
NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impessions - Physics, Aiming with Shot Stick & More (PopSci)

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Old 08-23-2016, 04:12 PM   #65
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Re: NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impessions - Physics, Aiming with Shot Stick & More (PopSci)

Originally Posted by scottyp180
And with the 2KU it shouldn't be too difficult for people to pick up and learn the new mechanics. It won't make everyone experts but it will teach people enough to play and enjoy the game. People that are worried about the new mechanics should be willing to dedicate sometime to the 2KU mode in order to understand the game better.

If that isn't enough there is always the option of looking up videos and strategy online. I did this last year and I definitely helped and improved how I played the game.

I know for some this might be a lot to do on their end just to play a game but that's part of what makes these sports games great in this age of gaming. They are no longer simple, basic representations of sports. We are at the point where the gameplay is nearly as complex as the real thing and there are many layers and intricacies involved. This could be overwhelming for some but on lower difficulty settings it should be an issue.
Definitely a reasonable post. Perhaps I should wait and see how this 2KU can address the casual player before I start complaining. Usually I have pick one team try to learn all the release points and dribble rhythms, and that's not easy considering the limited playing time I get. And I end up not being able to really enjoy the game like I want to.

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Old 08-23-2016, 04:23 PM   #66
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NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impessions - Physics, Aiming with Shot Stick & More (PopSci)

Originally Posted by Nevertheles109
Yes there was. I strictly play offline and knew nothing about the turbo boost prior to the patch.

Was it abused in the wrong hands? Yes.. but it also could be used in a very sim manner as well without the turbo boost tactic. The sim crowd suffered due to casuals.

Right. Even the CPU players did it. Mainly PG's like Wall, Kyrie, and Russ.

2K only removed it because people online (mainly park) was speed boosting back and forth because they was able to stop on a dime and start back up with it. The animation alone wasn't bad at all.

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Last edited by Jrocc23; 08-23-2016 at 04:25 PM.
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Old 08-23-2016, 04:49 PM   #67
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Re: NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impessions - Physics, Aiming with Shot Stick & More (PopSci)

Sounds promising but worries me at the same time. If this means 100% live ball then I will be having awful nightmares of 2K12 lol
Student of the game. #Fundamentals

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Old 08-23-2016, 05:24 PM   #68
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glad that they are re-implementing the live ball. Iast time they highlighted the live ball feature, folks complained, cause folks were dribbling off of and passing into the back of players.

I look forward to the new shooting mechanics with the shot stick.

and the new dribbling features sounds good in theory, especially if it involves more of user skill. how ever it could be troublesome if its just based on user input. cause you can potentially have a Deandre Jordan having handles like Kyre Irving.

The fatigue/ turbo ratings seems like another reintroduction by 2k. They also had this feature before, glad that they are emphasizing this again

i Look forward to 2k17

Last edited by tril; 08-23-2016 at 05:26 PM.
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Old 08-23-2016, 05:32 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by tril
glad that they are re-implementing the live ball. Iast time they highlighted the live ball feature, folks complained, cause folks were dribbling off of and passing into the back of players.

I look forward to the new shooting mechanics with the shot stick.

and the new dribbling features sounds good in theory, especially if it involves more of user skill. how ever it could be troublesome if its just based on user input. cause you can potentially have a Deandre Jordan having handles like Kyre Irving.

The fatigue/ turbo ratings seems like another reintroduction by 2k. They also had this feature before, glad that they are emphasizing this again

i Look forward to 2k17
Just replying to the dribbling part, I would hope that they would have a tier system similar to FIFA, where only people with a high dribbling rating can pull off fancy stuff.
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Old 08-23-2016, 05:49 PM   #70
scottyp180's Arena
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Originally Posted by MrMars
Definitely a reasonable post. Perhaps I should wait and see how this 2KU can address the casual player before I start complaining. Usually I have pick one team try to learn all the release points and dribble rhythms, and that's not easy considering the limited playing time I get. And I end up not being able to really enjoy the game like I want to.

Some suggestions:

-Start out on a lower difficulty and work you way up. Even if you find it a little too easy it is a good way to learn the game, get use to the mechanics, and practice strategy. I also feel that while knowing a player's shot and release is important knowing your personel can be just as, if not more, important. I know a struggle with teams I'm unfamiliar with because I don't know how the majority of players on the team play.

-on the topic of strategy, don't rely too heavy on creating your own shots one on one or off the dribble. I know this gets me in trouble often. Sometimes I get caught up with using a superstar (say Durant or Curry) and i waste possessions trying to break down the D with crossovers to hit a shot. Something as simple a the pick and roll or pick and pop can be quite effective. Running plays every possession can be a hassle but the quick play option can be good or just using a freelance set as well. I even suggest putting on the play vision settings so you now exactly what is suppose to happen on a play. It clusters up the court a little bit with the visual aid but it beats the hell out of running around with not purpose trying to score.

-Reading the D is also important but it's something that sort of comes to you the more you play. You start to notice when the d will shift and when players will be open. Easier said than done but take what the D gives you instead of trying to force stuff.

I play on allstar and for offense I usually get by with pick and rolls, switching to a freelance set, and occasional calling plays (only when I want to set something up for a specific player). Hopefully the 2KU this year will be able to teach you enough to play and enjoy the game. If not don't be afraid to check YouTube. I did it last year and just learning how to properly run and execute a pick and roll in the game helped a ton. A few weeks after release you should be able to find a video on different areas of the game such as dribbling, defense, shooting, running pick and rolls and offensive plays, etc.

I hope this doesn't sound overwhelming and turn you off from the game because it isn't that complex. Just learning how to do a few things right in the game can make a big difference.
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Old 08-23-2016, 07:49 PM   #71
MarkWilliam's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impessions - Physics, Aiming with Shot Stick & More (PopSci)

Originally Posted by Jrocc23

I'll never understand why people say stuff like this. I understand you're engaging in hyperbole but you can at least say something else crazy but you think of doing THAT to all the devs lol.

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Hahaha devs be like

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Old 08-23-2016, 10:45 PM   #72
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Re: NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impessions - Physics, Aiming with Shot Stick & More (PopSci)

Originally Posted by tril
glad that they are re-implementing the live ball. Iast time they highlighted the live ball feature, folks complained, cause folks were dribbling off of and passing into the back of players.

I look forward to the new shooting mechanics with the shot stick.

and the new dribbling features sounds good in theory, especially if it involves more of user skill. how ever it could be troublesome if its just based on user input. cause you can potentially have a Deandre Jordan having handles like Kyre Irving.

The fatigue/ turbo ratings seems like another reintroduction by 2k. They also had this feature before, glad that they are emphasizing this again

i Look forward to 2k17
The live ball physics was worse than that. You were able to block the ball with your armpits, lol. It was a good first attempt, but it was pretty chaotic.
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