
MLB The Show 17 Video - Franchise Mode

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Old 03-08-2017, 10:11 PM   #129
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Video - Franchise Mode


Pause the video at that trade screen. Possible find of a new feature. Or maybe not, but definitely a change. Last year on that exact same screen below the players it listed total salary for both teams and available funds for the user team.

The change - this year available funds has been replaced with two items cash flow and max offer. Cash flow is self explanatory but was is max offer?

Max offer $957K. What is that? Can you add cash to the deal or agree to pay part of the player's salary who you are trading? I suspect it is the latter. The two players from the Giants appear to be prospects but Clippard is a veteran making $3.7 million. It appears to me they have added the option to pay part of a player's salary to sweeten the deal.

Last edited by tessl; 03-08-2017 at 10:15 PM.
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Old 03-08-2017, 10:12 PM   #130
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Video - Franchise Mode

I do think Luis has a lot planned for the stream tomorrow...especially with regard to stats which is really big for me. It was huge that they brought in historical stats last year and I think it will be greatly expanded this year with additional sabermetrics stats, maybe MiLB stats, etc.

One question: I didn't hear/notice Kirby talking about the radio show on the presentation stream - is that still in for this year?
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It's hard though...especially when I got my neighbor playing their franchise across the street...maybe I will occupy myself with Glamore Magazine.
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Old 03-08-2017, 10:16 PM   #131
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Video - Franchise Mode

Originally Posted by Speedy
I do think Luis has a lot planned for the stream tomorrow...especially with regard to stats which is really big for me. It was huge that they brought in historical stats last year and I think it will be greatly expanded this year with additional sabermetrics stats, maybe MiLB stats, etc.

One question: I didn't hear/notice Kirby talking about the radio show on the presentation stream - is that still in for this year?
Yeah they mentioned it's in I think thy said expanded or tweaked can't remember exactly but they said it's in
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Old 03-08-2017, 10:32 PM   #132
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Video - Franchise Mode

Just a random puncher's chance type of thought here...but seeing that many of us would welcome the addition of more owner mode type stuff to do....and seeing that there is no evidence at all of this in any of the franchise mode info released so far....what if there actually is a new "owner mode" and the videos are showing them puttering around in a "non-owner mode" akin to a regular franchise or season type of mode? In other words, what if all the hypothetical owner mode stuff is totally optional, cordoned off to a very specific mode, and they just haven't opened that menu yet?

Wishful thinking I'm sure. I'd set the odds of this at about 10%, but it dawned on me that just because we haven't seen any evidence yet doesn't mean it's for sure not going to be in there.
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Old 03-08-2017, 11:31 PM   #133
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Video - Franchise Mode

This video has left me extremely disappointed. I'll be watching for the live stream to take a more in-depth look but I am not holding my breath based on the video. I could be playing 16 until there is a sale.
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Old 03-09-2017, 01:30 AM   #134
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Video - Franchise Mode

I for one LOVE all of the additions they've made this year as a long-timer. I've always been more of an Arcade-Franchise person. I just want to play baseball. I don't buy the game to be "Accountant Simulator". Games like OOTP, lol... yeah, no.

I want control of rosters, I want control of trade offers/FA, and contracts. Even the minors I have minor interest in. I just want to control most aspects of the majors and play games. But there are many games that I used to sim in a year to move around quicker, and have wanted something like 'Quick Manage' since MVP Baseball. I don't care about how many hats we sold at the merch stand. I care about the game of baseball.

I get that they are streamlining Franchise, but alot of this doomsday attitude about how disappointed they are... I love the changes. I ain't looking forward to some massive in-depth thing of running the Front Office, because guess what -- I -- along with most -- are never gonna use it.

I think A-LOT of people are going to be digging Quick Manage come May.
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Old 03-09-2017, 06:11 AM   #135
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Video - Franchise Mode

Originally Posted by Jon Arbuckle
I skip most of the game's cutaways, especially when I'm playing poorly lol, and there are several reasons: 1 they're usually superfluous (ie, not gameplay-related), 2 they're generally not very artfully done and 3 it's time that I can't be analyzing what I should be doing for the next pitch.

Taking each point one by one:

1 Following each hit ball to it's destination gives you time to think about why it went there or just to appreciate it. There are definitely times where I'll choose to skip these moments but I'd like to have the option to let them play out.
2 It is possible to direct superfluous cutaways well enough to hold my interest. PYS does this quite well for example. Unfortunately, The Show's cutaways just aren't very visually interesting.
3 There's no reason you couldn't be allowed to analyze data during a catcher to pitcher throw animation plus perhaps an animation of the pitcher moving on the mound. Implementing this change actually wouldn't slow things down at all for some of us since we just end up endlessly stepping out anyway in order to buy time to get ready for the next pitch. I would personally love to be able slow things down even more and have an option where the pitch couldn't be thrown unless you prompted it. Kind of the equivalent of a batter shifting around in the box and then holding his arm until he's ready.
That's why this topic is franchise mode related, even though it focuses on presentation. The games in franchise/season modes have more at stake and invested into them for those who are playing it. Management decisions, pitching and batting strategies naturally benefit from the small moments of breaks in gameplay, plus Yes it also lets you soak in the ambiance a lot more too as a result. That is why this is being spoken of more along the lines as a necessity and not as a cute feature requiring capturing 10,000 new cutscenes. The cutscenes are distracting and 95% of the time doesn't satisfy anything I'm doing, but presentation is not about cutscenes.

As I've repeated before, contemporary titles make this easy for their product, and baseball is be the most naturally slow moving game, with constant breaks in play of them all. When I'm playing FIFA and the ball rolls out of play, I get enough time to reset my points of attack and try again, when I foul off a ball in a clutch at bat in extra innings, or pitch out of a bases loaded no outs jam avoiding disaster temporarily, I'm warped right into the next pitch in (hardly even) 5-10 seconds. My only recourse is to pause and get my thoughts together, which looks ugly, there should be a more natural transition for ALL moments in these games (not certain ones that trigger some cutscene).

The frustrating part is that it seems to be something easy enough to implement, particularly when you consider that they already used to do this then abruptly ended it.
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Old 03-09-2017, 08:03 AM   #136
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Video - Franchise Mode

Originally Posted by @legendm0de
That's why this topic is franchise mode related, even though it focuses on presentation. The games in franchise/season modes have more at stake and invested into them for those who are playing it. Management decisions, pitching and batting strategies naturally benefit from the small moments of breaks in gameplay, plus Yes it also lets you soak in the ambiance a lot more too as a result. That is why this is being spoken of more along the lines as a necessity and not as a cute feature requiring capturing 10,000 new cutscenes. The cutscenes are distracting and 95% of the time doesn't satisfy anything I'm doing, but presentation is not about cutscenes.

As I've repeated before, contemporary titles make this easy for their product, and baseball is be the most naturally slow moving game, with constant breaks in play of them all. When I'm playing FIFA and the ball rolls out of play, I get enough time to reset my points of attack and try again, when I foul off a ball in a clutch at bat in extra innings, or pitch out of a bases loaded no outs jam avoiding disaster temporarily, I'm warped right into the next pitch in (hardly even) 5-10 seconds. My only recourse is to pause and get my thoughts together, which looks ugly, there should be a more natural transition for ALL moments in these games (not certain ones that trigger some cutscene).

The frustrating part is that it seems to be something easy enough to implement, particularly when you consider that they already used to do this then abruptly ended it.
I agree. I do not like the fact that they chose to implement features to speed up your playing experiences over the past few years. I know their telemetry data tells them that's what people want and how they play, but it may have been just as easy to give us a choice. Hit the X button to skip if you want, or just let it play out.

On the other hand, they have no problem cutting to the manager 20 times a game. I can't imagine people are clamoring for that, but there it is.

They have taken the choice out of our hands which is disappointing, but I know there is no going back...

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