
NBA and Take-Two Launching NBA 2K eLeague in 2018, Teams Operated By NBA Franchises

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Old 02-09-2017, 04:21 PM   #41
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Re: NBA and Take-Two Launching NBA 2K eLeague in 2018, Teams Operated By NBA Franchis

Originally Posted by ssimpsons3
Real eSport games that have professional leagues is 100% a full-time job.

League Of Legends, DOTA, CS:GO, Rainbow 6, and Overwatch all have professional leagues where they PAY the players. People don't know the legitimicy of eSports in 2017...and its huge. Beyond huge. Niche market, but they are rockstars and make BANK in their profession.

And since this is fueled by the actual NBA...you're looking at 5 figure contracts...at least. This has potential to be waaaay more popular than any league listed above, because of the ties with the NBA.

But...this priority from 2k needs 3 things...that every other pro game has...

1.) The end of yearly releases. They need to constantly be updating and balancing the game engine being used. They can't switch up things every year and expect pros to adapt. All pro games are NOT yearly releases.

2.) No leveling up, all class based. There can be NO VC in this. None, except for all cosmetic stuff. Real pro games use class system, not the guy who leveld up has the advantage. Everyone is equal and true skill and focus win the day. Current system in PvP like MMOs. Will not work for a pro league.

3.) TRANSPARENCY. Massive patch notes with % of boost/nerf. WE NEED NUMBERS AND CONSISTENCY TO GO HAND IN HAND. There needs to be exact percentages for different shots, moves, badges...everything. HAS TO BE. No more RNG to determine outcomes, has to be consistant to reward skill and not 2k luck. Everyone who has ever played 2k knows exactly what I mean.
This is IMPORTANT!!!!! 2K will get dropped off soo fast if they don't sober up their gameplay.
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Old 02-09-2017, 04:30 PM   #42
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ksuttonjr76's Arena
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Re: NBA and Take-Two Launching NBA 2K eLeague in 2018, Teams Operated By NBA Franchis

Originally Posted by tril
that's a huge market, but if you were to break that number down a bit further, folks would realize that the audience is probably less into sports games and more into, shooters, fantasy and fighting games.

its a good risk for the NBA though. Its low investment and high reward.
I might be assuming, but I think those numbers are more international than US. However, the US might be "catching up" to the rest of the world when it comes to eSports. The NBA and Take 2 is doing the right thing by blazing the trail. The Madden Bowl was HUGE back in the day, and you knew about it even if you wasn't a football fan. I had friends who would drive to multiple cities to try to qualify at a chance for the prize money.

Hmmmmmm....I kinda wish that they would do that with regular NBA teams, but the tournament would just end up being about who was the best Cavs or GSW user. Going the MyPlayer/ProAm route makes the most sense. No matter what...five human players have to communicate in some shape or form to be successful.

Honestly, this idea will be interesting to say the less.
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Old 02-09-2017, 04:42 PM   #43
ssimpsons3's Arena
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The more I read, and think about this...its really amazing. This game is about to be legitimized beyond belief from the affiliation with the NBA.

Most dedicated sports gamers, myself included, put too much time into sports video games...and sports in general...to ever be able to play at a pro level for the current eSports games. Plus, all of them are on PC.

Now us, lowly console gamers, that play these scoffed at sports games, get a chance to be similat to...NAY...LEGIT professional basketball players. 1,000s of us will never make it...but yo we have something. MOBAs? That's cute. WE PLAY PRO BASKETBALL.

Please 2k, do this right.

I'm 100% going for this, in whatever capacity I am able. 5'11 bro-niner signed by the actual-legit-for real Cleveland Cavs? I mean cmon...that. is. nuts.

Last edited by ssimpsons3; 02-09-2017 at 04:44 PM.
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Old 02-09-2017, 04:56 PM   #44
SirGaryColeman's Arena
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Re: NBA and Take-Two Launching NBA 2K eLeague in 2018, Teams Operated By NBA Franchis

Anyone think the way to qualify for this will be remotely fair?

How would it even work? Local 1 on 1 competitions?

This sounds great for the 150 people that get in, but I sure hope they figured out some new features for the rest of their customers.
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Old 02-09-2017, 04:59 PM   #45
ssimpsons3's Arena
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Re: NBA and Take-Two Launching NBA 2K eLeague in 2018, Teams Operated By NBA Franchis

Originally Posted by SirGaryColeman
Anyone think the way to qualify for this will be remotely fair?

How would it even work? Local 1 on 1 competitions?

This sounds great for the 150 people that get in, but I sure hope they figured out some new features for the rest of their customers.
This is from the article on NBA.com...

'Gamers will be chosen through a recruiting process by NBA teams and Take-Two. They'll go through a virtual version of a combine and be selected in a draft, which Silver says will either be televised or streamed online.'

But yes, I also hope that 2ks focus on a professional level of gaming, benefits offline gaming as well as other modes.
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Old 02-09-2017, 06:00 PM   #46
NoLeafClover's Arena
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Re: NBA and Take-Two Launching NBA 2K eLeague in 2018, Teams Operated By NBA Franchis

Why would I not just watch the real NBA instead? This seems idiotic.

It's not like League of Legends or something in which there is no real life version that does everything about it better... People will seriously watch a terribly played and buggy digital version over the real thing?

I weep for humanity.
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Old 02-09-2017, 06:11 PM   #47
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Re: NBA and Take-Two Launching NBA 2K eLeague in 2018, Teams Operated By NBA Franchis

Originally Posted by NoLeafClover
Why would I not just watch the real NBA instead? This seems idiotic.

It's not like League of Legends or something in which there is no real life version that does everything about it better... People will seriously watch a terribly played and buggy digital version over the real thing?

I weep for humanity.
How many people watched the games last year? I'm pretty sure that Take Two has data to justify this endeavor with NBA, and for the NBA to back it up. Plus, you have to take in consideration the additional exposure they'll get from this. They're basically giving people a genuine chance to become a professional gamer in a different genre that's not a fighting, RTS, or FPS game.

Real talk, if I thought my skills were good enough in the MyPlayer arena, I would try out myself. I've played against people when money was on the line when I thought I was one of better players at NBA 2K. Let me tell...You haven't seen "skills" until you played in a tournament.
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Old 02-09-2017, 06:25 PM   #48
NoLeafClover's Arena
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Re: NBA and Take-Two Launching NBA 2K eLeague in 2018, Teams Operated By NBA Franchis

Originally Posted by ksuttonjr76
How many people watched the games last year? I'm pretty sure that Take Two has data to justify this endeavor with NBA, and for the NBA to back it up. Plus, you have to take in consideration the additional exposure they'll get from this. They're basically giving people a genuine chance to become a professional gamer in a different genre that's not a fighting, RTS, or FPS game.

Real talk, if I thought my skills were good enough in the MyPlayer arena, I would try out myself. I've played against people when money was on the line when I thought I was one of better players at NBA 2K. Let me tell...You haven't seen "skills" until you played in a tournament.
But when those "skills" such as zigzagging behind brick wall screens at the 3 point line do nothing to reflect the actual game it's supposed to be based on, I wonder how the NBA will feel when they get an actual look at it?
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