
NBA 2K17: Gameplay Tweaks We'd Like to See

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Old 11-17-2016, 05:27 AM   #41
Jordanmike6's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17: Gameplay Tweaks We'd Like to See

I have ever read this kind of positiv comment from some people here on this forum.
Will Player Size Relative to The Court Size Be Addressed?
"Its the movement of the players and spacing that makes the court seem small sometimes,....I feel like the actual player court size is OK. When I iso the court feels great...IMO it's more about getting players to be more aware of where they are on the court..."
Now i read that, i find it funny how this guy is naïve!!

With this, i let you with your bad game on your "PS4", 5, 6, 7 ......PRO, extra Pro SuperNatural Pro!! everything you want lol

Even the width of the paint is impacted; watch on the real picture, between the chin of the Bulls and the paint there is the space for a long foot, but not on the second photo!
All the court should be bigger!! Now we know this is not a legend, this is the truth!

Last edited by Jordanmike6; 11-17-2016 at 06:15 AM.
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Old 11-17-2016, 03:02 PM   #42
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NBA 2K17 is the best one yet, but as mentioned in the article, there are plenty of things that need improvement.
I especially despise the defense, where the CPU makes cuts to the hoop, and the team I control doesn't stay with their man. The Centers always do rim-runs towards the basket, and the opposing players are standing at the top of the key, lost. Help defense is also missing when nobody rotates to help on drives to the rim, and if they do, the CPU is smart enough to pass the ball to the open man. Defense on the 3 pt shot is a joke as well, when they make contested shots, and coming off screens is unguardable. If they improve the defensive aspect, this will be one of the best sports games ever.....
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Old 11-18-2016, 02:29 PM   #43
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I believe ratings drive animations. Ever notice how some players are so smooth, aware and instinctive while other are mechanical, slow and predictable. The right set of attributes produces better results (i.e. movements, results).

The problem is when 2K deems someone with a bad rating as a whole or singularly, that player's deficiencies are magnified. Example Russell Westbrook, no matter his overall rating, his 63 3-ball rating will never allow him to be better or to get hot from the 3-point line.

Somehow 2K's baseline ratings (worse players) only seem appropriate for middle-schoolers not grown men. Any person that's made a team in the NBA can play.
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Old 11-20-2016, 04:57 AM   #44
emmanuelk1's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17: Gameplay Tweaks We'd Like to See

Originally Posted by BegBy
I just want basic things. Realistic AI reaction times. Way less clipping. Less physicality overall, but by no means remove it. Just tone it down to a non - WWE level. I'd love to see much, much tighter player control and animations that are far less exaggerated. Players don't need to be so frantic. So many animations take up way too much time and real estate. Half the time it looks like some guys have hot coals in their shorts. Realistic NBA defensive rotations with lots of switching in the paint. Funnel shooters to the big guys down low! Fastbreaks again would be nice, for both sides. Lots more long rebounds with tips, bobbles and pushed rebounds. Lots more, please.

Addition by subtraction should be a theme next year. Remove a lot of the wonky stuff and without adding anything at all this game is soooooooo much better. We were promised something absurd like 2000 new animations this year, yet I've seen maybe 10 and you inevitably see the same 30-40 each and every game over and over. Don't add any new animations. Let us see the ones we've been promised year after year by opening up the game from it's linear playstyle. Right now we just play out animations and react accordingly. I think with non perfect perimeter defenders coupled with nice organic (smooth and not frantic sliding animations) collapsing/rotating defense we'll see much better games.

It's a very linear game right now. Removing a lot of stuff could actually change it and could save time and effort instead of adding new crap to combat the old. The skeleton for a good game is there. It's just buried under a mound of junk.
Yep they should start wit the money making online mode schemes. and my career coz that mode will never ever be what most of us wish it could be. just focus on the game and current nba teams.
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