Drive Camera not available online why?
I'm a little disappointed that when you play an online game you can not choose from all the available cameras that are open in offline games. I think one of the reasons is because 2k knows their are frame rate issues with certain cameras, but one of the better cameras is the drive camera. The drive camera is very similar to the 2k camera which is a heralded camera, but the difference is the camera pans and rotates relative to the player. This is great, because you can see the whole floor whereas on the 2k camera half of the court gets cut of if you are on a wing. This thread is to petition or to make 2k aware that we want to be able to choose what ever camera we want to use on online play. Some people like different cameras, and they should allow us to play with which ever ones we like. Fix the framerate issue some how and let us use drive camera online please.