
Big men need to be fun to use in 2k

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Old 07-25-2018, 05:49 AM   #1
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Big men need to be fun to use in 2k

Do y'all remember when big men used to be fun to play with back on the Xbox 360 days I could dominate with cousins Davis Dwight Howard and post work was beautiful to use but now and the recent games you can't win with a big man and you only can use guards and Wing players.

2K needs to fix his problem and make big men impactful in their games
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Old 07-25-2018, 07:13 AM   #2
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Re: Big men need to be fun to use in 2k

Word. I try using big men when I have a good one to use, but they all play the same. Same moves. Etc. Not very fun

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Old 07-25-2018, 09:32 AM   #3
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Re: Big men need to be fun to use in 2k

They need to bring back hook shot meter and post badge back
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Old 07-25-2018, 09:46 AM   #4
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Re: Big men need to be fun to use in 2k

Originally Posted by Lazy10
Do y'all remember when big men used to be fun to play with back on the Xbox 360 days I could dominate with cousins Davis Dwight Howard and post work was beautiful to use but now and the recent games you can't win with a big man and you only can use guards and Wing players.

2K needs to fix his problem and make big men impactful in their games
You still can. You have to play to their strengths and emulate their style of play from real life. It is a much more tactical approach when compared to playing with a guard.

Lamarcus Aldridge is one of my favorite players to use in the post and you can get some great realistic moves with him. Against the CPU or User
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Old 07-25-2018, 09:47 AM   #5
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Re: Big men need to be fun to use in 2k

I admit I do feel a bit hamstrung when using post players in 2K18 (when playing against the computer). Part of it is my lack of 2K skill but the other part is not feeling rewarded when I'm able to do something right. A lot of the post game feels like a crap shoot to me this year.

I think 2K's struggling to replicate a good post game and I'm not sure I have a solution off-hand. In 2K18, I can count on experiencing some degree of post success if I execute a move that leaves my player really wide open. But things get weird after that. In real life, elite post players like Hakeem Olajuwon, Shaquille O'Neal, and LaMarcus Aldridge don't need to be completely wide open to repeatedly finish jump hooks and fallaways. But then I guess the question would be: How do you account for that without making post play overpowered?

Mike Wang mentioned in a recent interview how their struggles with establishing a good interior defense system resulted in them having to force gamers to miss more layups than normal to level things out. It's an understandable band-aid but it's obviously affected the post game in the process.

That said, even when I have a very successful game with Shaquille O'Neal, his post performance still doesn't feel very Shaq-like. And again, part of that is my problem because I can't recall how to pull off all the moves I like. It seems like it used to be easier. I guess the first thing I need is to figure out how to reliably pull off the power drop step (not a baseline spin, not just a turn and pivot). It seems I can execute that drop step once every few games but I don't know how I'm doing it. So maybe I'll have to go investigate that today.

Larger point still remains though. I can often experience success in the post but I don't always feel responsible for it, nor does it seem to emulate real post play really well in many cases. I often shy away from the post game for this reason. The odds seem stacked against me - if I find myself backing a guy down who's not falling over himself on one of my fakes, my possession feels wasted.

Last edited by VDusen04; 07-25-2018 at 09:53 AM.
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Old 07-25-2018, 09:57 AM   #6
El_Poopador's Arena
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Re: Big men need to be fun to use in 2k

I actually really enjoy the post game in 2k. My biggest gripe is that some moves (quick dribble step-back from the post, for example) require using the face button to execute rather than the stick.
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Old 07-25-2018, 09:59 AM   #7
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Re: Big men need to be fun to use in 2k

Originally Posted by VDusen04
I admit I do feel a bit hamstrung when using post players in 2K18 (when playing against the computer). Part of it is my lack of 2K skill but the other part is not feeling rewarded when I'm able to do something right. A lot of the post game feels like a crap shoot to me this year.

I think 2K's struggling to replicate a good post game and I'm not sure I have a solution off-hand. In 2K18, I can count on experiencing some degree of post success if I execute a move that leaves my player really wide open. But things get weird after that. In real life, elite post players like Hakeem Olajuwon, Shaquille O'Neal, and LaMarcus Aldridge don't need to be completely wide open to repeatedly finish jump hooks and fallaways. But then I guess the question would be: How do you account for that without making post play overpowered?

Mike Wang mentioned in a recent interview how their struggles with establishing a good interior defense system resulted in them having to force gamers to miss more layups than normal to level things out. It's an understandable band-aid but it's obviously affected the post game in the process.

That said, even when I have a very successful game with Shaquille O'Neal, his post performance still doesn't feel very Shaq-like. And again, part of that is my problem because I can't recall how to pull off all the moves I like. It seems like it used to be easier. I guess the first thing I need is to figure out how to reliably pull off the power drop step (not a baseline spin, not just a turn and pivot). It seems I can execute that drop step once every few games but I don't know how I'm doing it. So maybe I'll have to go investigate that today.

Larger point still remains though. I can often experience success in the post but I don't always feel responsible for it, nor does it seem to emulate real post play really well in many cases. I often shy away from the post game for this reason. The odds seem stacked against me - if I find myself backing a guy down who's not falling over himself on one of my fakes, my possession feels wasted.
Loved everything here. I think that most people struggles with the Post up game. Down low you live by the same rules as a player outside does. And it kind of sucks. But it kind of has to be like this. Unless we start putting everything on a the release timing. That's the only way I see it changing.
Hands Down....Man Down - 2k9 memories
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Old 07-25-2018, 10:04 AM   #8
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Re: Big men need to be fun to use in 2k

It may be unintentional, but the fact that you can't sit and back down for 4 seconds and dominate is just like real life.

Bigs today are asked to space and/or rim run off screens. If they get post touches it really should be 1 dribble and go. The days of Shaq taking up 10 seconds are over.

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