpu handle what it is capable of handling and then you handling the rest yourself...the offseason is more time consuming that the regular season..but if you space it out over a couple of days its not really a problem.....

and lastly, i use Pared's slider-set on Pro, along with some minor tweeks (he has a thread on here somewhere), I turn clutch off...and whoever shot the ball thats who i play defense with the entire defensive possession(no switching)

hope this helped...

Last edited by TajDeni; 06-26-2010 at 08:57 AM.
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Old 06-26-2010, 09:54 AM   #4
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Re: For those who use 30-Team control, how do you play it? Do you like it?

But in Free Agency, when you have 6 teams offering contracts to LeBron let's say, how do you know who signs him. Because it only tells you that he has accepted a contract, you don't know which contract he accepted
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Old 06-26-2010, 06:48 PM   #5
TajDeni's Arena
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Re: For those who use 30-Team control, how do you play it? Do you like it?

Originally Posted by arsenal123gunners
But in Free Agency, when you have 6 teams offering contracts to LeBron let's say, how do you know who signs him. Because it only tells you that he has accepted a contract, you don't know which contract he accepted
Im not sure cause i never checked but you mite be able to check the cap space to see where he went(not sure tho) other than that you wont know until the FA period is over...

as an alternative....you could just make the offers to all the elite FAs at the same time b4 you adv any time in the FA period..for example have Miami offer contracts to Wade, Bosh, and Lebron....but also have Cleveland offer contracts to Lebron and Bosh and Amare...etc...then just sim the entire period....either way your not going to know until maybe where you spend points or preseason....

or whatever works best...to me the most important thing is making the decision as random as possible while making the possiblities as realistic as possible....so like i said i just try to make the right teams with the need and the money offer the contracts then i get out of the way of the process and let the "player" make the decision...

as a note this is my 2nd Association..i had 1 with player roles and chemistry on b4 i realised they didnt work properly....D.Wade left Miami for Chicago(for the less contract) and Bosh went to NJ...Bron Bron has always stayed in Cleveland

Last edited by TajDeni; 06-26-2010 at 06:54 PM.
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Old 06-26-2010, 06:53 PM   #6
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Re: For those who use 30-Team control, how do you play it? Do you like it?

Originally Posted by arsenal123gunners
But in Free Agency, when you have 6 teams offering contracts to LeBron let's say, how do you know who signs him. Because it only tells you that he has accepted a contract, you don't know which contract he accepted
Just go to General Manager and look at the rosters to see where LeBron went.
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Old 06-26-2010, 07:05 PM   #7
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Re: For those who use 30-Team control, how do you play it? Do you like it?

Originally Posted by TajDeni
Im not sure cause i never checked but you mite be able to check the cap space to see where he went(not sure tho) other than that you wont know until the FA period is over...

as an alternative....you could just make the offers to all the elite FAs at the same time b4 you adv any time in the FA period..for example have Miami offer contracts to Wade, Bosh, and Lebron....but also have Cleveland offer contracts to Lebron and Bosh and Amare...etc...then just sim the entire period....either way your not going to know until maybe where you spend points or preseason....

or whatever works best...to me the most important thing is making the decision as random as possible while making the possiblities as realistic as possible....so like i said i just try to make the right teams with the need and the money offer the contracts then i get out of the way of the process and let the "player" make the decision...

as a note this is my 2nd Association..i had 1 with player roles and chemistry on b4 i realised they didnt work properly....D.Wade left Miami for Chicago(for the less contract) and Bosh went to NJ...Bron Bron has always stayed in Cleveland
oh that's a good idea, i'll try that
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