09-30-2023, 08:34 PM
OVR: 5
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 3,340
Re: User Passing Lane Steal Ability Slider?
Quote: |
Originally Posted by Rori Daed |
Does anybody know what controls this? My friends and I have moved to playing our matches at All-Star, since higher difficulties make it really difficult to find shooting space, with the smothering AI defense. That said, we are seeing a few other issues pop up... one has been talked about heavily here, which is the ease of cut pass exploitation... I've figured out that's directly correlated mainly to strength rating... up this, and you will see guys more easily resist the easy path to the basket when a cut is initiated... the ability to steal the pass if it's still thrown is another thing altogether. One thing we've noticed that on all-star, even if we completely read an incoming pass, we try to steal and the player we are controller flails, almost as if they don't know where they are, causing an unnecessary defensive breakdown...
My question is, does anybody know what slider it is that would directly control the ability to make user steals in the passing lanes? I'm looking at Steal, Hands, and Steal Success... I'm not sure which it is, and before I do more testing, I figured I'd ask around because I know there's a lot of slider heads here. Thanks 🙏
Lack of passing lane steals or deflections hurts the realism. If this was taken back to previous years levels the game would be greatly improved.
Psn: Alabamarob
Xbox: Alabama Rob
Youtube: 2k Hawks
Settings I play on.
Minutes: 12
Difficulty: HOF
Online or Offline player: Both
In a MLO: Yes