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Press Row Podcast - MLB The Show 17 Has Reported

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Old 01-27-2017, 09:05 AM   #1
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Press Row Podcast - MLB The Show 17 Has Reported

With spring training right around the corner baseball is about to be back on the minds of many. It’s also the time of year when the changes that the upcoming MLB The Show game will be sold on start to be revealed. The first wave of information just hit with hints at some big new features and improvements for MLB The Show 17. News on everything from gameplay, presentation, and graphics to the big three modes are discussed in this episode of the Press Row Podcast.

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Old 01-27-2017, 06:13 PM   #2
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Re: Press Row Podcast - MLB The Show 17 Has Reported

I listened to the franchise part. As a manage mode user I realize I play it differently than most people but many things still apply.

It is always interesting to hear ideas from people and what they place value on and the speculation about what exactly things like "human AI" actually mean. Speaking only for myself I would not be in favor of big swings in attributes every time something good or bad happens on the field. I suspect that would lead to a dysfunctional mess in terms of statistical accuracy which is at the core of baseball. Baseball IRL is boring to some people but I prefer more reality and less arcade.

Good podcast, I enjoyed it even if I didn't completely agree with every idea put forth.
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Old 01-27-2017, 07:31 PM   #3
bxphenom7's Arena
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Originally Posted by tessl
I listened to the franchise part. As a manage mode user I realize I play it differently than most people but many things still apply.

It is always interesting to hear ideas from people and what they place value on and the speculation about what exactly things like "human AI" actually mean. Speaking only for myself I would not be in favor of big swings in attributes every time something good or bad happens on the field. I suspect that would lead to a dysfunctional mess in terms of statistical accuracy which is at the core of baseball. Baseball IRL is boring to some people but I prefer more reality and less arcade.

Good podcast, I enjoyed it even if I didn't completely agree with every idea put forth.
I second this
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Old 01-30-2017, 12:23 AM   #4
@legendm0de's Arena
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Re: Press Row Podcast - MLB The Show 17 Has Reported

I'd hope with newfound energy going toward individual player emotions and things like that, that they do well capturing it within their ingame presentation. For a long time in game presentation has been overlooked presumably because they expect people to just skip all that but I don't get the point of touting enhanced stadium lighting and graphics, player emotions and not allowing us to be able to soak all that in by mastering the in game presentation.

Special matchups during the regular season. For example, an early May, Friday night game with Nationals at Philadelphia both with competitive records and a competitive pitching matchup to boot should be a way more memorable experience than some IL game vs Toronto but as of right now, you can't tell the difference at all between the two..

edit,, Nevertheless, I've always advocated for especially over the course of a season (ie: allstar week mood vs 9th inning last chance mood etc etc). I hope the work they put together will become a memorable addition to the franchise. I'd love it to be perfect on their first try, but I hope they made alot of progress in this on the first try (at least). As for in-game presentation I don't know what to expect so much, it doesn't appear to be a huge priority so I just won't get my hopes too high and wait for more information on that aspect of things.
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Old 01-30-2017, 12:39 PM   #5
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Re: Press Row Podcast - MLB The Show 17 Has Reported

Originally Posted by @legendm0de
I'd hope with newfound energy going toward individual player emotions and things like that, that they do well capturing it within their ingame presentation. For a long time in game presentation has been overlooked presumably because they expect people to just skip all that but I don't get the point of touting enhanced stadium lighting and graphics, player emotions and not allowing us to be able to soak all that in by mastering the in game presentation.

Special matchups during the regular season. For example, an early May, Friday night game with Nationals at Philadelphia both with competitive records and a competitive pitching matchup to boot should be a way more memorable experience than some IL game vs Toronto but as of right now, you can't tell the difference at all between the two..

edit,, Nevertheless, I've always advocated for especially over the course of a season (ie: allstar week mood vs 9th inning last chance mood etc etc). I hope the work they put together will become a memorable addition to the franchise. I'd love it to be perfect on their first try, but I hope they made alot of progress in this on the first try (at least). As for in-game presentation I don't know what to expect so much, it doesn't appear to be a huge priority so I just won't get my hopes too high and wait for more information on that aspect of things.
I could understand a visual of a player being upset at having stuck out or a pitcher being excited about striking out etc but some of that is already in the game. For example when an outfielder leaps at the will but the ball goes over for a home run the fielder shows frustration. But these are professional athletes. They tend not to be drama queens. If the developers overdo something like this it would more closely resemble little league than professional baseball. What I'm saying is if they implement it, do it in moderation and restrict it to visuals while leaving attributes alone.
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Old 01-30-2017, 01:06 PM   #6
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Re: Press Row Podcast - MLB The Show 17 Has Reported

Thank god Millennium is on there. That Sports Gamer sounds like he rarely plays the show.
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Old 01-30-2017, 01:22 PM   #7
@legendm0de's Arena
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Re: Press Row Podcast - MLB The Show 17 Has Reported

Originally Posted by tessl
I could understand a visual of a player being upset at having stuck out or a pitcher being excited about striking out etc but some of that is already in the game. For example when an outfielder leaps at the will but the ball goes over for a home run the fielder shows frustration. But these are professional athletes. They tend not to be drama queens. If the developers overdo something like this it would more closely resemble little league than professional baseball. What I'm saying is if they implement it, do it in moderation and restrict it to visuals while leaving attributes alone.
well the thread i linked gives much more attention to my suggestions regarding player's reactions or demeanor, and it's definitely not about reacting to any kind of individual play. My take was mostly a franchise mode feature, but remnants of it could apply universally to any game mode.

I just brought up the topic of player expressions because it looks like a theme coming into play for this version, based on the audio. And the main gripe i was addressing here was a beefing up of the general in-game presentation. Id like to see them master the overall in-game presentation at least toward the level of contemporary sports titles. Doing so would begin to improve the ambiance they are trying to bring us.
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Old 01-30-2017, 02:20 PM   #8
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Re: Press Row Podcast - MLB The Show 17 Has Reported

Originally Posted by tessl
I listened to the franchise part. As a manage mode user I realize I play it differently than most people but many things still apply.

It is always interesting to hear ideas from people and what they place value on and the speculation about what exactly things like "human AI" actually mean. Speaking only for myself I would not be in favor of big swings in attributes every time something good or bad happens on the field. I suspect that would lead to a dysfunctional mess in terms of statistical accuracy which is at the core of baseball. Baseball IRL is boring to some people but I prefer more reality and less arcade.

Good podcast, I enjoyed it even if I didn't completely agree with every idea put forth.
I really wish I could opt out on the whole player morale thingy. It still irks me to no end the Show's version of Chris Sale is upset with his contract, AND he's even making more than the IRL Sale. He's just one example. I dont care much for players not being happy they're not playing closer to home or they want to play with more "compatriots' and for better coaches.
I dont mind those things being in the game. Just so long as I can turn them off or if even there were a slider for them.
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