
NBA 2K16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 11-23-2015, 09:55 PM   #1129
The 24th Letter's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by WISports
We've discussed this before. If your player is being bodied/bumped, then there's a much better chance at it not happening.

Any other time there's a layup/hook/runner in the paint, it's all backboard and then net.

Right, and I responded with this

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Well I would expect a bit of a higher % of those really close to the basket....but even messing around in practice...


(lol why did he fall on that last one)

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Old 11-23-2015, 10:56 PM   #1130
WISports's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here

Right...and that's practice.

When playing the game, I stand by what I said. It's crazy how most shots are all backboard....net. I don't know if you don't notice it because it doesn't matter to you or what? But it's definitely a thing. Everybody I know who plays says they see the same thing.
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Old 11-23-2015, 11:47 PM   #1131
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NBA 2K16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here

I don't notice it because what you're saying isn't accurate. It's fine if you don't want to be wrong- human nature- but you are here. I'm taking the he said/she said out of it, and simply going into the replays. 99% isn't true, nor is it anywhere close.

Again, here's another:


Only reason I'm entertaining this is because it's so easy to prove wrong.....and just clarifying for those who care about this kind of thing.

Last edited by The 24th Letter; 11-24-2015 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 11-24-2015, 08:45 PM   #1132
WISports's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
I don't notice it because what you're saying isn't accurate. It's fine if you don't want to be wrong- human nature- but you are here. I'm taking the he said/she said out of it, and simply going into the replays. 99% isn't true, nor is it anywhere close.

Again, here's another:


Only reason I'm entertaining this is because it's so easy to prove wrong.....and just clarifying for those who care about this kind of thing.
LOL, every one of those shot were contested/involved contact. Didn't I already cover this? Those are the situations where the ball will touch rim.

And anybody can put together a video, cherry picking plays.
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Old 11-24-2015, 08:59 PM   #1133
TheDuggler's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by WISports
LOL, every one of those shot were contested/involved contact. Didn't I already cover this? Those are the situations where the ball will touch rim.

And anybody can put together a video, cherry picking plays.
Maybe I missed it, but did you post a video of 99% of shots/layups were banked in?

I honestly haven't noticed this at all
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Old 11-28-2015, 08:15 PM   #1134
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Re: NBA 2K16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here

Well since I pushed here here is my thoughts.

I'm not here to bash, as you can see I haven't posted much but I've been reading steadily for years on here, and as a 2K player/owner since 2K3 I want to try and help make this basketball series better for everyone. Let's go

User Control:

Once again the controls were changed and I understand/heard the reasoning behind it. As we all know the prostick has 3 options default (flick for dribble moves, hold for shots), shots (strictly shots), and dribble (strictly dribbling). Past versions since 2K13 I believe had the isomotion/shots and vice versa feature for the prostick where the L2 button served as a modifier for either (now it's for post ups).

Now obviously playing with the prostick as shots in this years version is completely out of the question because then you will be unable to do any dribble moves... Seems ridiculous for it to be an option right? So basically you're stuck with default. By using default I feel as if I'm being stripped of my control a lot of the time. Let me give some examples; sometimes when you're trying to line up that perfect dribble move your guy does a pump fake and ruins your whole iso, or when you're driving to the basket and you push the stick to the right to do a layup and instead your guy does a hesitation, gets the ball kicked out of his hands for a 3 on 1 the other way.

So "use square/X" you say... By using the shot button it pretty much takes the game out of your hands and has you hoping for the best. Eg) I get a nice drive from the wing on the left side of the court with a defender or 2 in the paint on the right side of my players body and instead of doing a simple left hand layup off the board where the defense isn't and where my body can protect the ball my guy would do something stupid and layup it up with his right hand in front of the defenders face to get swatted into the 10th row.

If you look at the way dunking was done this year, hold R2 and direction of the stick determines finish hand. That's great, that's the control I want, and it's prevented me from getting blocked many times. Since you can't dunk every play I think it's more important to have a system like that for layups without the intrusion of the dribble. Or implement the shots/isomotion feature once again, or if you want to keep the controls the same add more "common sense" to the players... In the game small point guards like Kyle Lowry can't make contested layups because the game often doesn't use the proper handedness or use of the body/ momentum, this is especially the case when you use the shot button. In NBA 2K8 I remember if I had a drive to the hoop and pressed the shot button, based on the players ratings he'd take the best possible shot within his ability. One time in 2K8 with LeBron, I got the first step on someone and the defender trailed me on my left hip, I pressed the shot button and he did a spin layup on the defender that was on his hip and made the bucket at the rim. I was like wow that's LeBron. So if I'm restricted to particular controls, the common sense ai of finishing, handedness, going towards the basket, momentum, and body control all have to be much improved.

After the patch built in hesitations are back preventing me from attacking the open lane and allowing the defenders to swarm me often leading to an easy strip.


When I heard about there being less green releases I was all for it, still am. But now it seems as if that green releases are "selective", I can get them on midrange shots but in over 150 games of online play I haven't received one green release from the 3 point line... That seems very suspect. Let my skill dictate my shot especially when open. I'm not saying shots have to go in more I'm simply saying let the shot meter be legit, if I'm stroking a perfect release let it be one. Don't tell me it's slightly late when I just shot the same shot 6 feet in from the 3pt and it was perfect release. For heavily contested shots, the shot meter is red before I even shoot meaning the shot is doomed from the beginning... I think if I get a legitimate perfect release during a heavily contested shot it should have a chance. There's probably at least 1 heavily contested shot that goes in in a real nba game nightly the same should go for 2K. Sometimes great offense beats great defense.


The constant bashing of the defender is very elementary. Those are blocking fouls in the association. Simple. There has to be a better way. Another thing is it seems that a lot of the time if I get a step on my defender they magically recover, stop me dead in my tracks then bash me. I don't have a particular solution for that but it needs to change.

Transition D isn't all that bad after a miss. But after a make its just atrocious. It's often exploited online, lead pass to the center, dunk. If not that it's a guy sprinting up the edge of the sideline down to the baseline then to the hoop for a dunk. This happens because retreating defenders get hypnotized to something and get stuck to the point where I can't even shift them over in time to stop the sprinting dunker. Protecting the hoop is a basic defensive principle.

The steal animations are pretty unnatural looking. When I see a guy jump up with his hands in the air and the ball hit his stomach... You get the point. Only gripe about blocks is the swinging of the arm accuracy, and magnetized to the shooter contests that are meant to be blocks. Sometimes when I make drives to the basket and the opponent user switches to the nearest hoop defender they just press triangle and even if their back is turned they make a remarkable accurate block attempt. The tangiblity of blocks is fine, but I find that the motion is too accurate for everyone, regardless of rating. The recovery after blocks is far too fast, and too accurate. If you go for a swat holding R2 and miss you should be out of position, if not holding R2 obviously it should be less of penalty.


I've heard for multiple years in a row that this game is physics based or they implement new physics every year... That appears very questionable at times. When I play Madden I can see the physics happening on the field, I don't see that much with 2K. I see long animations. Some proper physics would probably solve many issues in the game. Especially with things like momentum. Nothing is more frustrating than having a 6'8" 235 pound small forward with a full head of steam being stopped by a 6'3" point guard standing above the restriction area at the rim. He should be going through him right to the cup. This is where a valid block/ charge system should be in place. This is where the majority of these plays happen in real life.

I would love to post videos of all these things I'm discussing, I just don't have the time currently. I may work on it later today. If you guys have videos feel free to help. This is what I'm seeing and I just want to help in making this the best simulation possible.
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Old 12-01-2015, 02:04 AM   #1135
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Re: NBA 2K16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here

I might be late and may have missed it in the Patch Notes, but did they finally fix postgame highlights on the PS4 where you can now see them while playing 12 min quarters?

Just finished playing a MyLeague game with the Heat and I had postgame highlights while they were doing Player of the Game(didn't see that pre patch)and you can also watch individual highlights as well.

If they can just tweak that crowd for me, I'll be in 7th Heaven with this game.
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Old 12-01-2015, 04:46 AM   #1136
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Re: NBA 2K16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
I might be late and may have missed it in the Patch Notes, but did they finally fix postgame highlights on the PS4 where you can now see them while playing 12 min quarters?

Just finished playing a MyLeague game with the Heat and I had postgame highlights while they were doing Player of the Game(didn't see that pre patch)and you can also watch individual highlights as well.

If they can just tweak that crowd for me, I'll be in 7th Heaven with this game.
I really hope this is true. Gonna test now
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