UPDATES: We finally got some push behind this.
https://twitter.com/FeatureHoops/sta...766189062?s=20 - 92k followers
https://twitter.com/LegionHoopsRoss/...961557504?s=20 - 40k followers
Link to Reddit thread where /u/yyy2k is sending in our frustration to actual 2k devs:
Warning: This could be a long read.
First off let me say this. Yes, I know we are the minority when it comes to the 2k userbase. However, we have probably had more struggles than any game mode in 2k for several years.
Second, this has probably been the most frustrating MyLeague Online (MLO) experience in all the 2ks we've been a part of... and I'm speaking for the majority of the MLO community when I say that.
Let's start from the beginning.
It all started with the blog post. The blog post that got everyone in the MLO community excited. So excited that many of us pre-ordered 2k19 the day this blog post dropped:
If you are a true MLO player, this blog post changed everything. In short, everything that we've been wanting for years what nicely wrapped in 2k19 for everyone to enjoy. We had contract extensions, a true offseason that included drafting, free agency, even choosing your coaching. Everything that we had to do by multiple spreadsheets was all of a sudden right at our fingertips.
We were PUMPED.
So 2k19 drops. Still pumped. Then that's when the issues started. I literally made it my mission to get noticed by 2k. Yes, I spammed the devs on twitter. Yes, I PM'd every person I could. Yes, I replied to every 2k post. Yes, I reached out to support. Crickets.
Then I had the idea to let others weigh in on the issues. I won't get into the nitty-gritty details, but there is a 50+ page forum post here if you want to get really into it:
Just to name A FEW of the major issues:
1. We couldn't get through an offseason without it crashing.
2. We didn't have all our plays when the game dropped. It took several weeks just to get 3pt plays.
3. Contract extensions didn't work. At all. To this day, it still doesn't.
4. The servers were TERRIBLE (Charles Barkley voice). Game drops, slow menus, everything you could think of, the server was the cause.
This post triggered a chain reaction of events:
- The outrage was REAL.
- 2K and other 2K influencers starting noticing the outrage.
- I was reached out by a "developer" from Visual Concepts, who "worked exclusively on the franchise mode including MLO" from @daves account on OS.
So this was when I thought we were making some serious progress and we were getting noticed. We even made a thread and got it stickied for issues inside MLO to get sent directly to the tech team:
Side Note: This definitely did not go as planned. Very unorganized and all of the major issues revolved around the MLO server.
More Hope!
The developer sat with roughly 10 of our MLO users as we walked through offseason to show how bad it really was. There were some "information" that was dropped that probably shouldn't have been by the "developer". More on that later.
So after going through the offseason (we didn't make it through actually), the "developer" sent the information to the tech to get these issues fixed. This probably took several weeks. In the meantime, we had to restart our league due to being completely stuck.
After several weeks, the "developer" got back to us and said that we should have more luck getting through offseason. Several things to note here:
1. Yes, we did have more success if we did our offseason at 6 am Sunday morning while there were very few users on the server.
2. We found out that our MLO servers were actually in-house servers and not on the same AWS servers as other game modes such as Park, Jordan Rec, MyTeam, Play Online, etc.
3. We found out that our servers were being used for "overflow traffic" if any of these servers started getting overloaded.
4. They added, "another server that was put together with parts laying around the office." This was an actual quote but offseason seemed to work (at 6 am on Sundays).
5. We found out that MLO was not tested with 30 users in different areas. It was tested with 12 users in the same building.
Let's get back on track, shall we?
So, we finally got the green light to move forward with our offseason as it was supposed to be fixed. We all woke up early on Sunday and start going through the offseason.
And the league glitches again.
At this point, there were so many emotions going through my head, as well as our other MLO members. I thought it was fixed? What do we do now?
But, wait, we had hope! The developer had given us his email address and phone number and told him to call him with emergencies. So, I emailed him. I called him. We spoke for 2 hours about the continuous issues and we were told that there are definitely some major issues that could take 1-2 months to fix as it had to do with the server. Ugh.
So what do we do? We do what we always do... we keep it moving. We rebuild the league using DNA as we couldn't wait 1-2 months for the issue (including rolling back our league) to be fixed.
So we recreate the league, get to offseason once again, and the league GLITCHES AGAIN. This time, it's a different glitch... admins couldn't do anything within the league right after the offseason was complete. They couldn't play games, get to important parts of the menu, etc. Basically, they couldn't be an admin.
We alerted the "developer" of this issue. They never saw it before but eventually (6 weeks? 2 months)? Got this issue fixed. It involved the recreation of the league using DNA. However, we had to once again recreate the league (we didn't know DNA was the issue at this time).
Fast forward several months of continuous server issues, LG recreations, and just outright bad server stability - especially when kids were out of school (Christmas, spring break, weekends, any day between 6 pm - 12 am) and Sports Gamers Online posts an exclusive:
Information had leaked that the reason why the MLO servers were so bad is that the server(s) were actually attacking themselves and no one knew how to fix it.
After this video dropped, so did my "direct connection to the tech team". My guess is there was information that wasn't supposed to be known, word came from the top and our connection was not allowed to speak on issues anymore.
Look, I get it. I'll save that topic for another day.
So at this point, our relationship with the "developer" is on the rocks. I'm assuming he got into some kind of trouble and I did feel bad as at this point I just wanted a news outlet to speak up for us. To this day, I'm still SGO posted that video.
Anyways, fast forward several more months. Servers start to get a little better. Still bad, still offseason had to be done at certain times, but overall, it could have been worse. At this time, the "developer" and I are back on the same page and it seems like it's water under the bridge.
Until our league - after 4 successful 29 game seasons - glitches. So I do what I normally do - freak the f*ck out. I email the developer, text the developer, call the developer, etc. Hoping that somehow, he could roll back the league so we don't lose all of our progress.
I'll admit, I probably overdid it. I texted twice, called twice, and emailed twice in a panic. I was told NEVER to do that again as he thought it was something more serious. However, he would pass our information to the tech team.
I now know that this was his go-to statement. I'll pass the information to the tech team.
After waiting a week for any word from the "developer", we hear nothing. What do we do? Yea, you guessed it. We recreate the league. About 20+ hours of recreation time.
So we get back up and running and 3 days in (after a 2 GB patch that came through the day after our league crashed), the league glitches AGAIN. We couldn't sim games, make trades, edit players, etc.
I contact the "developer" and he said... and I quote... "Ugh, sorry to hear that. I'll pass this information to the tech team."
He briefly asks me how I felt about the MyGM / MyLeague news that dropped the day before and I gave him some feedback. Didn't seem too thrilled about the feedback but I mean, our league just glitched again... I was in a bad mood, sue me.
So at this point, I can't even count the number of times we've recreated the league. And wouldn't you believe it, we recreate the league AGAIN.
And, AGAIN the league glitches. This was a week ago.
So that whole back story was to say this. I have no clue how 2k20 MLO will be. I'm being told that the servers will be more stable, which is really the only thing that matters as the servers are the MAIN REASON for all the issues we have faced.
Other than that, I'm sincerely hoping that 2k20 doesn't have the same MLO issues as 2k19. If it does, we are in for another rough year.
Final note. There were several people that could have just mentioned they knew about our issues.
Da Czar. Mike Wang. Leftos. Davez. Anyone from the tech team could have just stated: "We hear you and working on your problems." I've tried contacting everyone above (even Ronnie) and I didn't hear one word about our critical issues during 2k19.
Instead, and I mean this in the kindest way possible... we were given a spokesperson for MyLeague Online who had very limited power to make/fix anything related to MLO.
A few users are scared that with the number of issues we faced this year (and previous years) that they would just take out the game mode like MLB The Show. I sincerely hope that's not the case as MLO has been a part of my life for 5 years and it would be very sad to see it go.
If any OS members have thoughts, comments, or concerns - please share them. If there are any 2K developers or anyone with inside knowledge that could calm our fears that the above won't happen again, then that would be FANTASTIC. But, very unlikely.
Second Final Note (lol):
There are just a few things that could make MLO much easier to manage.
1. Move the servers to AWS instead of having them in-house. This could already be in the works, so it would be GREAT if we could get confirmation.
2. Make league rosters have the ability to export and import. League glitched? Use a roster that you exported a week before - similar to what you would do with a website backup. This would also be beneficial with patches that aren't retroactive. Simply start a new league, import your roster and you're up and running in minutes - not days.
3. Give us someone we can go to with MLO issues that would actually respond and listen to the issues and keep us updated. An MLO community manager would be amazing.
Other than that, if 2k20 has the same issues as 2k19, I will be back to try and be heard again about our issues. I'm not giving up on the MLO community.
With all due respect, 2K, just hear us out, answer our questions/issues, and give us a product that works.
- Multiple people are having this league ending glitch, not just our league. I've let the "developer" know every time I find a league that has had this glitch and he "has passed it to the tech team."
- We haven't heard anything back from the tech team in weeks due to 2k20.
- We have given up on our league as each new league has the same glitch.
2k19 MLO servers attacked themselves and were in-house + used for server overflow from other game modes. Caused a ton of problems. Had a 2k "dev" connection that didn't have a lot of pull. Recreated MLO leagues 5+ times Dozens of hours wasted. Never had a league actually fixed. Hope MLO in 2k20 isn't like 2k19 or we're screwed. I'm not going anywhere though and will continue to push for a fully functional MLO mode.