
2018 DRAFT CLASS by BryanDfor3 (XBOX ONE)

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Old 10-27-2017, 02:55 PM   #1
bryandfor3's Arena
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2018 DRAFT CLASS by BryanDfor3 (XBOX ONE)

2018 NBA Draft Class

By BryanDfor3

Xbox One

Gamertag: BryanDfor3

2018 Draft Class Thumbnail.jpg

(Pictured from left: Michael Porter Jr., Marvin Bagley III, and Luka Doncic)

What's up everyone!! BryanDfor3 here again to discuss the details of my latest project available now for NBA 2K18 on Xbox One, my 2018 Draft Class!

In case you're unfamiliar with some of my previous work, this is my fourth year doing draft classes and similar projects for Xbox One, and most recently, I did an offseason roster for NBA 2K17 featuring all of the rookies from my draft class which amassed over 500,000 downloads this summer! (the thread for that project can be seen here: https://forums.operationsports.com/f...post2048880999).

Let's get into the details!

60+ Real Players:

At its current state (10/27/2017), the draft class features 60 real-life draft prospects, all of whom have accurate vitals, heights, weights wingspans, etc. All of them have been completed, and should have unique characteristics. More players will be added in the future to account for standout players, and others whose draft stocks rise during the college season.

Realistic Ratings:

What stands out most about this draft class is the realism in the player ratings. Robust statistical methods were used to determine the objective attribute ratings, such as steal, and free throw. For example, Mikal Bridges of Villanova shot 91% from the free throw line in the 2016-17 season, so he currently has a 91 free throw rating. The more subjective ratings such as speed and dunk were found by watching video of the players. As the college season wears on, attributes will be updated to reflect the real-life performance of the players. With that being said, since freshmen players have no stats prior to the start of the season, their ratings are most likely the change the most since I had no data before the start of the college season.

Realistic Signatures/Tendencies:

All jumpshots are unique to each player in the draft class, and were found by watching videos of the player. For the rest of the signature moves and tendencies, a player comparison was used to determine the tendencies and which other moves to equip (however, tendencies like "Shot" and "Dish to Open Man" were calculated using real-life player stats instead of simply being copied over). For example, freshman Collin Sexton of Alabama has often been compared to Eric Bledsoe. In my draft class, Collin Sexton has the same tendencies and dribble/post moves as Bledsoe, but has his own unique jumpshot.


(Pictured: LiAngelo Ball's jumpshot animation)

That about summarizes everything you need to know about the details of the draft class. If there are any questions about the project, feel free to leave feedback here in this thread, and if you don't see me respond, the best way to get in contact with me is definitely on Twitter @BryanDfor3

Also if anyone has a cool roster or draft class for Xbox One that they'd like the 2K community to hear about, let me know and if it's good enough, I'll get it featured on the @2K_Rosters Twitter page!

Thanks again to everyone in the community for supporting this and my other projects!

Follow me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/BryanDfor3

Subscribe to my YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/BryanDfor3
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Old 10-28-2017, 07:58 AM   #2
gu8lal8's Arena
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Re: 2018 DRAFT CLASS by BryanDfor3 (XBOX ONE)

Originally Posted by bryandfor3
Realistic Signatures/Tendencies:

All jumpshots are unique to each player in the draft class, and were found by watching videos of the player. For the rest of the signature moves and tendencies, a player comparison was used to determine the tendencies and which other moves to equip (however, tendencies like "Shot" and "Dish to Open Man" were calculated using real-life player stats instead of simply being copied over). For example, freshman Collin Sexton of Alabama has often been compared to Eric Bledsoe. In my draft class, Collin Sexton has the same tendencies and dribble/post moves as Bledsoe, but has his own unique jumpshot.
I do the same thing for my missing players to complete the Classic Teams, I've used lot's of your classic players tendencies (via YouTube) for my rosters in the past, always loved you work!!!
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Old 10-28-2017, 02:24 PM   #3
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Re: 2018 DRAFT CLASS by BryanDfor3 (XBOX ONE)

Originally Posted by bryandfor3
2018 NBA Draft Class

By BryanDfor3

Xbox One

Gamertag: BryanDfor3

Attachment 142621

(Pictured from left: Michael Porter Jr., Marvin Bagley III, and Luka Doncic)

What's up everyone!! BryanDfor3 here again to discuss the details of my latest project available now for NBA 2K18 on Xbox One, my 2018 Draft Class!

In case you're unfamiliar with some of my previous work, this is my fourth year doing draft classes and similar projects for Xbox One, and most recently, I did an offseason roster for NBA 2K17 featuring all of the rookies from my draft class which amassed over 500,000 downloads this summer! (the thread for that project can be seen here: https://forums.operationsports.com/f...post2048880999).

Let's get into the details!

60+ Real Players:

At its current state (10/27/2017), the draft class features 60 real-life draft prospects, all of whom have accurate vitals, heights, weights wingspans, etc. All of them have been completed, and should have unique characteristics. More players will be added in the future to account for standout players, and others whose draft stocks rise during the college season.

Realistic Ratings:

What stands out most about this draft class is the realism in the player ratings. Robust statistical methods were used to determine the objective attribute ratings, such as steal, and free throw. For example, Mikal Bridges of Villanova shot 91% from the free throw line in the 2016-17 season, so he currently has a 91 free throw rating. The more subjective ratings such as speed and dunk were found by watching video of the players. As the college season wears on, attributes will be updated to reflect the real-life performance of the players. With that being said, since freshmen players have no stats prior to the start of the season, their ratings are most likely the change the most since I had no data before the start of the college season.

Realistic Signatures/Tendencies:

All jumpshots are unique to each player in the draft class, and were found by watching videos of the player. For the rest of the signature moves and tendencies, a player comparison was used to determine the tendencies and which other moves to equip (however, tendencies like "Shot" and "Dish to Open Man" were calculated using real-life player stats instead of simply being copied over). For example, freshman Collin Sexton of Alabama has often been compared to Eric Bledsoe. In my draft class, Collin Sexton has the same tendencies and dribble/post moves as Bledsoe, but has his own unique jumpshot.

Attachment 142622

(Pictured: LiAngelo Ball's jumpshot animation)

That about summarizes everything you need to know about the details of the draft class. If there are any questions about the project, feel free to leave feedback here in this thread, and if you don't see me respond, the best way to get in contact with me is definitely on Twitter @BryanDfor3

Also if anyone has a cool roster or draft class for Xbox One that they'd like the 2K community to hear about, let me know and if it's good enough, I'll get it featured on the @2K_Rosters Twitter page!

Thanks again to everyone in the community for supporting this and my other projects!

Great work Bryan! I love the intricate detail of the shooting forms of the players. I also love the accurate wingspans. That's the most difficult thing I had to do due to 2k wingspan algorithm changing based on the height of the player.

Shooting form and even shooting hand is the one area I didn't focus as much time on. I will check it out when I get a chance. I always like seeing what others talented people on the market are doing to stand out as well.

I am more known for deep classes based on historical past classes similar to real life NBA draft classes, having unique terrible SL level players who could develop if given a chance and being excellent at defining roles for players that tend to be accurate in the upcoming games.

I wouldn't mind getting my classes featured on @2K_Rosters Twitter page. Most of my rosters are ranked in 2k draft class vault. NBA Draft 2018 OS by nbasuperstar22
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Old 10-28-2017, 03:00 PM   #4
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Re: 2018 DRAFT CLASS by BryanDfor3 (XBOX ONE)

I'll make this post on both of our pages for the NBA level prospects for OS creators.


80's: 4 (81 is the highest)
70's: 42
60's: 13

59 players.

80's: None
70's: 47
60's: 13

60 players


King Ken:
90's: 4 (highest is 96)
80's: 18
70's: 37

For BryanD:

90's: 2 (highest is 91)
80's: 14
70's: 46

Average Badges per rating range:

80's: 12
70's: 5.8
60's: 5

For BryanD:
70's: .97
60's: .067
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Old 10-31-2017, 05:02 PM   #5
bryandfor3's Arena
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Re: 2018 DRAFT CLASS by BryanDfor3 (XBOX ONE)

Originally Posted by King Ken
Great work Bryan! I love the intricate detail of the shooting forms of the players. I also love the accurate wingspans. That's the most difficult thing I had to do due to 2k wingspan algorithm changing based on the height of the player.

Shooting form and even shooting hand is the one area I didn't focus as much time on. I will check it out when I get a chance. I always like seeing what others talented people on the market are doing to stand out as well.


I wouldn't mind getting my classes featured on @2K_Rosters Twitter page. Most of my rosters are ranked in 2k draft class vault. NBA Draft 2018 OS by nbasuperstar22
Thanks, glad you like.

I'm not gonna lie, shooting hand is one of the first things I look at when determining whether or not to recommend a draft class or a creator period because if you have the shooting hand correct, it means that you watched video of the player. If handedness isn't correct, I'm not sure how you can convince someone that you've watched that player play for yourself and say you have some sort of merit to give that player reasonable attributes.

Just keep in mind that people play 2K to re-enact real-life. Someone's favorite player is going to be at the end of the draft class, so you have to make sure you treat the player with a 65 overall like you do the player with a 79 overall.
Follow me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/BryanDfor3

Subscribe to my YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/BryanDfor3
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Old 11-01-2017, 01:22 AM   #6
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Re: 2018 DRAFT CLASS by BryanDfor3 (XBOX ONE)

Originally Posted by bryandfor3
Thanks, glad you like.

I'm not gonna lie, shooting hand is one of the first things I look at when determining whether or not to recommend a draft class or a creator period because if you have the shooting hand correct, it means that you watched video of the player. If handedness isn't correct, I'm not sure how you can convince someone that you've watched that player play for yourself and say you have some sort of merit to give that player reasonable attributes.

Just keep in mind that people play 2K to re-enact real-life. Someone's favorite player is going to be at the end of the draft class, so you have to make sure you treat the player with a 65 overall like you do the player with a 79 overall.
I create every player from their scouting report online, (numerous ones), as well as from a viewing that speaks for that player. I want all of the players in my class to have that value and quality. I really want the players who I am creating to be a counterpart and to be seen as one by the players.

That said, this is hard work. This is why I have to tip my hat to you on both the jump shot and the wingspan. To me, both are important but it's so time-consuming. I am working on adding another 50 players to this class. like 10-14 INTL and the rest are college seniors and freshmen who could be one and done like UK's freshmen. It's really something. It's all a part of my 50th update.

But I wanted to say, I really liked your rosters for several reasons.

1. Good tendencies. Most draft class guys aren't focused enough on this.
2. Wingspan. You might be a star at this one.
3. Jumpshot. This really adds value to the true gamer out on the market.

So you got my praises. Check out my draft class and tell me what you think.
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Old 11-04-2017, 05:14 PM   #7
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Re: 2018 DRAFT CLASS by BryanDfor3 (XBOX ONE)

Bryan, what do you think about Bamba?

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Old 01-28-2018, 07:59 PM   #8
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Re: 2018 DRAFT CLASS by BryanDfor3 (XBOX ONE)

Hey bryan, I have to say your class seems to be the most realistic so far, so thank you for that. I have to ask though, why do none of the players have any assigned play types under their vitals? I can't tell yet but it seems to affect their ability to have plays called for them when simulated. like if I edit LeBron and take away any assigned play types. he never seems to get the ball unless someone is passing up a shot.
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