
The uproar on Twitter about 2K20

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Old 09-09-2019, 06:31 AM   #1
EarvGotti's Arena
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Arrow The uproar on Twitter about 2K20

Not sure if you guys noticed but the 2K community is going bonkers on Twitter about 2K20 displeasure. The hashtag #Fix2K20 is even trending.

This worries me because i fear that the devs will change things that do not need to be changed. The game is verrrryy glitchy and buggy. Disconnects, crashes, no rep, and overall infrastructure bugs most DEFINITELY need to be fixed.

However, the GAMEPLAY imo is some of the best we've ever had in a 2K game. I'm seeing opinions on gameplay split between sim and casual guys. I play My Team which is one of the cheesiest modes in the game, but SIM/realistic gameplay is truly being rewarded there once you know what you're doing. The skill gap is much bigger this year, so a lot of the guys that are struggling are complaining.

My fear is that the devs mistake the glitchy bugs that need to be fixed for gameplay changes as well. Gameplay is good. We maybe need 1 or 2 MINOR gameplay tweaks and the game is golden. Please do not do anything drastic.

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Scott OG

Idk if you guys will see this, but you have to stand your ground when it comes to gameplay this year. Yes the bugs need to be fixed asap, but PLEASE do not give in to the outcry for gameplay changes. This is the first time in a while where i've actually had to spend a decent amount of time in PRACTICE MODE to learn the game, learn how to dribble, learn how to score, learn how to play defense. As someone who values skilled competitive gameplay, this is amazing. Allow people time to learn the game before you change too much of the gameplay. Please please please i BEG YOU.
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Last edited by EarvGotti; 09-09-2019 at 09:12 AM.
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Old 09-09-2019, 06:57 AM   #2
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Re: The uproar on Twitter about 2K20

All we can do is just hope Mike doesn't buckle. I've seen a lot of complaints of it being slow. I love the speed and pacing more control and less chaotic

Damn Twitter....I really hate social media...

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Old 09-09-2019, 07:01 AM   #3
kirkangil's Arena
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Re: The uproar on Twitter about 2K20

It's really bad.

2 hashtags are trending:

#fixnba2k20 & #fireronnie2k

Currently the number 1 & 2 trending topics.

I like the gameplay also but those glitches are extreme.

Something is going to happen with all this negative publicity.
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Old 09-09-2019, 07:15 AM   #4
Ragnar53's Arena
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Re: The uproar on Twitter about 2K20

People are rightfully pissed about the disconnects and server issues.

The only reason anyone is complaining about the game being slow is

1. Mycareer/Park/Pro am players playing with no quickfirst step, stop and go, and no downhill badges. All those badges make you feel quick and fast and up the pace of the game immensely (at least for Rec and 3v3).

2. Becauase they play only Park or Mycareer and have no badges, they don't notice that...the fast players in the league like Fox, Westbrook, Wall, and even Kyrie can all play at a fast/quick speed. Which they made thier players for. But have none of the badges those guys have that lets them play at that level.
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Old 09-09-2019, 07:19 AM   #5
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Re: The uproar on Twitter about 2K20

Well I have no issues with the gameplay. But I think that no name glitch and game crashes needs to be fixed. It's ridiculous. Most of the complaints are legit.
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Old 09-09-2019, 07:20 AM   #6
CX1329's Arena
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Re: The uproar on Twitter about 2K20

Originally Posted by EarvGotti
Idk if you guys will see this, but you have to stand your ground when it comes to gameplay this year. Yes the bugs need to be fixed asap, but PLEASE do not give in to the outcry for gameplay changes. This is the first time in a while where i've actually had to spend a decent amount of time in PRACTICE MODE to learn the game, learn how to dribble, learn how to score, learn how to play defense. As someone who values skilled competitive gameplay, this is amazing. Allow people time to learn the game before you change too much of the gameplay. Please please please i BEG YOU.

This. Fix the technical issues, yes, but leave the gameplay intact. This is also the first time I've ever played a 2K game where I've actually needed to go into scrimmage mode to practice, and aside from a few very minor issues like CPU shooting percentages, this game plays so much like real basketball, it's the closest anyone here will ever get to playing in the NBA. Never has Czar's catchphrase "don't play video games, play basketball" applied so much as it does in 2K20. 2K19 was trash, but this is special. Please don't mess this up for us sim players.
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Old 09-09-2019, 07:24 AM   #7
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Re: The uproar on Twitter about 2K20

I like the gameplay as is really . The constant disconnects , blue screens , no name glitch , long loading times are very bad.
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Old 09-09-2019, 07:28 AM   #8
The 24th Letter's Arena
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Re: The uproar on Twitter about 2K20

A lot of these technical gripes, as mentioned in the OP, are completely justified..cant blame them for being upset at all.

I just hope they dont gut what has been some of the most solid gameplay in a while.

Rag is completely right on the perception of the game being slow. This is one part peoples lack of wanting to adjust to something new, one part 2K not explaining this in detail and dragging out the process to acquire badges.

If anything, speed up that process, not the game itself...
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