02-24-2010, 06:24 PM
OVR: 37
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Canada
Re: UFC Undisputed 2010 Interview Questions
Do stats actually matter this year? Last year there was only a difference of 3 damage points in a CroCop headkick to Antoni Hardonk with his 88 kick defense and Mark Coleman with his 49 kick defense and they took the same ammount of damage from Crocop's Superman punches despite a rather large gap in strike defense stats as well. Also all grapple throws did the exact same ammount of damage no matter what the class or stats were,so if there is a difference this year will they be scaled to class so that a powerful for middleweight like Hendo doesn't do the same or more damage than Brock Lesnar?
Are there openweight fights this year? The training partners were always the same in career mode regardless of your weight class so it can clearly be done.
Can we make a HW fighter anywhere between 210 and 265 this year instead of being stuck with 225?
Will the awards for fight/sub/KO of the night still be pre-determined based on the card? Last year if there were no other subs on the card you still wouldn't be given the award if you won by submission. Also if re-loaded in an attempt to get the awards they'd always go to the same people and all the fights would have the same results. If they're not pre-determined can we actually watch them?
Are there walk-ins this year? With the commonly used fighter music?