
Shot Impact Timing + 3pt Sliders

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Old 10-23-2022, 09:05 AM   #1
jk31's Arena
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Shot Impact Timing + 3pt Sliders

I was experimenting a bit the sliders and I thought I might share my findings, as they were not what I initially expected:

Shot Impact Timing controls the width of the green window. What I originally thought is the lower the slider, the easier it gets. But it's the other way round: the higher Shot Timing Impact, the easier it is to green a shot.
I tested this with 3pt slider at 0 and shot impact timing and 0 and 100:
with shot timing impact at 0 out of 20 shots all where slightly early and 0 went in. with the slider at 100, out of the first 5 shots, 4 were green and 1 slightly early.

On the other hand, the 3pt slider controls both how many shots go in that are not green (so slightly early/late and even early/late) and additionally controls the width of the green window. So if you put shot impact timing at 0 and leave 3pt at 53 (superstar standard), greening gets harder and thus shooting percentages drop, because slightlys are not going in very much. If you raise 3pt to 61 then (as reccomended in eccentric slider set), shooting percentages get too high again, as the green window gets bigger again and additionally you hit slightly early/late shots to some degree.

Sweet spot in my opinion would be at roughly 56/57 3pt slider I think, need to test that out.

Problem #1 is, that 3pt slider controls the size of the green window....if that wouldn't be the case, finetuning shooting would be much easier. Problem #2 is that with shot timing impact at 0 there are still too many greens on standard sliders. If there would ne close to none, than finetuning with the 3pt slider would be easier again. But you actually would nee to set shot timing impact to "-50" or sth like that to achieve that which is impossible.
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Old 10-24-2022, 02:59 AM   #2
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Re: Shot Impact Timing + 3pt Sliders

This is a fascinating discussion that I hope more people will participate in. As a whole, I feel that shooting is an improvement over 2k22 where it feels nearly impossible to shoot if there's a guard standing next to you and you have to hit that sweet spot with the shot meter. On the other hand, open shots became nearly automatic. 2k23 improved the shooting where it feels like you have a higher chance even with someone near you, while open shots aren't always so automatic.

However, shots now rarely goes in unless you get a green. Granted you need more focus on open shots, but once you get the hang of a jump shot's timing down, it becomes incredibly easy to green shots.

Maybe it's just me, but I think shooting in the older games like 2k20 and before felt fine? Greening shots were much harder, but at least slightly early/late or early/late (rarity) can still go in. You can also still make shots with coverage, but nothing that felt unrealistic. I wish there was a way to go back to that style of shooting though at least we're releasing shots at the top of the shot meter as opposed to that weird middle hybrid in 2k22.

I'm probably one of the only crazy ones who's playing with custom sliders where my mid-range, and three pointers are bumped down a tad to 48, while having shot coverage impact at 25. Even then I still feel like I'm able to average higher than 50% three point shooting with Andrew Wiggins and the splash brothers.
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Old 10-24-2022, 09:58 AM   #3
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Re: Shot Impact Timing + 3pt Sliders

I'm also still looking for the "shot slider impact" value that would enable a mix between the satisfaction of greening shots and the fact that slightly early/late releases could still go in depending on the player's shooting rating.

I hate that, in default superstar, you necessarily have to green a shot to make it. I didn't notice a difference between a 70 3pts rating and a 95, as it's all about you mastering each individual shot release.

At 0, you can score even when trying to miss, while at 25 I don't see much improvement (still have to green shots).

3pt slider controls the size of the green window
Is that true? It doesn't look like it for me... I can hardly green a shot some amazing shooters like Curry or Klay.

I will run a test with different Michael Jordan versions, as they all have the same release but different ratings.
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Old 10-24-2022, 06:46 PM   #4
jk31's Arena
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Re: Shot Impact Timing + 3pt Sliders

Originally Posted by Shadow Cloud
This is a fascinating discussion that I hope more people will participate in. As a whole, I feel that shooting is an improvement over 2k22 where it feels nearly impossible to shoot if there's a guard standing next to you and you have to hit that sweet spot with the shot meter. On the other hand, open shots became nearly automatic. 2k23 improved the shooting where it feels like you have a higher chance even with someone near you, while open shots aren't always so automatic.

However, shots now rarely goes in unless you get a green. Granted you need more focus on open shots, but once you get the hang of a jump shot's timing down, it becomes incredibly easy to green shots.

Maybe it's just me, but I think shooting in the older games like 2k20 and before felt fine? Greening shots were much harder, but at least slightly early/late or early/late (rarity) can still go in. You can also still make shots with coverage, but nothing that felt unrealistic. I wish there was a way to go back to that style of shooting though at least we're releasing shots at the top of the shot meter as opposed to that weird middle hybrid in 2k22.

I'm probably one of the only crazy ones who's playing with custom sliders where my mid-range, and three pointers are bumped down a tad to 48, while having shot coverage impact at 25. Even then I still feel like I'm able to average higher than 50% three point shooting with Andrew Wiggins and the splash brothers.
exactly on your side There.

shooting is way too easy once you get a hang on Timing resulting in average percentages way above 40, or even 50. again: keldon Johnson shoots above 70 % in our online League...

shooting Was fine up until 2k21 and it was best up until 2k16.
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Old 10-24-2022, 06:51 PM   #5
jk31's Arena
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Re: Shot Impact Timing + 3pt Sliders

Originally Posted by NicoS2411
I'm also still looking for the "shot slider impact" value that would enable a mix between the satisfaction of greening shots and the fact that slightly early/late releases could still go in depending on the player's shooting rating.

I hate that, in default superstar, you necessarily have to green a shot to make it. I didn't notice a difference between a 70 3pts rating and a 95, as it's all about you mastering each individual shot release.

At 0, you can score even when trying to miss, while at 25 I don't see much improvement (still have to green shots).

Is that true? It doesn't look like it for me... I can hardly green a shot some amazing shooters like Curry or Klay.

I will run a test with different Michael Jordan versions, as they all have the same release but different ratings.

like i have written in my first post:

put Timing impact to 0 and 3pt to 0. you will Not Green any shot and all will miss.

put Timing impact to 100 and 3pt to 0 and you will Green Lots of shots while all non greens miss.

put Timing impact to 0 and 3pt to 100 and you will Green a Few shots while non greens also go in to some degree.

so if you keep timing impact at 0 which reduces Green Releases so much that with 0 3pt slider There are basically no greens anymore and then increasing 3pt slider will give you more greens means thst 3pt also controls the Green Window.
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Old 10-24-2022, 09:08 PM   #6
ruxpinke's Arena
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Re: Shot Impact Timing + 3pt Sliders

I am playing with shot impact at zero. Started with mid and 3sliders at 60 and working my way down as I get better at the timing. At first it was difficult cause I was using a bunch of teams, but im starting to get in more of a Groove now. Yea , some very early and very late releases do drop, but usually they are open looks with players who could hit them. I’m not hitting them with Ben Simmons, also not taking many with those types of players.

The slightly early or lates thats look just like a green will miss or make too. So it feels like it’s balancing itself out enough to make me happy. I think the patch addressing non swish makes also made shooting slightly easier, but that could be placebo cause I am getting better. Comfortable at shot timing at 0, and I’ll work with the shooting slider moving forward.

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PSN: PrettyToney
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