
I dont know how to explain this

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Old 01-11-2016, 05:29 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2012
I dont know how to explain this

I know Im not the only one this happen to but it has happen alot in this game which frustrate the hell outta me. Because I know if this happen in the NBA IT WILL BE CONSIDER GOALTENDING COME ON 2K .

I tend to ignore but it reach to point where it just pisses me the hell off,

HOW ON EARTH this is not considered goaltending check video.

As you cn see the ball is literally more than half way down the hoop to be knock right back out and be called a block What the %^$$%. Oh man if this was a NBA championship game and the gamewinning dunk get block like this. I would of snap the disc in two. Man I just cant remember a NBA2k that can frustate me so much like 2k16 has done.

This game flaws is just wow. I just dont know how people consider this game to be good with this many flaws in it. I never played 2k14 and 2k15 maybe those games have more flaws than 2k16. My last 2k was 13 and yes it does have it flaws in charging doesnt exist in that game and blocks is no where good as 2k16 but on a frustration level it's nowhere as close as 2k16 frustrate the hell outta me. I think I seriously need to lower my expectation of future NBA2k games. My expectations was too damn high for this game.

Last edited by MeloJello; 01-11-2016 at 05:32 PM.
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Old 01-12-2016, 12:51 AM   #2
Pokes404's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: Jun 2008
Re: I dont know how to explain this

This happened in a real life college game and wasn't called goaltending. So, it's not like this could never happen. Sometimes the refs miss a call.

That being said, yes, the clip you posted is definitely goaltending. But, it's a video game. Weird occurrences like this can and will happen. Not an excuse ... just a fact.
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