I. Introduction
II. Player Meta-Builds. What to do if you don't have one.
I. Introduction
- I'm writing this guide as a rather successful Pro-AM/Park (3's and 4's not 2's) player (win % ~90) in order to help integrate those who love 2K, but aren't a part of the game's Meta in Park and Pro-AM.
- It is very easy to recognize when decent players who are good with basketball knowledge but lack the proper MyPlayer to be truly effective.
- In this guide I will cover very basic principles and rules that govern 2K MyPlayers online in Park and Pro-Am.
Disclaimer: I understand that this guide may not be of greatest use here, specifically on OS, just know the audience I'm mostly writing this towards are underskilled players, players from the reddit and elsewhere. If content like this is allowed and appriciated, I can continue this and add rules for offense and defense.
II. Meta Builds: What are they? Why don't I have one?
Meta-Builds refer to the most optimal player builds that you can have for your MyPlayer in order to be competitive in 2K. Because 2K changes essential game mechanics so deep into the game cycle, these meta-builds change and it can get expensive, tedious and time-consuming if you try to keep up.
- All of these builds assume that you will receive all 100 upgrades and become a 99 overall. Also, it is assumed that you get every badge that can improve your player's ability.
- In this section, I will explain what each of the best builds are for your My-Player and what you can do if you don't have a player like this.
Point Guard:
- Point Guards, fortunately, have lots of versatility in the meta and despite the fact that there are still a few rules to follow, many PG builds are still viable at top levels of play.
- With Patch 6, and the removal of being able to explosively dribble around defenders, there is no advantage to being shorter. The best PG is 6'7 (6'5 and 6'6 work too) and you get diminishing returns for shorter PG's.
6'7 Inside PG:
- This is a fun, Pro-Am Viable, Lebron like player. You're able to finish heavily in traffic and Contact Dunks galore. Also, Post Spins around shorter defenders will be quite effective. If you are smart with the angles you attack the rim at, you can be rather effective.
- Attribute Distribution: 20 Shooting, 20 Inside, 20 Athlete, 20 Playmaking, 20 Defense.
6'7 Balanced PG:
- Balanced PG's can shoot just as well as Outside PG's when left wide open. They receive the same greens for wide-open shots. These players receive generous ratings for finishing inside, capable of finishing and dunking in contact.
- Attribute Distribution: 20 Shooting, 20 Inside, 20 Athlete, 20 Playmaking, 20 Defense.
6'7 Outside PG:
- The best shooting player in the meta, the 6'7 outside PG is capable of hitting shots, greens and lightly contested shots at a high rate. With maxed inside, the outside PG is capable of hitting regularly in light traffic.
- Attribute Distribution: 20 Shooting, 20 Inside, 20 Athlete, 20 Playmaking, 20 Defense.
Small Forward
The Small Forward can provide a very niche, yet effective support player within a team. Often the 3rd option or 5th option (in park/pro-am respectively) in the offense, the small forward can provide great defensive and rebounding value from the 3 spot for pro-am or the park.
Outside SF:
Imagine Kawahi Leonard defense mixed with Kyle Korver shooting mixed with Dennis Rodman rebounding. This is the ultimate support player for the meta. Can guard 1-5.
- Ideal height for the SF is between 6'8 and 6'10. This is preference. 6'10 will have a little trouble against guards in iso situations whereas the 6'8 will have a little trouble against centers rebounding.
- On Offense, the player is typically just going to stick around the 3pt line. Catch and Shoot is all the SF is limited to on offense.
- On defense, the 6'9 SF is optimal for guarding all 5 positions. Capable of switching, helping, doubling, gambling in the passing lanes etc. all with the speed to get back to close out.
- Attribute Distribution: 20 Shooting, 0 Inside, 20 Athlete, 20 Playmaking, 20 Rebounding, 20 Defense.
Balanced and Inside SF's
These is no value to these players. The balanced ratings are much too poor to be effective as either an inside or outside threat. The lack of ball control means you will have permanent butterfingers and will be stripped with ease. The inability to dribble will limit your offense. These players are wholly ineffective against top players.
Shooting Guard
Joke: The SG told the PG, I'm better than you. The PG responded: -lyrically- "Anything you can do I can do better. I CAN DO ANYTHING BETTER THAN YOU."
The SG is disappointing in the meta. In no situation are you better off for running a SG than a PG.
- The shooting is the same, the defense while slightly better is probably statistically insignificant.
- The biggest drawback however, is the lowered ball control. Without the ability to dribble the ball effectively ball you are relegated to being stripped more often than PG's and Korver status. Run around until you get open. That is the only way you will score effectively against competent defenders.
Power Forward
Joke: The PF tried to tell a joke to the Center. The center told the PF to shut up and go sit in the corner. I don't like the fact that I have to babysit for you.
The PF position in this game is absolutely meaningless. In all circumstances, you are better off running the SF or C.
Centers are must-haves for the Pro-Am. 7'3 Centers are the only viable option. Any attempts by smaller players to exploit the lack of speed of a 7'3 Center at either the PF or C position can be easily overcome with the most basic of zone defenses with no penalty.
The nerf to break starter hurts, and I still need more testing to determine what changes were made. If indeed the change to sucess was global, and not circumstanital it might be worth going without. But I just don't know yet.
Centers for the park are different. While they are effective, the 6'9 SF is much more versatile and optimal for the park.
Balanced Center
Again. Just no.
Balanced centers have poor shooting ratings. If you want to shoot with a center, choose outside. The inability to green any post shot with a Balanced Center makes their inside game pretty useless as well. Not effective enough for the meta.
Outside Center
This player is optimal for the 4 slot in Pro-Am and second to the only the Outside SF for the 3 position in the park.
- Lacking the need to put points into inside to dunk the ball effectively allows these players to really shine. Forcing a 55-speed center to guard a turboring center that can also shoot is deadly.
- These players can shoot effectively from mid-range and 3pt. You should be able to green from the corners with ease. From the outside with a ring.
- Attribute Distribution: Outside 20, Inside 8, Playmaking 12, Athlete 20, Rebounding 20, Defense 20.
The Big Secret: What to do if you do not have a Meta Player.
The players listed above are optimal. But that doesn't mean you can't get the most out of the MyPlayer you already have.
If you do not have a point guard, look below.
The best advice for attempting to use these players at the highest level, particularly after patch 6 is iso crossover signature style
Crossover 11.
This crossover will single handily allow you to actually control the ball, and gain speed by doing so. If your ball control is lower than 80, it will be very difficult to do much when it comes to having the ball. This crossover changes that.
Below you will see a 7'2 Felicio dribbling with 55 ball control.
You can control the ball, gain speed and you are capable of fooling lower skilled defenders despite your low ball control attribute:
Again, if this is liked on here and allowed, I could continue with information about the game mechanics that cover scoring and defending. Just let me know.