
Myleague player potential

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Old 09-25-2020, 02:43 PM   #1
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Myleague player potential

Like how the hell does this work? I just had a 22 year old go from 91 potential to 77 in one off season. after his rookie year, he was getting like 11ppg and some rebounds, did a fine job, was happy. player LITERALLY ruined, kinda bad but HAD high potential, and for what!? why!? just makes no sense in a dynasty mode type game. So players can just randomly lose tons of potential, making them worthless, but never gain? even if they have amazing seasons? Just hide the potential stat you idiot hacks. what kind of a joke is this, why do I even play this garbage
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Old 09-25-2020, 05:33 PM   #2
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Re: Myleague player potential

Yea Im on PC and when this guy Loah created a tool for us to modd the game, there is tab that has the following:

Likely bust
Likely boom
Boom to bust

What this means is regardless of the players potential rating, if he is listed as a "bust" he's probably not going to get better or it will take a lot more for him to reach his potential.

This category I believe is hard-coded in the game and if youre on Xbox or PS you can't do anything about it.

Now this was for 2k20 but I'm pretty sure this is the same for 2k21 and they advertised it as a new feature but it was already there.

I could be wrong but that is my only explanation for what you experience.

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Old 09-25-2020, 06:04 PM   #3
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Re: Myleague player potential

What was the players peak age? Sometimes that also affects the players growth potentials. If they reach the peak or are too close to it, they won’t be able to progress that much so it will cap and a low ovr
... But hey VC sale!!
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Old 09-25-2020, 06:31 PM   #4
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Re: Myleague player potential

Originally Posted by rjohns23
Yea Im on PC and when this guy Loah created a tool for us to modd the game, there is tab that has the following:

Likely bust
Likely boom
Boom to bust

What this means is regardless of the players potential rating, if he is listed as a "bust" he's probably not going to get better or it will take a lot more for him to reach his potential.

This category I believe is hard-coded in the game and if youre on Xbox or PS you can't do anything about it.

Now this was for 2k20 but I'm pretty sure this is the same for 2k21 and they advertised it as a new feature but it was already there.

I could be wrong but that is my only explanation for what you experience.

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Thanks of the information but omg that just HAS TO BE IN THE GAME!? that has to be communicated to the player somehow!? Otherwise you literally dont know if it's a bug, something you did wrong or, apparently, a feature. and what is a "boom" player? Ive never seen a player gain potential without off-season workouts. does that happen?

you know it's a garbage "feature" when I still cant help but worry it's a bug or something unintended. Like, if I had sat him for a year on the bench, would he still be ruined? If I had force-fed him stats, would he still be ruined? hiding fundamental game mechanics is just terrible game design. couldnt he atleast have like a personality trait that said "bust" or something? sorry for venting im just so fed up with sports games
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Old 09-25-2020, 06:36 PM   #5
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Re: Myleague player potential

Originally Posted by FixEverything2k
What was the players peak age? Sometimes that also affects the players growth potentials. If they reach the peak or are too close to it, they won’t be able to progress that much so it will cap and a low ovr
He is 22 and his peak is 23... he lost all his potential one year before his peak... makes total sense... one thing if the game atleast told me he was a "bust" or something, now Im just lost in limbo. did the game screw up, thinking he had a garbage season and dropped him by mistake or was this supposed to happen? losing him is gonna make it less fun, I like the guy, but I dont wanna cheat and change his potential back if it was supposed to happen. lost in limbo.
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Old 09-25-2020, 08:43 PM   #6
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Re: Myleague player potential

Originally Posted by SacharNabai
He is 22 and his peak is 23... he lost all his potential one year before his peak... makes total sense... one thing if the game atleast told me he was a "bust" or something, now Im just lost in limbo. did the game screw up, thinking he had a garbage season and dropped him by mistake or was this supposed to happen? losing him is gonna make it less fun, I like the guy, but I dont wanna cheat and change his potential back if it was supposed to happen. lost in limbo.

To me personally at the start of my leagues I go around and change most of not all players peak start to like 25-27ish maybe even 28 if they’re a late bloomer in real life like Siakam. I have noticed that players in a draft could come in with 87 potential but their peak age is too close, so one they reach their peak age, their potential drops to what their current overall is maybe 1 or 2 above. I’m assuming once they’re that close to their peak age their potential would drop as well. Because usually a 80 ovr rookie would take 4-5 seasons to reach 99 ovr if his potential is 99, so if his peak is 2 years after he joins the league, it might drop and cap at like 85
... But hey VC sale!!
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Old 09-26-2020, 02:47 AM   #7
michdb8's Arena
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Re: Myleague player potential

Originally Posted by rjohns23
Yea Im on PC and when this guy Loah created a tool for us to modd the game, there is tab that has the following:

Likely bust
Likely boom
Boom to bust

What this means is regardless of the players potential rating, if he is listed as a "bust" he's probably not going to get better or it will take a lot more for him to reach his potential.

This category I believe is hard-coded in the game and if youre on Xbox or PS you can't do anything about it.

Now this was for 2k20 but I'm pretty sure this is the same for 2k21 and they advertised it as a new feature but it was already there.

I could be wrong but that is my only explanation for what you experience.

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what the name of that tool to mod nba 2k20 I never hear about
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Old 09-26-2020, 06:16 AM   #8
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Re: Myleague player potential

Originally Posted by FixEverything2k
To me personally at the start of my leagues I go around and change most of not all players peak start to like 25-27ish maybe even 28 if they’re a late bloomer in real life like Siakam. I have noticed that players in a draft could come in with 87 potential but their peak age is too close, so one they reach their peak age, their potential drops to what their current overall is maybe 1 or 2 above. I’m assuming once they’re that close to their peak age their potential would drop as well. Because usually a 80 ovr rookie would take 4-5 seasons to reach 99 ovr if his potential is 99, so if his peak is 2 years after he joins the league, it might drop and cap at like 85
Sorry I screwed that up, his peak is starting at 23, not ending. he wasnt even starting his peak yet and has already fallen off completely
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