
NBA 2K14 is the #1 Selling Sports Title on Next-Gen Consoles, 4th Overall

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Old 12-15-2013, 03:49 PM   #49
JerseySuave4's Arena
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Originally Posted by Dazraz
This game has sold well on its prior reputation. If 2K think they can get away with releasing a stripped down & heavily broken game next year with the same results they may well see a different set of figures. Of course it helps 2K that EA's effort was comical but EA will take heart in the issues that have afflicted NBA 2K on next gen.
Madden ONLY sells because it's the only football game out there. I'd say they sell on reputation but the positive reputation it has is all the way back to 2 system cycles ago. NBA 2k was bare bones in terms of features but if anyone tries to act like that game isn't amazing on the court you're lying to yourself. It's year 1, i'd rather have a game like NBA 2k with more barebones features and amazing gameplay than have a ridiculously in depth feature like Owner mode but awful gameplay like Madden has.

NBA 2k will have a much easier job in the next few years adding new features and game modes and adding things to the game because they have amazing gameplay locked down. Meanwhile Madden is always going to be a disappointment because many of the ugliness from last gen is still there on current gen. So Madden needs to wow you with features to take attention off the on the field issues. Madden wants you to spend more of your time on the off field stuff making the on field stuff less of an issue but when push comes to shove the gameplay is the most important thing.

So again, i'd rather have a game come out year 1 and nail gameplay and be bare in terms of features than a game be packed with features but have bad gameplay. There's a reason I can keep playing NBA 2k over and over again but with Madden everytime I turn it on i'm bored within 5-10 minutes.
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Old 12-15-2013, 03:52 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by RangersCruz
I agree with everything until the last line basketball is a much bigger sport then the NFL
Really? What country do you live in? In the USA, there is NO other sport that even comes close to popularity than the NFL. If you seriously want to try arguing that point then i'm not even going to bother because you're delusional.
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Old 12-15-2013, 04:17 PM   #51
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Re: NBA 2K14 is the #1 Selling Sports Title on Next-Gen Consoles, 4th Overall

Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
Really? What country do you live in? In the USA, there is NO other sport that even comes close to popularity than the NFL. If you seriously want to try arguing that point then i'm not even going to bother because you're delusional.
I do live in the U.S and im talking worldwide nobody cares about American Football outside of the U.S to be honest
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Old 12-15-2013, 04:52 PM   #52
kjcheezhead's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 is the #1 Selling Sports Title on Next-Gen Consoles, 4th Overall

Originally Posted by RangersCruz
I do live in the U.S and im talking worldwide nobody cares about American Football outside of the U.S to be honest
Even counting worldwide sales, no basketball game has ever outsold madden and 2k did it with another basketball game competing. That's impressive on its own. But personally I think it says more about how stale madden has become tho and the reputation 2k created with the ps3/360 games than how good next gen is going off what I've read.
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Old 12-15-2013, 10:05 PM   #53
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Re: NBA 2K14 is the #1 Selling Sports Title on Next-Gen Consoles, 4th Overall

Originally Posted by VDusen04
Hmm, I don't know. I feel like I'd consider myself a pretty faithful fan here, or at least formerly so. 2K was a no-doubt, day one purchase for me every year since 2K3. Does faithful fan really have to be someone who'd always buy 2K no matter how bad it became?
Imo yes, if you're going to paint yourself as a faithful fan and lay on the "2K's abandoned you" sentiment. You purchased 2K religiously in the past because they provided you with something you wanted. When they no longer did you no longer purchased their product. That's your right as a consumer, but imo you can't sit back try to have it both ways and try to say you're a faithful 2K fan. But that's just me.

This may be a horrible analogy, but I'm a Steelers fan. They're not playing well right now. However, I'm not going to jump to some front-running team simply because I want to be with a winner. I'm a true Steeler fan, period. People here try to paint themselves as true 2K fans when they're simply choosing to play the best game available. When 2K no longer is the best game available, they'll move on to the next game. Again, there's nothing wrong with that. But imo you can't try to use the "I'm a faithful fan" card simply because you choose not to purchase the alternative. Or you can't use the alternative against 2K. By most accounts 2K did a great job all around with the current gen version of the game and at the very least did a bang up job with the gameplay on the next gen version of the game. And you proudly chose not to purchase either, since you're very specific on what you want. Which is your right. But don't try to have it both ways and paint yourself as a true fan of their game. To me you're a true hardcore basketball fan and don't care who's making the game you want, long as it's being made.

And you DO have another option in NBA Live. And if it were good enough, you'd be playing it.
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Old 12-15-2013, 11:03 PM   #54
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Re: NBA 2K14 is the #1 Selling Sports Title on Next-Gen Consoles, 4th Overall

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Imo yes, if you're going to paint yourself as a faithful fan and lay on the "2K's abandoned you" sentiment. You purchased 2K religiously in the past because they provided you with something you wanted. When they no longer did you no longer purchased their product. That's your right as a consumer, but imo you can't sit back try to have it both ways and try to say you're a faithful 2K fan. But that's just me.

This may be a horrible analogy, but I'm a Steelers fan. They're not playing well right now. However, I'm not going to jump to some front-running team simply because I want to be with a winner. I'm a true Steeler fan, period. People here try to paint themselves as true 2K fans when they're simply choosing to play the best game available. When 2K no longer is the best game available, they'll move on to the next game. Again, there's nothing wrong with that. But imo you can't try to use the "I'm a faithful fan" card simply because you choose not to purchase the alternative. Or you can't use the alternative against 2K. By most accounts 2K did a great job all around with the current gen version of the game and at the very least did a bang up job with the gameplay on the next gen version of the game. And you proudly chose not to purchase either, since you're very specific on what you want. Which is your right. But don't try to have it both ways and paint yourself as a true fan of their game. To me you're a true hardcore basketball fan and don't care who's making the game you want, long as it's being made.

And you DO have another option in NBA Live. And if it were good enough, you'd be playing it.
Then I suppose that begs the question, what would possibly be the point of being your definition of a faithful fan of a product? Is this a strange manner of questioning my video game company fanhood?

Either way, if being a fan of 2K's games means buying their products no matter what, every year, then sure, I'm not a fan, because I've only bought their games in 12 of the last 13 years. I have no idea what that means and why that'd matter though.

Perhaps it's a matter of semantics? When I say I'm a fan of 2K, I mean I have historically purchased their product for over 10 years and am interested and hopeful for them to continue creating a sort of product that drew me in to their franchise in the first place. If there's another word for what I am, call me that. It's just, I believe I may really be at a loss as why that matters.
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Old 12-15-2013, 11:50 PM   #55
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Re: NBA 2K14 is the #1 Selling Sports Title on Next-Gen Consoles, 4th Overall

Originally Posted by VDusen04
Then I suppose that begs the question, what would possibly be the point of being your definition of a faithful fan of a product? Is this a strange manner of questioning my video game company fanhood?

Either way, if being a fan of 2K's games means buying their products no matter what, every year, then sure, I'm not a fan, because I've only bought their games in 12 of the last 13 years. I have no idea what that means and why that'd matter though.

Perhaps it's a matter of semantics? When I say I'm a fan of 2K, I mean I have historically purchased their product for over 10 years and am interested and hopeful for them to continue creating a sort of product that drew me in to their franchise in the first place. If there's another word for what I am, call me that. It's just, I believe I may really be at a loss as why that matters.
I don't mean to give the impression that you have to buy their products no matter what. What I feel some of you try to do though is say you're a faithful fan as reasoning why 2K should listen to you, when you're really only buying the product because you have no other options. You've said yourself you'd prefer to have another competitor to give you other options. Again, I don't see anything wrong with that. But imo you're trying to have it both ways by trying to saying you're a faithful fan but at the same time saying you wish there was another option to choose from. True fans are with a product up or down.

There are some people that are fans of either Sony or Microsoft. Apple or Android. Those are true fans of those products imo. I prefer my 360 but I don't have a huge preference to either Sony or Microsoft - I'm not going to paint myself as a true Sony fan in the way someone who's REALLY a fan and only purchases their products is. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see how you can say you're a true fan if you choose to walk the fence. There's nothing wrong with it and it's what most consumers do. But I don't see how you can have it both ways.
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Old 12-16-2013, 12:06 AM   #56
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VDusen04's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 is the #1 Selling Sports Title on Next-Gen Consoles, 4th Overall

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
I don't mean to give the impression that you have to buy their products no matter what. What I feel some of you try to do though is say you're a faithful fan as reasoning why 2K should listen to you, when you're really only buying the product because you have no other options. You've said yourself you'd prefer to have another competitor to give you other options. Again, I don't see anything wrong with that. But imo you're trying to have it both ways by trying to saying you're a faithful fan but at the same time saying you wish there was another option to choose from. True fans are with a product up or down.

There are some people that are fans of either Sony or Microsoft. Apple or Android. Those are true fans of those products imo. I prefer my 360 but I don't have a huge preference to either Sony or Microsoft - I'm not going to paint myself as a true Sony fan in the way someone who's REALLY a fan and only purchases their products is. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see how you can say you're a true fan if you choose to walk the fence. There's nothing wrong with it and it's what most consumers do. But I don't see how you can have it both ways.
I truly mean this with respect and I do not intend for it to sound as blunt as it may, but I do not have a single care about being your definition of a fan of a brand in this case. I honestly do not know how that relates to anything I've discussed here and I do not recall any moment where I would have weirdly insisted that my opinion should hold more weight simply off the basis of deeming myself as someone who has a personal relationship of sorts with the 2K brand.

To re-state once more, I bought NBA2K2, 2K3, 2K4, 2K5, 2K6, 2K7, 2K8, 2K9, 2K10, 2K11, 2K12, and 2K13. I may even end up with a current generation copy of 2K14 if the circumstances are right (price drop, gift). I have purchased the series for years because I enjoyed all they brought forth as a company. Once they began swaying and altering direction, I've stated my distaste for such maneuvers and in many cases, attempted to logically and reasonably compose posts and responses regarding why I am not in favor of certain changes or directions. So in your book that may not make me a fan. Okay... and then?

I have little to no idea what or how your last two posts relate to anything I've contributed, nor how they may relate to this thread or the idea of creating a better basketball game in general.

Last edited by VDusen04; 12-16-2013 at 12:08 AM.
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