
NBA 2K16: Two-Man Interactions You Hate

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Old 02-05-2016, 11:29 AM   #17
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1) When your player gets hung up on/sucked into a pick for no reason. This is probably the worst to me. You will be playing defense and a player is setting a pick 5 feet behind you and you slide back and take 10 seconds (slight exaggeration) to fight around the pick, leaving the ball handler open. Also, I hate when the ball handler leads you into the pick and you get hung up on it and they reverse direction and have a wide open lane to the basket. This is more for human opponents. I even use it sometimes too but I think it's cheap.

2) When you play great defense and force a contested shot but your AI controlled teammate that's nearby also contests the shot, allowing the other team to get an easy offensive rebound put back. Maddening

3) When you get blocked or get the ball poked loose your player just loses all coordination for a few seconds and you can't get the ball back. This is especially frustrating against the computer because when it happens to them they react super quickly and get the ball back every time.
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Old 02-05-2016, 12:47 PM   #18
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Re: NBA 2K16: Two-Man Interactions You Hate

Animation dunks have to go. Its dumb to have a action that is guranteed 2 pts in the result every time

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Old 02-05-2016, 06:36 PM   #19
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Re: NBA 2K16: Two-Man Interactions You Hate

I hate that majority of the foul animations are overly aggressive. People don't often throw defensive position to the wind and clobber someone. People usually foul on the midst of at least trying to appear not to.
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Old 02-05-2016, 08:09 PM   #20
jmaj315's Arena
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The weird off-ball defender/pick man interactions... and the on ball defender/off-ball defender interactions. ughh
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Old 02-05-2016, 08:33 PM   #21
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jWILL253's Arena
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Originally Posted by Tybudd
The Non-Steal Steal isn't bad at all, just recognizing collision. Your complaint seems to be because a steal occurs w/o the actual attempt to steal the ball.

So You'd be ok with being able to dribble the ball off another persons foot, and nothing happens?
Or someone running pass your dribble hand brushing on the ball and nothing happens, doesn't matter if its a teammate or a deffender, if somebody hits the ball you should lose it, bottom line.

Be good enough to see it coming and cross over to the other hand
I think you need to watch the video in the post.

The defender literally ran into him after a late recovery off the pick. In the second vid, what you're saying makes sense, but you shouldn't be losing the ball from a defender simply colliding with the ball.
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Old 02-06-2016, 07:43 PM   #22
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Man, there are so many that it's hard to choose from (I have about 12gb of 10-15 sec clips that show proof of bad animations + AI). If I have to narrow it down, it would have to be the layup/dunk animations. More specifically, the speed and choice of shot. Fast guards constantly lay the ball up or dunk as if they are doing a drill. Bigs sometimes fly to the rim like a guard or take a full 2 seconds to rev up a dunk and get blocked from a player that reached through their back and got to the ball. 2K doesn't realize that those are fouls. If a player averages .2 blocks a game, it's okay to make their block rating 25 and have every block attempt miss or foul the offensive player...you know what, I'll stop here because I can write an essay about how poor this game is.
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Old 02-06-2016, 09:45 PM   #23
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Ahh man Ahh man the no steal steal is something I personally dislike,the percentage of it goes up late in games and if you use pick and roll alot, the AI-puts the body of the defender right on the ball, the double team steals go up even if you beat the double ,I play alot- good dribble or not-the ball wrap through any animation until you hit the paint, honestly for me it's like a challenge I know is coming like GSW lol makes it more playable for me especially on hall a fame setting in my playoffs.
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Old 02-07-2016, 04:13 AM   #24
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Yes fix all of these please and those I can't sprint animations because the defender is behind you causing a contact animation.

I get 4-5 turnovers because the CPU runs into the ball and I loss the ball.

Add the in and out violations that is never called: the player takes theball out passes it in to only have that player take it out again. It slows down the game to allow the defense to get back and set up.

Last edited by keshunleon; 02-07-2016 at 04:28 AM.
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