
2K Pro-Am in NBA 2K16?

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Old 07-26-2015, 11:53 PM   #209
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Re: 2K Pro-Am in NBA 2K16?

Originally Posted by Vni
Sorry but that's silly.

I know it is. That's why I put the smiley in there. :P

But it would still be cool. Why not have some fun in a game?
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Old 07-27-2015, 12:12 AM   #210
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Re: 2K Pro-Am in NBA 2K16?

Originally Posted by 24ct
Lmao at valid argument. Dude. Please don't be narcissistic man. Argument holds no weight in here my guy.
No, my point hold plenty enough weight. What you fail to realize is that playing the game is a CHOICE! You are NOT going into it ignorant. You KNOW you're going to have to wait. So why in the hell would you still choose to fire up game, go into the Rec Center knowing your time is so precious, and have the nerve to wonder why you're waiting on a court to open up in a mode that is DESIGNED to be persistent? If you don't like that mantra, that's fine. But it's that way because that's the choice they made. You don't have to play in the Rec Center! You have like 7 other modes you can play. You can even go into the Park if you just have to play online with your MP. But for God's sake, don't come in here with this entitlement that every single video game has to cater to certain rules. If a game chooses to mimic real life more than you would want it to, then YOU have the choice of not playing it. It's that simple. MY point was that, people have to wait for things all the time. Important **** and useless ****. The difference is that at the end of the day, you stay in line, or get out of it. Do you REALLY think they couldn't make lobbies? How is that breaking any new ground in the genre? It's clear they are going for new experiences here. Some will work, and others will not. I, for one, would love to see how this paradigm evolves. And I sure as hell don't want them to stop trying to innovate in the genre. This company is KNOWN for this stuff. The Crib, First Person Football, Weekly Prep, a TRUE Shotstick (not just mapping a button directly to a direction - true gesturing), and now The Park. Some last and some don't. If you ask me, I say keep that **** coming. But if you don't ask me and my "argument" holds no weight with you - so be it. It matters to me, and that's enough.
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Old 07-27-2015, 12:54 AM   #211
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Re: 2K Pro-Am in NBA 2K16?

Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
No, my point hold plenty enough weight. What you fail to realize is that playing the game is a CHOICE! You are NOT going into it ignorant. You KNOW you're going to have to wait. So why in the hell would you still choose to fire up game, go into the Rec Center knowing your time is so precious, and have the nerve to wonder why you're waiting on a court to open up in a mode that is DESIGNED to be persistent? If you don't like that mantra, that's fine. But it's that way because that's the choice they made. You don't have to play in the Rec Center! You have like 7 other modes you can play. You can even go into the Park if you just have to play online with your MP. But for God's sake, don't come in here with this entitlement that every single video game has to cater to certain rules. If a game chooses to mimic real life more than you would want it to, then YOU have the choice of not playing it. It's that simple. MY point was that, people have to wait for things all the time. Important **** and useless ****. The difference is that at the end of the day, you stay in line, or get out of it.
Lol come on now, man. I am one of the few people here who I like the got next system (only in park not rec for reasons that have been stated many times) and even I think this is ridiculous. In no universe should anyone have to wait an hour to get into a game. This system in no way works and does not in any way mimic real life. You can leave your life lessons out of this discussion. Nobody here is being entitled by not wanting to wait extended periods of time to play the game. People do have to wait for things all the time in life, video games is one of the few places where you should be able to pick up and play with no hassles. I think this is something developers aim for when making a game. For those of us who have maybe 2-3 hours to play after other obligations it's incredibly frustrating that there is an easy solution to fix hour long wait times.

Not going to get into it any further but the 'you don't have to play it!' argument is bs for a long list of reasons, the biggest of which being that they actively promote the mode and try to get as many people as possible to play it
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Old 07-27-2015, 01:12 AM   #212
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Re: 2K Pro-Am in NBA 2K16?

Originally Posted by GreenGiant25
In no universe should anyone have to wait an hour to get into a game. This system in no way works and does not in any way mimic real life.
I guess you've never been to a REAL life basketball tournament.

You can leave your life lessons out of this discussion. Nobody here is being entitled by not wanting to wait extended periods of time to play the game. People do have to wait for things all the time in life, video games is one of the few places where you should be able to pick up and play with no hassles.
I don't disagree with that. But, like I said, this mode was CLEARLY aimed at a concept that carries this particular real life baggage. I'm not saying that it should be left as is. If something CAN be done to address this, and still hold true to the concept, then that would be awesome. But it's certainly is not as simple as saying, "just go back to lobbies". Boring and chicken**** in my opinion. There are PLENTY of modes in the game. There are MANY "pick up and play" options. This one was meant to be different. People have to live with it or come up with creative solutions to get what they desired without compromise.

I think this is something developers aim for when making a game. For those of us who have maybe 2-3 hours to play after other obligations it's incredibly frustrating that there is an easy solution to fix hour long wait times.
Yeah. Giving up is always easy. And they chose to not do that. I don't play Rec Center because of the mass chaos that looks nothing like basketball. The secondary reason is the LONG wait time - (I note none of the dudes ready to argue with me never really bothered to ask me if I thought the wait times where a hindrance - it is.) But the concepts introduces by the Park, Stage, and Rec Center excite the hell out of me and I want to see where this can go. But some of these dudes don't care and want to just say, "**** it" and play the same game over and over again. Personally, I'm tired of that and I'm willing to wait on a game *when I have the time* to experience new things.

Not going to get into it any further but the 'you don't have to play it!' argument is bs for a long list of reasons
I STRONGLY disagree with this. Primarily because that is the BEST way to communicate your disapproval of a feature. Not by bitching on a forum or harassing a CS employee making a little more than minimum wage.

the biggest of which being that they actively promote the mode and try to get as many people as possible to play it
So? Does that mean you have to play it? They pimp everything they can about the game. Why would they not?
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Old 07-27-2015, 01:35 AM   #213
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Re: 2K Pro-Am in NBA 2K16?

Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
I guess you've never been to a REAL life basketball tournament.

I don't disagree with that. But, like I said, this mode was CLEARLY aimed at a concept that carries this particular real life baggage. I'm not saying that it should be left as is. If something CAN be done to address this, and still hold true to the concept, then that would be awesome. But it's certainly is not as simple as saying, "just go back to lobbies". Boring and chicken**** in my opinion. There are PLENTY of modes in the game. There are MANY "pick up and play" options. This one was meant to be different. People have to live with it or come up with creative solutions to get what they desired without compromise.

Yeah. Giving up is always easy. And they chose to not do that. I don't play Rec Center because of the mass chaos that looks nothing like basketball. The secondary reason is the LONG wait time - (I note none of the dudes ready to argue with me never really bothered to ask me if I thought the wait times where a hindrance - it is.) But the concepts introduces by the Park, Stage, and Rec Center excite the hell out of me and I want to see where this can go. But some of these dudes don't care and want to just say, "**** it" and play the same game over and over again. Personally, I'm tired of that and I'm willing to wait on a game *when I have the time* to experience new things.

I STRONGLY disagree with this. Primarily because that is the BEST way to communicate your disapproval of a feature. Not by bitching on a forum or harassing a CS employee making a little more than minimum wage.

So? Does that mean you have to play it? They pimp everything they can about the game. Why would they not?
I have been to plenty of of tournaments in my life and that is not what the rec is. It's a rec center atmosphere not a tournament. As someone who plays at a crowded rec center 3-5 times a week I have never once waited more than 20 minutes for a game. Again, this can't be stated enough but this isn't real life it's a video game. I can guarantee that 2k's intention was not to have anyone wait this long to get a game because it's like real life.

I think mostly everyone would agree that both park and rec are fantastic ideas, the only people that say otherwise are mostly offline players. Nobody is saying abandon the idea all together but the current system is not good and is poorly implemented. It's pretty contradictory to say how great and exciting the mode is then tell people to not play it. A lot of people like to play the mode and the choice shouldn't be wait for an hour or don't play.

To be fair to other guys on here, you can come off as condescending at times which doesn't lead to discussions it leads to arguments. As an example, you jumping to an inaccurate assumption that I don't know how REAL life basketball tournaments work, like only you have these experiences and the rest of us don't know REAL life basketball.

I'm not complaining about them marketing or pimping the game (although how they go about it, especially on here is questionable at best many times) but if you're going to market one area over the others and it isn't implemented well, you're going to here about it from large portions of the community. They've shown that they do read a lot of stuff here so maybe voicing our opinion does make a difference.

Edit: in my first post I shouldn't have said it in no way mimics real life because that's not necessarily fair. Pickup ball does involve some waiting but it just doesn't need to be in a video game. Pro clubs in fifa is a pretty similar mode, it has quick matches that take 1-2 minutes of waiting before getting into a game. I've never heard anyone say they wish they could wait another half hour before getting to play a game.

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Old 07-27-2015, 01:36 AM   #214
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Re: 2K Pro-Am in NBA 2K16?

We should get a practice mode for ProAm.
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Old 07-27-2015, 03:37 AM   #215
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Re: 2K Pro-Am in NBA 2K16?

Originally Posted by GreenGiant25
I have been to plenty of of tournaments in my life and that is not what the rec is. It's a rec center atmosphere not a tournament. As someone who plays at a crowded rec center 3-5 times a week I have never once waited more than 20 minutes for a game. Again, this can't be stated enough but this isn't real life it's a video game. I can guarantee that 2k's intention was not to have anyone wait this long to get a game because it's like real life.
I totally agree. I don't think anyone is cool with 40+ minute waits.

I think mostly everyone would agree that both park and rec are fantastic ideas, the only people that say otherwise are mostly offline players. Nobody is saying abandon the idea all together but the current system is not good and is poorly implemented. It's pretty contradictory to say how great and exciting the mode is then tell people to not play it. A lot of people like to play the mode and the choice shouldn't be wait for an hour or don't play.
No one would say abandon, but there are those that only say, "Kill Got Next and just give me lobbies". That pretty much kills the "open-world/spectating/real-time social environment" given by the concept. And the choices are what they are. Wait, don't play, or... I don't really see a 3rd option there.

To be fair to other guys on here, you can come off as condescending at times which doesn't lead to discussions it leads to arguments. As an example, you jumping to an inaccurate assumption that I don't know how REAL life basketball tournaments work, like only you have these experiences and the rest of us don't know REAL life basketball.
It's easy to misinterpret people through text in a forum. I freely admit I can come off that way. And sometimes, when I'm just trying to be light-hearted, people think I'm being dismissive. The problem is that what I type wouldn't change even if I were being a dick or being a clown. So, I understand. But I didn't assume you haven't. I just said, "then you must not have been", fully aware that it's pretty likely that you have. Just trying to "jog your memory." Considering the 1000s of people at these things and the fact that you're hear, I was pretty sure you had been.

I'm not complaining about them marketing or pimping the game (although how they go about it, especially on here is questionable at best many times) but if you're going to market one area over the others and it isn't implemented well, you're going to here about it from large portions of the community. They've shown that they do read a lot of stuff here so maybe voicing our opinion does make a difference.
I'm SURE they do - within reason. The problem is that the true signal to noise ratio to common complaints gets SO low, that even people that *agree* (as I do) stop listening. I can imagine most of the posts that complain with nothing more than shallow perspective (like those that just say, "Just give me lobbies") get immediately dismissed. Complaints don't help. Constructive feedback with complaints and suggestions that consider the goals of the feature itself would be of HIGH value, if you ask me.

Edit: in my first post I shouldn't have said it in no way mimics real life because that's not necessarily fair. Pickup ball does involve some waiting but it just doesn't need to be in a video game.
I LOVE respectfully exchanging with people that actually read and considers differing points of views, and can even review on their own position and statements. You are one of those guys. Thanks man. It was that statement that I picked on. Thanks for recognizing it. But I knew what you meant. You're right - it doesn't NEED to be in a video game. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't either. At least, not for it's own sake. The waits are a byproduct of the persistent nature of the modes and, since it's only 2 years old, I'm willing to see how they work around that byproduct and STILL give us the persistent environment. I'm stubborn. These ideas excite me and I want to see it build and evolve. That's all I'm saying. I KNOW it's not perfect. The Rec Center wait times HAVE to go. But I've yet to hear any of the loud crowd come up ideas that gives us this AND shorter wait times.

Pro clubs in fifa is a pretty similar mode, it has quick matches that take 1-2 minutes of waiting before getting into a game. I've never heard anyone say they wish they could wait another half hour before getting to play a game.
The big difference, however, is no spectating other games at the same time.

Like I said, man, I do agree that the Rec Center wait times are insane. Again, it's a big reason I don't play Rec Center. I just don't like the easy answer mantra that sometimes comes with the subject, that's all. Don't get me wrong - I love simple solutions. But not the ones that means we throw good ideas out of th window just because we don't take the time to really figure out a good compromise. Know what I mean?

I have faith that VC has heard the complaints and will find a good middle ground.

Last edited by Boilerbuzz; 07-27-2015 at 03:45 AM.
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Old 07-27-2015, 10:27 AM   #216
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Re: 2K Pro-Am in NBA 2K16?

Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz

No one would say abandon, but there are those that only say, "Kill Got Next and just give me lobbies". That pretty much kills the "open-world/spectating/real-time social environment" given by the concept. And the choices are what they are. Wait, don't play, or... I don't really see a 3rd option there.
3rd Option:

Leave MyPark as is (for open-world/spectating/real-time social environment). Leave the portal to the Rec as is, HOWEVER, you cannot enter the portal WITHOUT a full 5-Man team.

Also the Portal doesnt take you to another space, but ques up matchmaking. Once 2 teams are found, both team are automatically put on a court
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