
When you notice passing issue it's hard to unnotice

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Old 09-14-2019, 07:21 PM   #1
dwayne12345's Arena
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When you notice passing issue it's hard to unnotice

There is an issue with passes consistently trailing the receiver in scenarios where you would NEVER throw a pass behind a receiver. I took some grabs :
In the first image the passer is throwing an outlet pass to Rodions Kurucs. There is no one in front of Rodi so the passer should lead him by passing the ball at least towards the hash outside the 3 pt line (where Joe Harris' back hand is)

Instead he passes it to Rodions Kurucs' back shoulder forcing Rodi to contort his body to receive the pass. Slowing down the potential break.

You learn in grade school how to properly do an outlet pass so the idea that NBA players would consistently not properly lead their receivers is a bit sim breaking.

Here is another example below. It happens consistently.

Irving should pass this ball towards the hoop leading LeVert to an easy layup. Again because there is no one in front of Caris this pass has to lead him.

The pass does not lead Caris. It slows his momentum and allows the defender to get between him and the basket. Also Caris should catch this pass with his left hand. That's the safe professional way to catch a pass in this scenario. You do this (in real life) in case you fumble the pass. It allows the ball to stay within your body, as oppose to going loose behind you and becoming a turnover...

These lead pass issues also happen on cuts to the basket, creating an unrealistic situation where a player receives a pass to their back shoulder in the middle of the lane while progressing towards the hoop.

Last edited by dwayne12345; 09-14-2019 at 07:23 PM.
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Old 09-14-2019, 08:36 PM   #2
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Re: When you notice passing issue it's hard to unnotice

Ugh... that's ugly. But to be fair, a lot of sports games have awkward animations like that. Every football game I've ever played (other than 2K5) has receivers twisting their waists in ridiculous ways to catch passes behind them.
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Old 04-15-2022, 09:43 PM   #3
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Re: When you notice passing issue it's hard to unnotice

This is a huge issue in NBA 2K22!

So many one hand reach back catches that slows or stop the momentum.

Rarely do I see a pass caught in front 2 the cutter.

A lot of user turnovers are because the passes are behind the receiver where the defender is trailing.

Three years later passing is still a huge issue.
True bout my business, Mane!
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Old 04-16-2022, 04:54 PM   #4
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Re: When you notice passing issue it's hard to unnotice

Originally Posted by keshunleon
This is a huge issue in NBA 2K22!

So many one hand reach back catches that slows or stop the momentum.

Rarely do I see a pass caught in front 2 the cutter.

A lot of user turnovers are because the passes are behind the receiver where the defender is trailing.

Three years later passing is still a huge issue.
Agree 100 percent and the worst part is there seems to be no sliders or tendency adjustments to fix this.
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Old 04-16-2022, 06:00 PM   #5
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Re: When you notice passing issue it's hard to unnotice

This is a legacy issue. It's been this way for as long as I can remember.

It's especially egregious when you have a player cutting to the basket. It seems when a player is just about to get open while cutting to the basket and SHOULD get open, let's say he has an angle on the defender, w the defender out of position, and you try to lead him to the basket, it's as if the game determines that you shouldn't be allowed the pass and then - I'm sure everyone's experienced this - as you pass the ball it turns out to be inexplicable lob type pass that literally goes right to the defense.

Seems there's no threading the needle, it has to be a wide open teammate cutting otherwise the pass will be terrible.

I have always felt like it was the game deciding that passes too close to the hoop have to be super inaccurate for some reason. I have this theory because in past iterations of the game, on baseline inbounds under your own basket, even if you got wide open under the basket, the pass would be terrible.
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Old 04-18-2022, 02:09 AM   #6
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Re: When you notice passing issue it's hard to unnotice

Originally Posted by MakaveliLPC
I have this theory because in past iterations of the game, on baseline inbounds under your own basket, even if you got wide open under the basket, the pass would be terrible.
That's because that was a major cheese in years past.
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